America says "the streets shall flow with the blood of the unbelievers."

cthulufhtagn said:
(note for foreigners: you're looking at the man who really runs america)
What's funny is I'll bet most Americans don't know who he is either. Even if Bushy introduced him as "the architect" at his campaign winning celebration thingy last year.

I was driving through San Diego when that happened, listening to it on AM radio. As soon as Rove hit the stage I just laughed and said "we're so fucked" and turned off the radio.
lizard said:
that's true...and when the major news outlets would rather breathlessly report on Michael Jackson and the Runaway Bride, meh.
hahaha, the runaway bride! i thought that was the most hilarious thing ever. aids relief organizations are asking for just 6 billion from us and we won't spend it, but we're happy to spend literally 50 times that amount on iraq, and we have the news media in a frenzy about some woman that got cold feet.

i'm moving to canada
I think the news media presents a polarized version of America, when by and large, most folks are in the middle. Unfortunately, the middle doesn't have many issues that drive them to the polls in huge numbers. In addition, I think the Right is much better organized, whereas the Left is fragmented by a variety of issues. That being, I don't think America is going to become Jesusland. I think the remainder of Bush's term should be enough to push the Middle and the Left onto the same page, and return a good deal of power to the Democrats. If that doesn't happen, and the pendulum doesn't swing back, we're fucked. We're really, really fucked.

Hey, sorry to threadjack, but I was just wondering something....

If Hilary Clinton runs for President, do you think she's got a good chance of winning votes from all those who would want Bill Clinton back in office? I mean, I know he can't run again, but he would be the first man. Hey, if it worked for Nancy Reagan....

And hypothetically, if Bill Clinton could run again, would you vote for him?
Opeth17 said:
I need to quit coming to this forum. You guys and your news articles are depressing as fuck. :tickled:
Every time I put up a fluffy bunny article it sinks after like 3 posts! :dopey:

JayKeeley said:
Hey, sorry to threadjack, but I was just wondering something....

If Hilary Clinton runs for President, do you think she's got a good chance of winning votes from all those who would want Bill Clinton back in office? I mean, I know he can't run again, but he would be the first man. Hey, if it worked for Nancy Reagan....

And hypothetically, if Bill Clinton could run again, would you vote for him?
Hillary Clinton will be shot if she runs for president. There are so many people that flat out HATE her, that it would most certainly (and tragically) happen. I think any Bill Clinton supporters recognize that she was just as important in the decision making process as he was during their presidency. So yes.

I'd vote for Clinton if he ran again, and I was never a big fan of his until he left office. I didn't dislike him, I just didn't particularly like him. Then. Now I do. I'd let him cigar me any day of the week.
One Inch Man said:
I Tully might as well change their logo from the elephant to this dude:


:cool: :cool:
I suggest that everyone read the book Bush's Brain, a chronicle of Rove's evil, or see the documentary based on it. The fucker tapped his own office in order to shift votes away from a rival, and actually managed to get a political opponent imprisoned on false charges central to a smear campaign.
Hillary is the first female who has a real chance to be President. While she stirs up unruly hate in the right, she consistently gets good poll results...
she hasn't stepped on her own dick too much as a senator, much to the chagrin of the limbags of the world. I think if they could come up with a decent running mate, we could see another clinton in the white house. of course, there will be the usual slime campaign against her (omg the clintons killed 237 people while smuggling cocaine into arkansas type shit)....

here's an example of how the right wing starts a lie against the clintons, knowing its a lie, because they know a retraction never gets the pub that a sensational lie gets:

read....and learn.