Amazing, heavy current thrash bands?

dan weapon

Planet Smasher
Nov 14, 2005
Naturally I love the 80's stuff (forbidden/testament etc etc etc etc) but I'm also a big fan of the likes of early Haunted and the last few Carnal Forge albums. Basically; very fast, muscular, technical thrash.

Anyone got any good recommendations for bands of a similar nature?

For those who haven't heard Carnal Forge, you should check out 'Please...Die!', 'Aren't You Dead Yet?' and 'Testify For My Victims'. They have RIFFS.
I humbly recommend my own band, we seem to be kind of what you're describing. See signature below.
i definitely suggest you check out the Wisconson band LaZarus A.D.

i mixed their debut album a little while back and the album will be out in March or so of '09 on Metal Blade Records. in the meantime, check out an advance track on their myspace page.
+1 on the terror 2000 and hatesphere. I always tend to listen to a bit of Darkane when I'm in the mood for some fast thrashy type stuff as well.
Thanks dudes.

I own the last two Absence CDs as well as the Darkanestuff and one of the Terror 2000 albums (although I haven't listened to it because it won't burn to my iTunes - bought it a few years ago but it wasn't burnable which is annoying as I paid for it so I could burn it to my computer)

I suppose Arsis would be close to this genre as well, got their last few albums and Ep as well.

Heard a few Hatesphere songs a while back - will go and check them out again along with the other recommendations.
Confirmed thrashers:
Chainsaw - Smell The Saw (some cheesy lyrics though)
Rumpelstilskin Grinder - Buried in the Front Yard (borderline death metal)
Ghoul - Splatterthrash (an instant classic!)
Blood Freak - Multiplex Massacre (somewhat sloppy if I recall though)
Violator - Chemical Assault (might as well have come out in '89)
Defleshed - Fast Forward (well, it's definitely fast; maybe not as technical as you'd like)

That dude that did Respawn, Inc. on here (not sure if he's still around) has some cool freebies on his site (or at least did).

the following "new thrash bands" are on my wish list, but I havent' gotten around to em yet; maybe it will help you in your quest:
Divine Sin
Divine : Decay
Dr. Livingdead
Execution (L.A.)
fatal embrace
Final Breath
Flesh Made Sin
Fog Of War
fueld by fire
hellish crossfire
Mad Dragzter
suicidal angels
Wastelander (Michigan)
Witchtrap (Columbia)