Am I the only one...


Feb 11, 2002
New York
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that found it strange that Wastefall was not announced this year? I mean they were on the bill last year and due to unforeseen circumstances had to cancel. I basically assumed it would be a no brainer that they would be back this year. I wonder what happened. Anyone else share the same thoughts?
I figured that there probably has not been enough time to get the issue resolved yet. They only found out about the problem last July, and Glenn had almost all the bands confirmed by the end of Dec., so that's only 4-5 months to resolve it. That's my guess... I am hoping they will be able to come for IX because I became a fan after getting into them for VII.
Well the issue was about not being able to get a visa (not because of the US but because of Greece). If that still wasn't resolved, then there's nothing that can be done.
I don't know if this is the reason Wastefall didn't make the lineup this year, but, based on my conversation with a seasoned US promoter...

I do know that it is getting incredibly hard for foreign bands to get work visas due to changes in US policy. Homeland Security now issues them, and they investigate people back through high school! The price has gone up several times the previous amount as well.

People from different countries probably have harder/easier times than other countries.
Not really entirely sure of the problem, but i heard from a friend of mine in Greece, that their visa problem MAY, and i stress MAY, as i don't really know, their visa problem may have been linked to a military service requirement in Greece, but my friend said that it is just speculation.
I don't know if this is the reason Wastefall didn't make the lineup this year, but, based on my conversation with a seasoned US promoter...

I do know that it is getting incredibly hard for foreign bands to get work visas due to changes in US policy. Homeland Security now issues them, and they investigate people back through high school! The price has gone up several times the previous amount as well.

People from different countries probably have harder/easier times than other countries.

Too true! Next time you catch Tore Moren on the porch ask him to tell you of his "adventure" in customs in Minneapolis. :zombie::lol::lol: He didn't have a visa and they found his MySpace. BAD combination. :u-huh:

As for Wastefall's visa problems, Alex talked about it briefly in this interview, and while he doesn't go into detail, he seems to say the problem was on the U.S. side. Though in their official statement on their website, it seems it was the Greek authorities with the problem. Who knows?
I hope the situation is resolved any time in the future. I also became a fan by chance when I found a copy of Soulrain 21 at a Charleston, SC record store for only $7.00. I picked it up and was very entertained. Then I found Self Exile and liked it even better. Superb band.
Count me in with the hopefuls - they were a huge part of the reason why I decided to go to PP7, and I hope to get a chance to see them one day.
As I understood it, it was military service that killed off Wastefall. It was totally on the Greek end of last year's debacle. I would also doubt that Wastefall will be back in the near future as their Greek label burned Laser's Edge by not paying them their commissions (It was on the Laser's Edge board.) As for Firewind, I believe some of those guys may have permanent US residency, as Firewind was originally started in Boston, so it would be easier for them.

Ray C.
I do know that it is getting incredibly hard for foreign bands to get work visas due to changes in US policy. Homeland Security now issues them, and they investigate people back through high school!

It just shows how pathetic the dept. of homeland security can be sometimes...