Who feels like Kalmah's albums have been gradually getting better up until FTR, and then 12 gauge being better than FTR but not as great as the others? My favorite album from them is The Black Waltz. Anyone else share these feelings?
I'm inclined to disagree.
Personally love all of them.
I love how varied Kalmah albums are. I love to see how their music has been developing since their first album and I dare not say that any of them was "disappointing". The two first albums sort of melt together and I've always viewed them as one but you need to remember that they were produced one after another. I think we forget that music is art and each artist develops their style in their own various ways. Too bad if you don't like it - it's their right. I have my fav songs throughout all albums. The unique Kalmah riffs are there on every one. The Swamplord remain the masters of composition in my eyes - I love how the solos always perfectly fit the song themes.
I personally dislike the prog experimentation that Alteredmindeath speaks of. We've all heard how Kalmah has been changing and these changes weren't (at least in my eyes) that huge from record to record (the change in vocals in TBW was big but let's face it - they're more "usual" growls). That is sth I really like them for. I mean - the albums still vary considerably but you know it's Kalmah and it always feels Kalmah and gives you the same chills whichever you pick our of the magnificent 6.
I've had a few bands that I loved and they let themselves experiment (Anathema, Moonspell etc.) and I've never went to their forums to say "what happened to you guys?!". I just didn't listen to what I didn't like.
Give artists space <period>
Besides - aren't Kalmah arrangements epic already?If they can get any more epic I'm looking forward to that!
I'm inclined to disagree.
Personally love all of them.
I love how varied Kalmah albums are. I love to see how their music has been developing since their first album and I dare not say that any of them was "disappointing". The two first albums sort of melt together and I've always viewed them as one but you need to remember that they were produced one after another. I think we forget that music is art and each artist develops their style in their own various ways. Too bad if you don't like it - it's their right. I have my fav songs throughout all albums. The unique Kalmah riffs are there on every one. The Swamplord remain the masters of composition in my eyes - I love how the solos always perfectly fit the song themes.
I personally dislike the prog experimentation that Alteredmindeath speaks of. We've all heard how Kalmah has been changing and these changes weren't (at least in my eyes) that huge from record to record (the change in vocals in TBW was big but let's face it - they're more "usual" growls). That is sth I really like them for. I mean - the albums still vary considerably but you know it's Kalmah and it always feels Kalmah and gives you the same chills whichever you pick our of the magnificent 6.
I've had a few bands that I loved and they let themselves experiment (Anathema, Moonspell etc.) and I've never went to their forums to say "what happened to you guys?!". I just didn't listen to what I didn't like.
Give artists space <period>
Besides - aren't Kalmah arrangements epic already?If they can get any more epic I'm looking forward to that!
It feels as if you've been in my head while writing this (not meant as an insult or smth)... Probably, I would have used a few different words and the experimenting band examples would have been other (Paradise Lost for me, for instance) but still - I agree with you completely!
Who feels like Kalmah's albums have been gradually getting better up until FTR, and then 12 gauge being better than FTR but not as great as the others? My favorite album from them is The Black Waltz. Anyone else share these feelings?
The Black Waltz is my least favorite. They will Return is my number one and then the new album. It doesn't disappoint in a single aspect, I can't say how proud I am to call Kalmah my favorite band. Now they just need to come to the US.
Who feels like Kalmah's albums have been gradually getting better up until FTR, and then 12 gauge being better than FTR but not as great as the others? My favorite album from them is The Black Waltz. Anyone else share these feelings?