
I like how the America thread turned into the Politics/News thread.
They are probably as likely to commit violent act as anyone else. But I don't know about you...I'll take my chances with a punch instead of a gun shot.

And also, what if your person carrying a concealed weapon gets his wallet stolen by a bum and decide to shoot him? There's always the possiblity that he misses and hit an innocent by-stander. Are the lives of anyone around someone carrying a concealed weapon worth less than proteting 2 maxed out credit cards and 20$ in a wallet?

ancient knowledge - in war there are casualities

never anything wrong with lowering the surface population

a life means nothing just ask any of the shakers and rollers

In your scenerio which rarely if ever happens the one grabbing the wallet is responsible, should these types of people not exist there would be no problem
"redneck, republican-voting racists idiots" sounds like your talking about white people ? Do you mean to imply that only white people are racists ? idiots? and that those that own guns strictly vote republican ? then I assume again thats only white people... where as the gun toting "other" ethnics vote democrate ? Have no racial prejudice ? have no "fear" ? are non aggressive ? model citizens ?

Perhaps you should have read my post correctly. I was accurately describing the majority of people in my area and surrounding areas besides St. Louis/East St. Louis. Learn to read before getting all on your high-horse.

Some people are just into guns, same as some are into music, others cars, bikes, people collect all kinds of stuff, there is no stereo type here.

Fine. Keep your hobbies inside a shooting range, where you can't kill people.

government would have only one motive to disarm the people and now with them pushing the limits in recent decades it would be their own fear that would propel them to try it.

Is that why Europe has outlawed them?

is never a time to disarm America but we are nearing a time where the initial purpose of the right to bare arms could become a reality

LOL. Propagandist, huh.

And for all you constitution faggots: if it was so perfect to begin with, why were the amendments needed? Times change. There is no reason for anyone to own more than a non automatic pistol which should be kept inside the home (excluding hunting rifles and whatnot).
Mathiäs;8919319 said:
And for all you constitution faggots: if it was so perfect to begin with, why were the amendments needed? Times change. There is no reason for anyone to own more than a non automatic pistol which should be kept inside the home (excluding hunting rifles and whatnot).

Explain to me why we need guns less now than in the late 1700s. Also, you didn't answer my earlier question. Arizona is an open carry state, but you don't see law abiding citizens randomly offing each other in Walmart over the last case of beer.

On the flip side, Phoenix has got a huge gang problem. Most are illegal immigrants, and laws against their guns aren't going to make them suddenly switch to knives. Laws telling them to stay in Mexico and to not use/sell drugs haven't worked have they?

Your contempt for the constitution is pretty ironic considering your family military history.
Mathiäs;8919319 said:
Perhaps you should have read my post correctly. I was accurately describing the majority of people in my area and surrounding areas besides St. Louis/East St. Louis. Learn to read before getting all on your high-horse.

What are you upset about here ? "High Horse" fuck you, I must have made a good point cause you didnt answer the questions regarding whos racist and just what the difference between certain gun toteing types and political party voting. I mean you brought it up I just wanted you to clarify it. Impossible I know.

Mathiäs;8919319 said:
Fine. Keep your hobbies inside a shooting range, where you can't kill people.

Whos killing people ? Cops ? military ? gangsters ? taliban ? "redneck" terrorists ? corporations ?

whip it out... its a free for all

Mathiäs;8919319 said:
Is that why Europe has outlawed them?

Europe is a bunch of pussies with centuries of repressing thier people, playing dominance games and got their ass kicked first in 1776 by a bunch of FUCKING REDNECKS ! :rock:

Mathiäs;8919319 said:
LOL. Propagandist, huh.
Its your story
Mathiäs;8919319 said:
And for all you constitution faggots: if it was so perfect to begin with, why were the amendments needed? Times change. There is no reason for anyone to own more than a non automatic pistol which should be kept inside the home (excluding hunting rifles and whatnot).

Reason to bare arms is more substancial today than the initial purpose that fueled the Revolutionary War... when the British faggots tried to disarm the "REDNECKS" because they wanted to own their asses, it failed, now today people would do well to use them against our own faggots... that would be both democrate and republican
They are probably as likely to commit violent act as anyone else. But I don't know about you...I'll take my chances with a punch instead of a gun shot.

And also, what if your person carrying a concealed weapon gets his wallet stolen by a bum and decide to shoot him? There's always the possiblity that he misses and hit an innocent by-stander. Are the lives of anyone around someone carrying a concealed weapon worth less than proteting 2 maxed out credit cards and 20$ in a wallet?

Hooray for hypothetical situations. Hey guess what, I can play that game too.

What if some gun-toting asshole starts shooting random people because he stole it and someone with a legally registered and licensed firearm shoots him in the fucking head saving a bunch of lives? Ooooooh, did I just blow your mind or what?

Anyways, this argument is stupid and I'm formally requesting both sides stfu and let us continue talking about AMERICA, FUCK YEAH!

I'm awesome at transitions. yessssssssssss
And also, what if your person carrying a concealed weapon gets his wallet stolen by a bum and decide to shoot him?

Then he would go to prison because you're allowed to respond only with equal or lesser force. You can't shoot someone because you got your wallet stolen.
Jesus Christ razoredge you're not making us look good

its a cruel and brutal world, no sense in sugar coating to appease those that only stab in the back with spears of presumption

remember if we were not what we are peeps would not be flocking here in hords

which would be a good thing
as I said "spears of presumption"

you'll never know what kind of "faggot" I am but I have little trouble seeing yours

One of my favourite films of all time. Minus Krig.
See the image below?


This image is hilarious. Not because the man has not only surely defeated the assailant with a knife, but drawn his pistol in the process and is easily capable of winning this engagement. A two fold win! The truth of the matter though is this scenario would almost never happen, because as it turns out (and all cops learn this fast) - a man with a knife can close thirty feet of distance before you could get a chance to use your firearm. If the knife wielding assailant is actually closer than that and you have your gun drawn there is also a chance that you may still end up being fatally wounded. This is one of the reasons police train with asps and other hand to hand mediums.

Anyone can pull a trigger, just like anyone can end someone else's life in the military with the push of a button. The fact of the matter is that all you are doing when getting down to it is using a more and more advanced tool to take a life. It just so happens that the more advanced the tool, the less someone is invested emotionally. This is the problem I have with guns on the culture at large. Guns separate the individual from the act, and in that make it easier to act in any way the wielder deems fit.

"Want to be in my posse? You have to pass the test; what's that you say? Go kill a cop. Go finish off this rival gang. Go do something that you would never be capable of doing with your bare hands or a melee weapon"

It's unfortunate that humanity is a species of escalation, especially in the face of conflict. Typically one would argue that is where empathy comes in, to dissuade us from self inflicted extinction (on a variety of levels). We could argue a lot in this day and age though.

Yes it's a cruel world. But I don't understand why this is so. To my experience, the taking of human life has become such a daily activity in the culture at large that we have become washed with indifference towards the subject. And this is because we made it all the easier to kill and maim each other en masse. Whether it was in defense of life or beliefs or even in the name of an agenda - it doesn't matter.

It is my hope that violence on a whole would drop if we could somehow force a being to actually feel what it is like to kill someone, to feel what it is like to die, to simply make it more personal than it currently is. No one has truly felt or faced death until they have stripped a man of his blood and life, felt their last breathe and heard their last exhale.

Of course that is a hope...
its a cruel and brutal world, no sense in sugar coating to appease those that only stab in the back with spears of presumption

remember if we were not what we are peeps would not be flocking here in hords

which would be a good thing

I'm an immigrant, and I think the USA could easily benefit from more people like me to be honest.

it is a cruel and brutal world, you're right. I just don't think resorting to "OH YEAH WE COULD NUKE YOU" in arguments is very classy.
I'm an immigrant, and I think the USA could easily benefit from more people like me to be honest.

it is a cruel and brutal world, you're right. I just don't think resorting to "OH YEAH WE COULD NUKE YOU" in arguments is very classy.

I dont see where anyone said we could nuke you

I could argue that saying the US could benefit by MORE people like anybody is not very classy or realistic. What the US and world needs is less people thats the end of that story. What the US needs is to stop presenting life as a lost cause to so many of its natural born. No immigrant can use us and US in same sentence without posing, no one with less than many many years of awareness can really even see cause and effect, only swallow whats fed, promote their own personal agenda all while running around with eyes blind to that they are unable to confront. Lifes simple while running around the child of secure people of means, easy to be idealistic, half blind and unaware, as I well know. But alas Disney Land is just fantasy.