American Election??

America is not Canada. America is not in Europe. If you're from somewhere around there it might be hard to grasp that your solutions will not work for us, but until that is accepted it'll be very hard to understand why things are fucked here.

Honestly, and I say this with respect: That's a cop-out. We're all democracies. Our foundations are similar & you wouldn't believe how close to virtual twins Canada & the US are.... I see it all the time, as I live on the border. Sure there are differences, but they're not huge. C'mon Jeff, have you ever even set foot in Canada?
What needs to be done is to use some Canadian & Euro examples & then apply them in an American fashion.

The main reason why it would be difficult here is....the people. They're afraid of what they don't understand and don't bother finding things out for themselves. I listen to ignorant view points every day from die hard good ol' boy conservatives.
Honestly, and I say this with respect: That's a cop-out. We're all democracies. Our foundations are similar & you wouldn't believe how close to virtual twins Canada & the US are.... I see it all the time, as I live on the border. Sure there are differences, but they're not huge. C'mon Jeff, have you ever even set foot in Canada?
What needs to be done is to use some Canadian & Euro examples & then apply them in an American fashion.


I'm going to be out of the country sooner or later, but I haven't made it out yet.

You know that there are differences, though - first, the country is full of fucking morons; second, our federal government has no idea how to run anything at all (we'll gladly take away people's freedoms, but if we want to make drunk driving illegal we have to threaten to take away highway funding); third, everything has been completely hijacked by the Republicratic party's two favorite colors and the only way to get anything done is to make it a fiercely partisan talking point (and then when some law is passed it'll get completely ignored); last, but not least, our country is a little bigger than yours so the bureaucracy, which is already a nightmare, would become unbearable - for fuck's sake, we have more uninsured people than you have *people*.

I personally don't want to see the government doing much of anything. Unfortunately, being 'fiscally conservative' is not really represented by either of the big political parties, so when people think 'conservative' they think 'idiot in a trailer park who beats his wife with his stuffed badger's corpse and yells about the negroes on talk radio' and nothing along those lines ever gets done because being an 'intellectual' requires being a 'gigantic pussy who wants to fund crack whores with eight kids and have National Hug Minorities day'. Honestly, America just needs to fall on its ass and either get back up stronger or dissolve completely.

All this talk about how America's problems are all the government's fault make me chuckle. How could these pricks pass laws if people did their fucking job as a citizen and called bullshit when there is bullshit to be called. For example the patriot act would have never gotten passed if 90% of America didn't have their tail tucked in between their legs crying about terrorism. Now i know someone is going to say "well it's congress decision not ours" well guess what? Those fuckers want to get re-elected. If people made a fuss of how much bullshit that act was then nobody in congress would have voted for it. So I'd have to agree with JBRoll, we are a country full of morons, and until that starts to change our federal government will never have any idea how to run itself anywhere but into the ground.
I agree to an extent, but with the political machines and the jokes like Diebold I don't really think people have too much influence on the government. Now, if we didn't have so many twits who think that violence will go away when we ban guns we'd actually be a feared population... oh well...
