American Football = Rugby with Padding, Helmets, and Time Outs for the Obese


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If we are trying to influence the government into a free-market capitalist mindset, thats one thing. I'm not sure I aggree completely, but the point is that we are simply giving the people of Iraq the tools to build up their own government through democratic elections. Our army's Green Berets have been training police forces and Iraqi soldiers to take the place of the American armed services once we back out, as well as teaching in young childrens schools to educated the next generation of Iraqi's. We are giving the Iraqi people the tools they need to create a free country with their own set of rules. Are we perhaps guiding them along the way to follow a western example? Perhaps, but, especially as a liberal, you have to realize that somtimes drastic change is neccasary in order to keep up with the world.
i'm all in favor of change, but when it comes at such a high price, not only in lives but in our tax dollars, we have to start wondering whether it could have been handled better. and i'm all in favor of iraqi self-determination, but to believe that it will progress in any way other than the way the US government prefers is to ignore history.

This doesn't change the fact that the extremists will just outright lie in order to instill a sense of Jihad into the younger extremist generation.
this, unfortunately, happens on both sides of the conflict (see WMDs, military recruitment, news media)
cthulufhtagn said:
and you're right, liberals don't do anything at all. public education, women's suffrage, civil rights, the GI bill, labor laws, environmental laws, food safety laws, peace corps, public universities, PBS/NPR, family and medical leave act, americans with disabilities this country would be so much better off without 'em. you're out of your element.

You're becoming my hero, dude
cthulufhtagn said:
this, unfortunately, happens on both sides of the conflict (see WMDs, military recruitment, news media)

Perhaps, but to a much different degree. American WWII propaganda for instance, though somtimes lie, had a positive message or was trying to boost morale. The same can be said for military recruitment I suppose, though in my experience the degree of propaganda in military recruiting is far less then what many people think. Many times they are completely dicourging in fact. It is EXTREMELY hard to join the Armed Forces of the United States.
Dick Sirloin said:

I'm going through it right now. It is very very hard. I'm sure there are others (Lizard) that can verify that. I'm almost positive that if a draft was instated, 90-95% of draftees would be denied.

I'm not sure what your laughing at? What are you basing your apparent knowledge of enlistment on?
Tully = Ruleage
Cthulufaggot= Liberal

Consider this meeting adjourned.

Also, if you can't appreciate the beauty of american football, you're simply a queen. Go watch a bunch of girly fairies running around a field in knee socks , kicking, screaming, and womping a ball as it glides down a field of smooth terrain. Fucking fairy sport!
I'm not sure what your laughing at? What are you basing your apparent knowledge of enlistment on?

Uhhhh... the fact that recruiters are more persistent that car salesmen?

Also the fact that my best friend has been in the army since 2003 and spent a year in Iraq. Try again.

I generally find that conservatives do a better job refuting themselves than liberals (see: Coulter)
Perhaps, but to a much different degree. American WWII propaganda for instance, though somtimes lie, had a positive message or was trying to boost morale. The same can be said for military recruitment I suppose, though in my experience the degree of propaganda in military recruiting is far less then what many people think. Many times they are completely dicourging in fact. It is EXTREMELY hard to join the Armed Forces of the United States.
i'm not sure where you're getting your info, but i've read many, many articles about military recruiters using misinformation and outright lies to win recruits; telling them they can opt out of combat, overstating the civilian merit of their training, even telling them they can arrange a discharge if they don't like it. there are stories of recruiters illegally obtaining contact information for potential recruits and harassing them. they have a job to do, and that job is not to "help young people learn valuable skills and make life achievements" but to fulfill quotas. they are salespeople, and they prey on high school students in poor and minority areas because they know there are fewer options for kids in those communities. in times like these, where the army is desparately struggling to meet recruitment quotas, i see a statement like your last sentence and wonder where you got such an idea.
Dick Sirloin said:
Uhhhh... the fact that recruiters are more persistent that car salesmen?

Also the fact that my best friend has been in the army since 2003 and spent a year in Iraq. Try again.

I generally find that conservatives do a better job refuting themselves than liberals (see: Coulter)

Recruiters have nothing at all to do with whether or not you get into the military.

"Try again."
Reign in Acai said:
Tully = Ruleage
Cthulufaggot= Liberal

Consider this meeting adjourned.
ah great, great point you make there. you're a real credit to conservatives everywhere. i can't believe you people still give this jackass the time of day.
Recruiters have nothing at all to do with whether or not you get into the military.

"Try again."

So you're saying that 90-95% of people who are interested in signing up for the military are told "Sorry, we don't think you're good enough. We'll just keep looking though, thanks." RIGHT
Dick Sirloin said:
So you're saying that 90-95% of people who are interested in signing up for the military are told "Sorry, we don't think you're good enough. We'll just keep looking though, thanks." RIGHT

Actually, yes, that is exactly what I am saying.

Especially in this day and age where many many people are on medication for ADD/ADHD.
What do you all think enlistment is like? Go to a recruiter and sign a fucking paper and bada-bing your in the military? Sheesh.
Dude I have no points to make. I honestly have given up discussing any political matters with a bunch of narrowminded sissy's as the ones that congregate on this pink forum. If you guy's were men of high moral fiber, I'd have no problem discussing matters of such magnitude with thee. But low and behold you're a sissy, emo, cocksucker who wishes his last name was Kennedy. Get the fuck out of my America you queen!!!!
If you leave the forum, I'll leave the country (no, seriously, I'm going to Europe once I graduate). <3
no, i'll admit you, as a recruit, have more experience with the process than i. but it still doesn't change what i said above, and the fact that there are stories across the country of recruiters very agressively persuing, and in some cases tricking, potential recruits.

to get back to where this tangent started, they use misinformation and lies to get young people to join their cause. sound familiar?
Reign in Acai said:
Dude I have no points to make. I honestly have given up discussing any political matters with a bunch of narrowminded sissy's as the ones that congregate on this pink forum. If you guy's were men of high moral fiber, I'd have no problem discussing matters of such magnitude with thee. But low and behold you're a sissy, emo, cocksucker who wishes his last name was Kennedy. Get the fuck out of my America you queen!!!!
hahaha sigged

i'm not going to let this degenerate into a name-calling fest as you would prefer it--i admit that as a tactic it really works to distract from your laughable inability to hold a serious discussion.
cthulufhtagn said:
no, i'll admit you, as a recruit, have more experience with the process than i. but it still doesn't change what i said above, and the fact that there are stories across the country of recruiters very agressively persuing, and in some cases tricking, potential recruits.

to get back to where this tangent started, they use misinformation and lies to get young people to join their cause. sound familiar?

Yes they trick recruits into going through with the process, meaning trick them into 'Oh no, its ok to lie about this or that or the other during MEPS, they won't find out.' Low-and-behold, a few months latter, they are kicked out of the military due to fraudulent-enlistment for lieing about some speeding tickets, for example.