America has Fox. We have the Daily Mail. - Emos go to the black parade

False Joe

Who cares.
Oct 12, 2007
Sheep fucking land somewhere.
When they die.


Hannah was a happy 13-year-old until she became an 'emo' - part of a sinister teenage craze that romanticises death. Three months later she hanged herself. Here, her devastated mother tells other parents: No child is safe

On the night before she died, she came into their room, kissed her father Raymond on the cheek and cheerfully told him: "I love you, Dad."

The following day Hannah's mother Heather went to check on her daughter and found her hanging by a tie from the top rail of her bunk bed

A trans-Atlantic import, its followers dress in black, favouring tight jeans, T-shirts, studded belts and sneakers or skater shoes.

Hair is all-important: often dyed black and straightened, it is worn in a long fringe brushed to one side of the face.

Music also plays a critical role.

Emos like guitar-based rock with emotional lyrics.

American bands such as My Chemical Romance, Good Charlotte and Blink 182 are particular favourites.

Only after her death would they discover how she had secretly chatted online to emo followers all over the world, talking about death and of the "black parade" — a place where emos believe they go after they die.

A check of Hannah's home page on social networking site Bebo revealed her pseudonym, Living Disaster, and that she'd decorated it with a picture of an emo girl with bloody wrists.

Another picture showed a child's exercise book scrawled with the words: "Dear Diary, today I give up."

My Chemical Romance made it to No.1 in the UK chart with Welcome To The Black Parade in October 2006 - the 'black parade' is a place where all emos believe they will go when they die
Well, that explains your comment in the Whining And Bitching Thread.
It's also fuckin' hilarious.
Clearly some very bad reporting... The girl was probably being SARCASTIC when she wrote in her suicide not that she did it to be popular. I mean, think about it for one second, it's a dark teenage girl, sarcasm central. She was probably suicidal for years and her parents didn't notice because they're completely clueless and refuse to look at it objectively. They're blinded "Oh we give our child EVERYTHING, how could she possibly have been depressed!?" I'm no emo, but as a former depressed teenage Nirvana fan, I understand how these things go. But guess what parents and retards out there.... You don't typically get forced into the kind of music you listen to. Not even at age 13. Teenie boppers, rockers, emos, punks, stoners, all of these groups exist at that level. The music isn't what makes kids depressed or suicidal. They relate to and choose to listen to depressed or suicidal music because that's how they already feel. She's calling herself "Living Disaster" and hanging out with emos? Yeah she sounds like an innocent little flower, there's no way in hell she actually was depressed or anything, she definetly killed herself just to be popular. ... I mean, how stupid can you be?

If emo really was a death cult then sorry guys but that'd be kvlt as fuck. I wish there was a genre of metal that made everybody kill themselves.
Clearly some very bad reporting... The girl was probably being SARCASTIC when she wrote in her suicide not that she did it to be popular. I mean, think about it for one second, it's a dark teenage girl, sarcasm central. She was probably suicidal for years and her parents didn't notice because they're completely clueless and refuse to look at it objectively. They're blinded "Oh we give our child EVERYTHING, how could she possibly have been depressed!?" I'm no emo, but as a former depressed teenage Nirvana fan, I understand how these things go. But guess what parents and retards out there.... You don't typically get forced into the kind of music you listen to. Not even at age 13. Teenie boppers, rockers, emos, punks, stoners, all of these groups exist at that level. The music isn't what makes kids depressed or suicidal. They relate to and choose to listen to depressed or suicidal music because that's how they already feel. She's calling herself "Living Disaster" and hanging out with emos? Yeah she sounds like an innocent little flower, there's no way in hell she actually was depressed or anything, she definetly killed herself just to be popular. ... I mean, how stupid can you be?

If emo really was a death cult then sorry guys but that'd be kvlt as fuck. I wish there was a genre of metal that made everybody kill themselves.

Can you stop being stupid?
Lots of teenagers go through weird shit without offing themselves. And obviously cults are kvlt.
Worthless humans.

The reason why I think a nation on a tropical island where only intelligent people were allowed to live would be awesome.

If emo really was a death cult then sorry guys but that'd be kvlt as fuck. I wish there was a genre of metal that made everybody kill themselves.

Its called power metal.

Clearly some very bad reporting... The girl was probably being SARCASTIC when she wrote in her suicide not that she did it to be popular. I mean, think about it for one second, it's a dark teenage girl, sarcasm central. She was probably suicidal for years and her parents didn't notice because they're completely clueless and refuse to look at it objectively. They're blinded "Oh we give our child EVERYTHING, how could she possibly have been depressed!?" I'm no emo, but as a former depressed teenage Nirvana fan, I understand how these things go. But guess what parents and retards out there.... You don't typically get forced into the kind of music you listen to. Not even at age 13. Teenie boppers, rockers, emos, punks, stoners, all of these groups exist at that level. The music isn't what makes kids depressed or suicidal. They relate to and choose to listen to depressed or suicidal music because that's how they already feel. She's calling herself "Living Disaster" and hanging out with emos? Yeah she sounds like an innocent little flower, there's no way in hell she actually was depressed or anything, she definetly killed herself just to be popular. ... I mean, how stupid can you be?

I don't completely agree with this. I do think music can make you depressed, as it can make you relaxed, happy, or energetic. Emo music basically glamorizes depression and suicide. Music can change the way you think. It can make you see the world as a shitty place. Most people get into Emo music because they're bored, they see it as different and interesting and the music gets into their heads. I bet only a small percentage of people who got into Emo were suicidal or depressed beforehand. Its not like anyone head bangs and uses the horns before they ever like Metal. A lot of these little labels that teens make are centered around music, Goth, Prep, Stoner, etc. While some may not agree with me, I think in a lot of cases the music you listen to reflects who you are.
The reason why I think a nation on a tropical island where only intelligent people were allowed to live would be awesome.

Its called power metal.

I don't completely agree with this. I do think music can make you depressed, as it can make you relaxed, happy, or energetic. Emo music basically glamorizes depression and suicide. Music can change the way you think. It can make you see the world as a shitty place. Most people get into Emo music because they're bored, they see it as different and interesting and the music gets into their heads. I bet only a small percentage of people who got into Emo were suicidal or depressed beforehand. Its not like anyone head bangs and uses the horns before they ever like Metal. A lot of these little labels that teens make are centered around music, Goth, Prep, Stoner, etc. While some may not agree with me, I think in a lot of cases the music you listen to reflects who you are.

Are you kidding, they get into emo because they're bored? Did you get into metal just because you didn't have anything to do -- the music doesn't matter to you, it just happened to be there? I'm with you on the last sentence though, the music does reflect who you are. That's one of the main factors in how people (especially teens) choose what music they listen to and associate themselves with. I'm only 20, I remember being a teen... and pretty much everybody was suicidal. And pretty much nobody I knew listened to any emo. So I really can't agree with your idea that most emos weren't suicidal before they started listening to emo. But even if it's true, do you honestly think the music made them suicidal, and that it has nothing to do with their own legitimate thoughts and feelings? I mean, if somebody kills police officers, did they do it because they love NWA or did they do it because they hate police officers? Even if they love NWA, isn't it more likely that they love NWA *because* they hate police officers, rather than it being the other way around? I don't think people carbon-copy their beliefs out of their favorite bands, I think they pick their favorite bands based on their beliefs, what they relate to.

peace & love
^ I was joking about that.

Are you kidding, they get into emo because they're bored? Did you get into metal just because you didn't have anything to do --
the music doesn't matter to you, it just happened to be there?

I'm only 20, I remember being a teen... and pretty much everybody was suicidal. And pretty much nobody I knew listened to any emo. So I really can't agree with your idea that most emos weren't suicidal before they started listening to emo. But even if it's true, do you honestly think the music made them suicidal, and that it has nothing to do with their own legitimate thoughts and feelings? I mean, if somebody kills police officers, did they do it because they love NWA or did they do it because they hate police officers? Even if they love NWA, isn't it more likely that they love NWA *because* they hate police officers, rather than it being the other way around? I don't think people carbon-copy their beliefs out of their favorite bands, I think they pick their favorite bands based on their beliefs, what they relate to.

1) Metal definitely matters to me, but one day I was bored, sitting on my computer, I recently contacted my old friends in New Jersey and one was a big metalhead, so I checked out some of the bands on his myspace and thats how I got into Metal. If I wasn't bored I wouldn't have checked the bands out.

2) I think its a little bit of both with Emos and police hate. There are plenty of white guys at my school who say "fuck the police, blah blah blah" when they probably never had problems with an officer, yet still hate them because of the negative image painted by the music. Same with Emos and being suicidal, some might be beforehand, but I think a good amount view life in a negative way because of the music.
i used to be an emo. till i realized it was shit and metal is better.

my sister is an emo. she keeps talking about how she is going to kill herself and frankly i dont care.

what really pisses me off about emos is that, they obviously dress and act this way to get attention. they must love being depressed. pretty much everyone likes to have a reason to groan, complain and shout at things right?

BUT i hate it when they complain at other people who take the piss out of them. i.e me. they wanted that in the first place, right? either that or they are total sheep following the crowd without knowing why.
1There are plenty of white guys at my school who say "fuck the police, blah blah blah" when they probably never had problems with an officer, yet still hate them because of the negative image painted by the music. Same with Emos and being suicidal, some might be beforehand, but I think a good amount view life in a negative way because of the music.

i want to be a police officer despite these negative images. but only because i want to help people and im shit scared of blood. whats wrong with that?
i used to be an emo. till i realized it was shit and metal is better.

my sister is an emo. she keeps talking about how she is going to kill herself and frankly i dont care.

what really pisses me off about emos is that, they obviously dress and act this way to get attention. they must love being depressed. pretty much everyone likes to have a reason to groan, complain and shout at things right?

BUT i hate it when they complain at other people who take the piss out of them. i.e me. they wanted that in the first place, right? either that or they are total sheep following the crowd without knowing why.

I agree with this 100%. I do think people like being negative, since humans like seeking self improvement (unless they're fucked up) I think some Emos want to be depressed because its glamorized by the music, and I do think part of it is attention, and maybe they're trying to confirm that people care about them.

Can anyone provide any information about this Emo afterlife? I searched google and wiki and found nothing.
i was right? woop woop!

its like people like being angry.

its get everything out of your system. like being depressed and having a good old mope/cry

i recon thats a good reason why humans have these emotions. that and to learn from your mistakes perhaps. but im not psychologist