amorphis live


i'm sciencing as fast as i can
Apr 21, 2003
Do they play anything from Isthmus or thousand lakes... or is it all thier new stuff? just curious
I imagine they would refrain from doing so, considering the contrast in quality with their later stuff and the subsequent embarrassment. Then again, most people at Amorphis concerts will probably be busy weeping their weight in gold over Day Of Your Beliefs.
is has an official forum and somebody just posted a setlist from a couple of days ago. It had songs from Karelian and Thousand Lakes as well as the rest of their discography.

I saw them back in 2001 and they were awesome.
Nope, they only played 2 new songs. Which surprised me because in 1999 they played 8 new songs (off of Tuonela). They did play a song off of the Karelian Isthmus because the new singer, Tomi, is a huge fan of "Sign From the North Side", so they played that. They finally stopped playing songs they've played to death over the last decade like "Better Unborn" or "Black Winter Day" and played songs like "On Rich And Poor" and "Drowned Maid" instead. They still played "The Castaway", "My Kantele", and "Against Widows" like always but they surprised me by playing a load of different songs too. Plus they played four songs off of Tuonela and 2 off of Am Universum. The new singer was a great growler and most of the stuff they played had growls in it it seemed. I stole a hundred stickers from them and don't know what to do with them though. It was cool too because all the black people had to stand on the other side of the fence in the venue with the 21-and-under kids. Ha ha ha, just kidding! There were no black people there!

I just saw the show in Denver last night. I was verrrry hesitant to see how new vocalist Tomi Joutsen would fare. Pasi was one of my favorite vocalists ever. But he did a great job and the show was AMAZING! He's very different than Pasi. His strength is his growl quite honestly, although he sings well enough. Because of his growl and aformentioned love of early stuff, they focused much more on material which Tomi Koivusaari used to do vocals on. Tomi Joutsen though, his presence is much more energetic on stage. Lots of headbanging and crowd interaction. I think he was the right person for the job. Had they hired someone who tried too hard to be Pasi it would have been fake. Joutsen is different and fits their mold well. I would guess heavy vocals will creep back in to new material if I were a betting man. In no order, here were the songs they played last night from each album:

Karelian Isthmus:
Sign From the North Side

Tales From the Thousand Lakes:
Drowned Maid (fuck yeah!)
Black Winter Day

Against Widows
On Rich or Poor
My Kantele

Greed (opener)
Summer's End

Am Universum:
Goddess of the Sad Man

Far From the Sun:
Day of Your Belief
Far From the Sun

I was really happy. They did a great job covering lots of material from every era. But I'm one of those idiots who finds merit in every era of their career I suppose.
I second Starbreaker. Tomi was amazing live, a perfect fit for the band, both musically and in terms of them being friends. The setlist was amazing and Tomi handled it perfectly, he actually seemed to like doing the growls more than everything. It was a great concert, and tickets are very cheap too. I suggest going, and buying a shirt while you're at it.
They were both great! Beyond the Embrace singer had a bad attitude, but they still performed well. The guys from Into Eternity are damn nice, met the guitarist (who needs to front his own band by the way) And the drummer. The new singer for Into Eternity...... he's really energetic and into it, but I think he's a bit out of the eighties, haha....... has great range though.
awesome, I cant wait to see this show, I get to see it next saturday, but I still need my tickets

and it sucks that the Beyond the Embrace singer had a bad attitude,, he is usually really nice, Im from the same city as them and have been a fan since the demo days and just think its cool that their doing well and love them live, thats why I asked about them
but Im really stoked on seeing Into Eternity
Fucking hell, why in the fuck do I have to live in Argentina?... :yell:
Fucking great playlist, I'd love to see them alive some day.

Starbreaker said:
Karelian Isthmus:
Sign From the North Side

Tales From the Thousand Lakes:
Drowned Maid (fuck yeah!)
Black Winter Day

Against Widows
On Rich or Poor
My Kantele

Greed (opener)
Summer's End

Am Universum:
Goddess of the Sad Man

Far From the Sun:
Day of Your Belief
Far From the Sun