An anti-pirate curious about the warez enemy!

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I've used the borderline that you can pirate all the way you want for learning purposes and trying out stuff if no demo are available (but keep the info to yourself as it is illegal), but when you start make money out of the plugins you use, buy the software. Especially if you can afford to get the PT HD rig, then you can easily afford to pay for the waves bundle after 1-3 clients.

The only sad fact with Waves plugins is that for example my classmate owns the Musicians Bundle 1 and 2, and the legit versions he owns don't work on his computer, but the cracked versions do :Smug: But he does own the licenses for the plugins, so I don't see anything wrong with using the version he downloaded from the net.

I believe this was fairly common in the days of pro tools mix
Well, for me, if you sit at your computer pondering on how to get cracked software ( unless you are mentally retarded ) shows that you know that it is WRONG!

Second, if you go ahead and start downloading keygens and what not, shows that you still know that it is wrong and it also shows that you dont give a fuck!

Thirdly, no difference if you are young or old, own a mg 50 or a triple rec, or you are in a rip off korn band or a talanted original death metal band, ( unless you are mentally retarded again ) you damn well know that it is FUCKING ILLEGAL!

Poor or rich makes no difference either. To tell you the truth, I dont know any poor people who own anything musical, be it a guitar, computer etc .............
If you can have a computer, internet connection, guitar, mics or whatever ( and none of it has to be expensive ) then the possibility of you using the poor card is just as bad as pirating! Stop spending money on drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, lap dancers, fast food, hooded metal tops and put a savings plan in order! By all means download the demos and try them out. If you like them and really want them (ie, a necessity ) then SAVE!

If you want free plug ins ( because you cant afford higher end stuff ) then search for 'free vst plug ins'. What would you do if those so called YOUNG peckerheads came around to your place and stole your rims so they could put them on their shitbox looking vehicles, say nah, its all right, their young, they havent got a good car, their not going to make any money out of it! ( LIKE FUCK! )


I still live with my Mum, so fortunately, I'm sorted for an internet connection and the basics, but apart from that all my money goes on day to day life.
Stealing someones rims for their own shitbox car is not the same as getting a plugin off fucking mininova .
It's not like you're taking someone's physical property. You're multiplying it, and using one of the duplicates.

And as much as it may sound like I advocate piracy, I don't, and I've had this discussion with people before.
I don't agree with stealing the shit you use on a day to day basis, of course I fucking don't, my point was that there's more than one way to look at things than "OMG ITS WRONG."

No need to get all vitriolic when for the most part, I'm on your fucking side.
Physical or not physical, its STEALING! "Do those people even really matter?" Of course they do! Slagging them off is not what we do! They are told in no uncertain terms to PISS OFF from this forum and dont come back!
They are looking for help off people here that do not tolerate that behaviour.
This forum is 99% clean with the odd idiot turning up for some advice for their newly found cracked software, and are told to GO!

SIMPLE!, There are many ways to skin a cat, FUCK OFF, PISS OFF, THEIF, SCUMBAG etc, and I for one have no compasion for these morons!
Sometimes in life we do things that we are not aware is wrong, but I refuse to believe anyone taking the time to crack software does not know that it is illegal!

OMG its WRONG! CORRECT! ( apart from the OMG bit.) You are on my side, all being 51% of it. As you know, I am 100% against it.

I have the waves gold bundle, which I am paying off through a FLEXIWAY plan at the moment, it will take 2 years to pay for which hurts a bit, but I knew it was dear from the start, and if it wasnt for all the cracking of waves or other forms of software flying around, the burden would be much less for sure.

You live at home with your Mum, (cool), have internet and basics alike, bought your first plug in and claim that your poor!
Come down to Melbourne one night and I will show you who the poor are. These are people with no home, no internet, no food, just one set of clothes and maybe a harmonica (although rare). They have no recording equipment, let alone a bedroom to have it in. They are the ones who are 'POOR AS FUCK!'

No excuses, PIRATING IS NO GO!
You'd be surprised how many pirates there are on this forum.

It's funny that you've come here seemingly proclaiming you know how this forum works, because there's a fuck load of us that either have pirated software in the past or still use pirated software.
And I mean a lot of us. I'm just one of the few that has the balls to admit it.
Yeah, pirates get shoo-ed away, and they don't come back, but it seems to be the ones that are total fucking asswipes about it that never come back, such as that guy who posted that topic about the guy who got "given" the waves bundle by his friend.
Started calling regs assholes before it even reached the second page, I'm sure you saw.
I'm not gonna name names or anything but there are regulars here that use cracked software either on a glorified try before you buy basis or as a "yeah i downloaded this and i use it all the time and im probably not gonna buy it" sorta way.
I just find it deeply fucking ironic that a guy with 42 posts proclaims to know how this forum works.
I'm no grizzled veteran here by any man's standards. Not when there's people like Ermin, Marcus, James, etc around, but I feel like I've been here long enough to get a good idea of the flow of this place.
You gonna shoo off some of the regs aswell because they don't meet your standards of morality? Open your fucking eyes.

I'm trying to be reasonable, I do see where you're coming from, however much it may seem like I don't, but you're going about this like a conservative christian goes around trying to ban gay marriage.
Maybe it's because I'm getting to the point where I can't supply much of an argument back. It's against the law, yes, but I do have a tendancy to see morality a bit differently to other people.

And this may sound really fucking cold of me, in which case, it is, and but people in Melbourne aren't my problem quite frankly.
I have sympathy for them, but at the same time, that's Melbourne, this is me. Trying to guilt trip me that way flat out isn't going to work. Why? Because I'm an asshole.
They may have one set of clothes, but that, in all my coldness, is their fucking problem. Over here, I'm still living very little by this society's standards, which is what matters. I'm not going to live my life according to a Melbourne slum, there's NO fucking comparison.
You pay for food, phone credit, a couple of busses here and there, and you're left with very little money very fucking quickly.
I'm usually putting my spare change towards the upcoming week, as £2-3 towards plugins isn't going to add up any time soon. It's not even worth bothering.

I'm constantly working on getting a job, but I'm having zero fucking luck, so don't even try and pull the "get a fucking job then" card or I swear I will facepalm so hard, YOU will feel it.

It's probably about time I got some sleep.
That's an interesting point actually.

I downloaded Opeth - Blackwater Park the other day purely because it would be quicker to download it then rip my copy of the CD (which I bought, with money, BELIEVE IT :D) to iTunes.
I'm curious as to where that leaves me standing legally.
Not that I give much of a shit, I bought the damn CD, but it's food for thought.

That's perfectly legal, the mp3 copy you downloaded is just a backup that you are allowed to make as many copies as you like of. Downloading music isn't illegal. It's having the mp3s on your hard drive that you never paid for a copy of in some shape or form that's illegal.

I have all my old Metallica albums on cassette tape and it's perfectly legal for me to have mp3 copies of all of them.
Ok, here's a more philosophic question. A guy downloaded some pirated plugins. Used them for commericial reasons (shortly, he made money with them). Then when he made lots of money with the pirated software, he ordered the original version. He could afford it just because he made money with the cracked warez. Is this morally true? :) I wasn't judging or pointing fingers, or talkin bout someone, I just wanted ask a philosophic (!!!) question. Like the chicken and egg one:))))
I masturbate vigorously to my pirated software. I tried to buy them but it ruined the mood.

I remember when apple gave away iMovie HD as a free download. I downloaded it, launched and it said "This software will not work on this computer" (at the time I had a G4)

I was like WTF! Opened that bitch up (right click, show blajblah) and sure enough apple wanted me to buy a new computer. So I grabbed that little text file that checks the computer model and trashed it. TAH DA! Won't work on this computer my ass. :lol::rock::kickass::Saint:

I like the guys I know that use the excuse "I'm too broke to buy plug-ins and go legit" and then fire up their $3000.00 guitar rig for me, recording with a couple nice mics into a $500.00 interface.

Not judging, just saying it makes me laugh.
I like the guys I know that use the excuse "I'm too broke to buy plug-ins and go legit" and then fire up their $3000.00 guitar rig for me, recording with a couple nice mics into a $500.00 interface.

Not judging, just saying it makes me laugh.

Better to spend money on good recordings of the source rather than money on plugins to fix bad raw recordings!
I actually don't care about the software designers, they earn enough for sure, since alot of people download software and learn to work with it they might end up doing their own business, in this case for example having a studio. They'll probably buy the plugins/software then since they'll get busted sooner or later. I do an AutoCAD education right now and I downloaded autocad 2008, they REALLY don't earn their money of people like me, they earn money by the licenses of selling their product to big companies. They wouldn't care about me since I'm going to do it for work in a few months and let the company that I work for pay for my license.
I like the guys I know that use the excuse "I'm too broke to buy plug-ins and go legit" and then fire up their $3000.00 guitar rig for me, recording with a couple nice mics into a $500.00 interface.

Not judging, just saying it makes me laugh.

Or the guys who are "broke" but always have money for weed and beer. and they go to the priciest fast food place in town on a regular basis.
Stealing someones rims for their own shitbox car is not the same as getting a plugin off fucking mininova .

This argument (or replacing rims with any other physical property) simply does not cut it.

When you purchase a car (yes, I'm using cars, since fancy rims are fucking stupid), you're not just paying for the physical device itself. You're paying for years of R&D, testing, support and service... all things that you get out of software makers as well. Yeah, downloading that CD isn't taking someone's physical CD - but it's taking advantage of someone's hard work (and quite a bit of money) in a way that isn't authorized by the rightful owner of the content. The cost of the physical CD or flash drive itself is insignificant compared to the amount of work that went into making it useful. *That* is what's being stolen - you'll notice that even when software makers leave out physical media entirely they must recoup costs somehow. Software engineering isn't an easy profession - it's competitive as hell, it's hard work, and if you think you have problems dealing with idiotic musicians you haven't been called up in the morning by a total moron who can't use your software because there are too many buttons.

Theft isn't wrong because it's illegal, it's wrong because it's unauthorized use of others' property. Arguments like that may work on pseudointellectual wanker havens like Slashdot, but they simply don't hold up to a moment's inspection. If you disagree, feel free to sit back and watch as I break into your house, relieve myself on your john with your computer, make myself a drink, and sleep under your roof for as long as I take to write my response.

I actually don't care about the software designers, they earn enough for sure
Where do you think that money comes from? If the product doesn't sell then the company goes out of business and they earn nothing.

People should have a right to set the price for sharing their work. There are more than enough free plugins and tools available for anybody to get started if they don't think the professional ones are worth the price. It's not extortion, as one person claimed - nobody is being forced to obtain and use the Waves Diamond bundle under threat of death!
Sometimes I wonder if we're reaching a point where it's not really worth the risk to pirate software anymore, since we have such a hefty base of developers making great free and donationware plugins. (Case in point, Nick Crow's amazing amp sims. Or LePou's. Or Aradaz's. Or the VST series that GClip is a part of. Or Kjaerhus, I could keep going!) I've heard so many wonderful clips and demos on this forum made with free software that it's become really clear to me that the power of the software lies in the ears and hands of the engineer, and not the software itself.

For people who can compare free plugins to stuff by Waves and others, how would you say they compare? Is Waves marketing all just hype? Like someone above said, lately it seems like it's getting easier and easier to tell who has pirated software - you'll know as soon as they namedrop Waves Diamond or Mercury or whatever...
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