Amorphis videos

Ah, I wondered who was that familiar-looking guy with the band, but it was Charles Chaplin.
Elvis elää! Eiku Chaplin. Eiku.
I personally prefer seeing music videos of the band performing the song. If it has a 'story' its a plus but not necessary. I appreciate the song and musicianship more if I see the band performing it. Generally I won't watch a music video for more than like 30 seconds after the singing kicks in if the band isn't even in it at all, which was my reaction to the Hopeless Days video.

If i'm discovering a new band, I don't watch their music videos (at least not as an initial listen) if they are 'radio edits'. I hate those and I nearly didn't get into Kamelot (one of my favorite bands) because I initially only went by their radio edits. I have a feeling I may have reacted similarly if I only went by Amorphis' radio edits.
Since I've given up hope of finding a better recording of this and it's still over a month until Tuska...

Sharp ears will notice that the double bass parts are patched up, sorry 'bout that...
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I'm really disappointed that they just did an "in the studio 'music video'" for Nightbird's Song. The dark atmosphere in that song is so strong, it's begging for a video set in a dark forest with barren trees, fog billowing all around. A 'story' following a lone protagonist trying to survive by him/herself in said forest would be awesome too, with perhaps a positive ending (like the sun rising) when the song gets to the key change at the end.
I'm really disappointed that they just did an "in the studio 'music video'" for Nightbird's Song. The dark atmosphere in that song is so strong, it's begging for a video set in a dark forest with barren trees, fog billowing all around. A 'story' following a lone protagonist trying to survive by him/herself in said forest would be awesome too, with perhaps a positive ending (like the sun rising) when the song gets to the key change at the end.

Anything is better than what they did.

Your idea is pretty cool, though.
I don't mind the Nightbird's Song video at all, but I don't think of it as a music video so much as a cool documentary of the actual recording of the parts I am hearing. People on the board have been complaining for years how unnatural the band looks when they are pretending to play a song. All of that disappears in this video and we are left with the band members actually playing the song.

Not playing along with the recorded version and trying to synch with the song, but actually producing the parts that will become the recorded song.

That's actually kinda cool when you think about it.

And if someone wants a cool, dark metal video version of the song all it takes is a camera and a computer, some time and the will to get it done. The fan made videos Enslaved got for Ethica Odini rocked.
True, I also appreciate the live, natural, studio aspect of recording a song, and in that regard, the video rocks - but they should've picked another song.

As orcslayr said, that songs just begs for a well directed, dark, atmospheric video, if a video should be made.
I'm really disappointed that they just did an "in the studio 'music video'" for Nightbird's Song. The dark atmosphere in that song is so strong, it's begging for a video set in a dark forest with barren trees, fog billowing all around. A 'story' following a lone protagonist trying to survive by him/herself in said forest would be awesome too, with perhaps a positive ending (like the sun rising) when the song gets to the key change at the end.

wow!very similar to something i was thinking too!i hope at least that the wanderer video will be good!
Now this is obviously not an Amorphis video, but since it features a couple of rare growls by Tomi K, I trust that you won't mind me sharing it here. ;)

BTW if that bass sounds deeper than the rotting corpse's grave to you, it's not just the fault of my camera's poor microphone. They played the song one and a half steps lower than the present-day Amo version, tuned down even half a step below the original 1990 demo.
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Quite okey. Nothing marvelous, basic men playing -video. The band doesn't even look a much awkward. I like.
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Hah, I was just gonna post it, too. ;)

As basic as it gets. Kinda makes you wonder why they even bothered to drag the gear those few meters from the rehearsal room to the hall. But at least there's no pultsari in it (for those unfamiliar with Finnish: that's a possible local interpretation of the phrase "homeless man"... :p )