Am I the only one


Swamplords For Life!
Nov 5, 2006
Who feels like Kalmah's albums have been gradually getting better up until FTR, and then 12 gauge being better than FTR but not as great as the others? My favorite album from them is The Black Waltz. Anyone else share these feelings?
Kalmah are doing great with coming out with records, but they sometimes make some of their songs sound too alike or similar. I feel they should go for epic arrangements like metallica does. They need less basic arrangements and more riff change ups maybe alittle prog experimentation like Therion did on their last brilliant album.
I'm inclined to disagree.
Personally love all of them.
I love how varied Kalmah albums are. I love to see how their music has been developing since their first album and I dare not say that any of them was "disappointing". The two first albums sort of melt together and I've always viewed them as one but you need to remember that they were produced one after another. I think we forget that music is art and each artist develops their style in their own various ways. Too bad if you don't like it - it's their right. I have my fav songs throughout all albums. The unique Kalmah riffs are there on every one. The Swamplord remain the masters of composition in my eyes - I love how the solos always perfectly fit the song themes.
I personally dislike the prog experimentation that Alteredmindeath speaks of. We've all heard how Kalmah has been changing and these changes weren't (at least in my eyes) that huge from record to record (the change in vocals in TBW was big but let's face it - they're more "usual" growls). That is sth I really like them for. I mean - the albums still vary considerably but you know it's Kalmah and it always feels Kalmah and gives you the same chills whichever you pick our of the magnificent 6.
I've had a few bands that I loved and they let themselves experiment (Anathema, Moonspell etc.) and I've never went to their forums to say "what happened to you guys?!". I just didn't listen to what I didn't like.

Give artists space <period>

Besides - aren't Kalmah arrangements epic already? :p If they can get any more epic I'm looking forward to that!
What are you disagreeing with? I love all Kalmah albums, I just feel like the last two were weaker than their previous. And The Black Waltz their strongest.
Hmm, I think I like they will return, then swamsong, then swamplord, the black waltz is tied with 12 gauge and then FTR rests in last place. All Amazing records though.

I do absolutely LOVE the pig unit
the first three albums are BY FAR the best the band has done. TBW is good but not near anything preceding it. FTR was a total flop in my book and the new album is actually quite good. I hate the production and mixing on FTR. They sound better on the new album. But the best was swampsong and swamplord and they will return. and the style of those albums best demonstrates kalmah's true talent. where are the songs like bird of ill omen, cloned insanity, kill the idealist, etc on the new albums? musically the new albums are most simplistic, which i dont really like. but again, the new album is good....and the vocals sound stronger than ever,.
For me, there are 3 categories of Kalmah albums.
The first 3 (Swamplord, Swampsong, They Will Return):
These are my all-time favorites in metal no less. They have a cold, dark feel...swamp feel. Amazing riffs and solos.

The Black Waltz:
I had trouble with this one at first since i was expecting something like the first 3 (infernal death and bitter metallic slide sample had gotten me hyped about this). I could recognize the Kalmah feel easily but it was heavier, especially with the new vocals. Keyboard played a big role in the melodies. When i managed to get used to this new direction, when these huge vocals clicked, The Black Waltz was very powerful.

For the Revolution
I like For the Revolution. A mix between the new heavier sound and the old style melodies. You can still easily recognize Kalmah but there are new influences in some parts. Two types of vocals, i love this.

And 12 gauge...i love it so far...can't explain it yet. So many good songs (all).
couldn't agree more with you, hidious. I feel the exact same way. I would just add that Swamplord, Swampsong, They Will Return have a tribal, mystical, muddy feeling and that's what makes them my all-time favorites too !
I'm inclined to disagree.
Personally love all of them.
I love how varied Kalmah albums are. I love to see how their music has been developing since their first album and I dare not say that any of them was "disappointing". The two first albums sort of melt together and I've always viewed them as one but you need to remember that they were produced one after another. I think we forget that music is art and each artist develops their style in their own various ways. Too bad if you don't like it - it's their right. I have my fav songs throughout all albums. The unique Kalmah riffs are there on every one. The Swamplord remain the masters of composition in my eyes - I love how the solos always perfectly fit the song themes.
I personally dislike the prog experimentation that Alteredmindeath speaks of. We've all heard how Kalmah has been changing and these changes weren't (at least in my eyes) that huge from record to record (the change in vocals in TBW was big but let's face it - they're more "usual" growls). That is sth I really like them for. I mean - the albums still vary considerably but you know it's Kalmah and it always feels Kalmah and gives you the same chills whichever you pick our of the magnificent 6.
I've had a few bands that I loved and they let themselves experiment (Anathema, Moonspell etc.) and I've never went to their forums to say "what happened to you guys?!". I just didn't listen to what I didn't like.

Give artists space <period>

Besides - aren't Kalmah arrangements epic already? :p If they can get any more epic I'm looking forward to that!

:yow: :grin: It feels as if you've been in my head while writing this (not meant as an insult or smth)... Probably, I would have used a few different words and the experimenting band examples would have been other (Paradise Lost for me, for instance) but still - I agree with you completely!
I'm inclined to disagree.
Personally love all of them.
I love how varied Kalmah albums are. I love to see how their music has been developing since their first album and I dare not say that any of them was "disappointing". The two first albums sort of melt together and I've always viewed them as one but you need to remember that they were produced one after another. I think we forget that music is art and each artist develops their style in their own various ways. Too bad if you don't like it - it's their right. I have my fav songs throughout all albums. The unique Kalmah riffs are there on every one. The Swamplord remain the masters of composition in my eyes - I love how the solos always perfectly fit the song themes.
I personally dislike the prog experimentation that Alteredmindeath speaks of. We've all heard how Kalmah has been changing and these changes weren't (at least in my eyes) that huge from record to record (the change in vocals in TBW was big but let's face it - they're more "usual" growls). That is sth I really like them for. I mean - the albums still vary considerably but you know it's Kalmah and it always feels Kalmah and gives you the same chills whichever you pick our of the magnificent 6.
I've had a few bands that I loved and they let themselves experiment (Anathema, Moonspell etc.) and I've never went to their forums to say "what happened to you guys?!". I just didn't listen to what I didn't like.

Give artists space <period>

Besides - aren't Kalmah arrangements epic already? :p If they can get any more epic I'm looking forward to that!

I speak of raising the bar, for it can be. The arrangements can get more epic, raising the boundries, pushing the musicianship. Kalmah has taken some of my advice before, and look where they are now ...#15 on the charts! congratulations to Kalmah's successful victory with 12 gauge.
:yow: :grin: It feels as if you've been in my head while writing this (not meant as an insult or smth)... Probably, I would have used a few different words and the experimenting band examples would have been other (Paradise Lost for me, for instance) but still - I agree with you completely!

good to know I'm not alone on that side. ;)

Altermindeath - now I think that we simply differ in our attitudes towards metal music in general. Not a bad thing at all. I see where you're going. If they use some more of your advice I think that their cool Finnish minds won't let the experimentation go overboard (if they actually decide on trying that). I'll be their Swamplady no matter where they'll wander musically :p

Definitely congratulations to the Swamplords! They well deserve that success. :rock:
Who feels like Kalmah's albums have been gradually getting better up until FTR, and then 12 gauge being better than FTR but not as great as the others? My favorite album from them is The Black Waltz. Anyone else share these feelings?

The Black Waltz is my least favorite. They will Return is my number one and then the new album. It doesn't disappoint in a single aspect, I can't say how proud I am to call Kalmah my favorite band. Now they just need to come to the US.
The Black Waltz is my least favorite. They will Return is my number one and then the new album. It doesn't disappoint in a single aspect, I can't say how proud I am to call Kalmah my favorite band. Now they just need to come to the US.

i completely agree but i fucking love the black waltz and swampsong is my all time fav album
i think swamplord is still their best album. every song on there is better than good.

black waltz is my least favorite by far, with its' very disjointed songwriting , and playing together as a band at that point seems like it was a mess.
Don't really feel each album is better than the last one, but do feel they've gotten better musically and technically though as their discography goes on.
Also it is important that bands try out new stuff... if they keep the same style for 10 albums its going to get boring.
All bands are developing into new directions with each album and chances are high they will piss off fans that they got with the old stuff, but still they will get new fans if they dont screw up too bad.
Still i wish kalmah would go back to half-step-dropped tuning, the low tuning in 12g is evil i give you that, but alot of metal bands sound evil, kalmahs strengths lie within the swamplike melodics and half-step-dropped tuning is much better for that imo.