thinks I am a Jewish punk

well, actually, because i really like to read about A-rabs getting FUCKED UP!

worked! heh, I started Gravity's Rainbow once, and I am about halfway through Mason & Dixon, but for some reason I've never been able to finish a Pynchon book. I think it's because I do all my reading in transit now, so I read in ten-minute chunks. it's hard to slip right back into Pynchon's flow...
We read the Crying of Lot 49 in a modernity class in college and I really liked it- read Vineland, but fell short of finishing it. I think because I had to move or something and packed the book away or something stupid like that.

I really want to read Vineland--I saw it referenced when I was reading about Stephenson's Snow Crash, which was really good.

If you like Pynchon then you might like Walker Percy. He's more "novelistic" and less dense, but still rad...let me try to think of some more.