An anti-pirate curious about the warez enemy!

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Alright, you got me - though I'm actually the kid in the middle hungrily eyeing the ginger's crotch (it was a...confusing point in my life that ended in my plastic surgery to make me look like the Germanic whitey I am today :lol: )
What arguments (legal, moral, or otherwise) can you actually bring forward on this?

Well, we grade murders (there's 1, 2 and even 3 sometimes I believe)... And things like "with intent to sell/distribute" make some crimes worse... So, surely, profiting from pirated software IS ACTUALLY worse than just owning pirated software just to fuck around....

You have to realize that I'm not defending users of pirated softwares... I'm saying it's not all black and white... Some answers really sound like "fuck'em all !!! whatever they're doing with pirated software !! throw'em in jail !!"

Let's just chill out and go back to blaming the christians ?
I'm pretty chilled (the end of the semester and several gimlets will do that), and I blame that religion for quite a few things... but I'm not talking as much about legal problems with piracy. Intent to sell is also a common thing in the States (mainly with trafficking controlled substances and firearms) but that's entirely separate from the moral question of property rights. Yeah, it's a bit of a dickish move to make money off of theft, but as far as the violation of property rights goes (and my main concern is the concept of property rights) there's not much difference between taking software to fuck around and taking software to use for profit.

So anyway... yeah, Christianity sucks. My first religious experience was having a knife taken to my genitals because some bonkers cavemen decided that their god loved foreskins. Bastards.

My first experience with religion was to be taken (as a baby) and dipped in holy water... I honestly don't remember it, but I do remember seeing the movie, and I didn't seem to like it one bit...
Then, I went to an all boy private catholic school (even though I was never catholic to begin with)... I started wanting to become a priest, so I studied religions... Realized that it was all a big bag of conkers, and now I'm dating someone whose parents are young earth creationists... FUUUUUUUUUCK !!!!!

Now circumcision in the US has little to do with religion... I mean, it's not a tradition in any religion except judaism and islam... It was re-introduced in the general public cause some people thought it might discourage masturbation (which is religiously based I'd imagine)... And it seriously enrages me that people do that to kids (way more than knowing people download and use softwares without authorization) :D
You'd be surprised how many pirates there are on this forum.

It's funny that you've come here seemingly proclaiming you know how this forum works, because there's a fuck load of us that either have pirated software in the past or still use pirated software.
And I mean a lot of us. I'm just one of the few that has the balls to admit it.
Yeah, pirates get shoo-ed away, and they don't come back, but it seems to be the ones that are total fucking asswipes about it that never come back, such as that guy who posted that topic about the guy who got "given" the waves bundle by his friend.
Started calling regs assholes before it even reached the second page, I'm sure you saw.
I'm not gonna name names or anything but there are regulars here that use cracked software either on a glorified try before you buy basis or as a "yeah i downloaded this and i use it all the time and im probably not gonna buy it" sorta way.
I just find it deeply fucking ironic that a guy with 42 posts proclaims to know how this forum works.
I'm no grizzled veteran here by any man's standards. Not when there's people like Ermin, Marcus, James, etc around, but I feel like I've been here long enough to get a good idea of the flow of this place.
You gonna shoo off some of the regs aswell because they don't meet your standards of morality? Open your fucking eyes.

I'm trying to be reasonable, I do see where you're coming from, however much it may seem like I don't, but you're going about this like a conservative christian goes around trying to ban gay marriage.
Maybe it's because I'm getting to the point where I can't supply much of an argument back. It's against the law, yes, but I do have a tendancy to see morality a bit differently to other people.

And this may sound really fucking cold of me, in which case, it is, and but people in Melbourne aren't my problem quite frankly.
I have sympathy for them, but at the same time, that's Melbourne, this is me. Trying to guilt trip me that way flat out isn't going to work. Why? Because I'm an asshole.
They may have one set of clothes, but that, in all my coldness, is their fucking problem. Over here, I'm still living very little by this society's standards, which is what matters. I'm not going to live my life according to a Melbourne slum, there's NO fucking comparison.
You pay for food, phone credit, a couple of busses here and there, and you're left with very little money very fucking quickly.
I'm usually putting my spare change towards the upcoming week, as £2-3 towards plugins isn't going to add up any time soon. It's not even worth bothering.

I'm constantly working on getting a job, but I'm having zero fucking luck, so don't even try and pull the "get a fucking job then" card or I swear I will facepalm so hard, YOU will feel it.

It's probably about time I got some sleep.

"You'd be surprised how many pirates there are on this forum"
Yes I am, seeing that you have 750 odd posts and you say that the number is "fuck loads" and "and I mean a lot of us" says to me that if say we have 1000 members, then at least 500 are pirates, and I have to take that as gospel because you have 710 odd more posts than I do. Now for you to say that with such vigour suggests that 1, you know 500 odd members here personally,2,the so called pirates have pm'd you to let you know of their pirating, or 3, you have read 90% of the posts here and have come across people spilling their guts everywhere on the issue. ( I refuse to believe no3, because you state that you are one of few who have the balls to admit it! )

Although I only have 40 odd posts, I have been a member for 18 months ( which is 10 months longer than yourself ) and have read just about every post available that there is to read ( minus the sabbat stuff and the off topic stuff as well ). I can see your point when you say that I proclaim to know how this forum works, and I should have used a generalization instead of the 99% figure, but overall in the last 18 months of reading (which is a lot ) my general feeling is that this forum is clean as a whole, I do not see "fuckloads" or "a lot of us" posting or boasting that we got this for free or I have this and I did not pay for it! Then again I dont know half of this forum personally or seen any of their set ups.

For you to say you know the flow of this place and use words like "fuckload" etc to me is just astounding! I post little, I read a FUCKLOAD, and what I have read does not even come close to what you are saying!

As for shooing of people, whether you have 40 posts ( newbie ) or 10,000 posts ( regs ) to me does not matter! My eyes are open, and as you know, the 2 things that get my back up are piracy and those who cry poor! If I wanted to use the "get a fucking job then" card, I would have in my previous post. And yes, put that 2-3 pounds away a week, it is worth it, not only will you be getting what you wanted, you would help the developers, and if most could do the same, then perhaps plug ins would not be so expensive either, its a win win for everyone!

And as for a FACEPALM, yeah, I may FEEL IT, JUST, but WRONG MOVE PAL!
"Should people who REALLY can't become an astronaut not be allowed to hijack space shuttles? "


Here's my question, moral compasses.

There was an outstanding bit of software that came out several years ago. A real time vst loader that you use for live sound. Totally unique and as far as I know the only program of it's type. The product did not sell, or was pirated to death, or I don't know what, something killed the company and the product is no longer available and the company no longer exists. As I was not in S.R. when this product was alive I never had the need or desire to buy it. I did , however, find a copy of it on the net somewhere. Years after it's demise.
Can I use it? Should I use it?
What if you CAN'T buy it? Not because you are poor, but because they don't make it anymore?
I personally think it's "fine" to use the software in the situation you're describing... But just because I think it's fine, doesn't make it moral... In some countries, morals dictate you to kill your daughter if she brings shame to the family by, I don't know... Talking to someone on facebook ? (yes, that really happened...)

From what I understand of the law, which is fuck all... The copyright holder would have to "release" the copyrights of the software in order for its use to be completely legal... But even if it's legal, does that mean it's moral ? (oh my god, my head...) We had a law in France, not long ago, that said that women were not allowed to wear pants... Granted, no one was enforcing that law, but every country has silly laws like this... I'm lost I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about, can we go back to religion now ? I'm ol' greeeegg...
I don't understand where this general impression that developers make loads of money comes from? As far as i know, one of the only companies that does well is Waves as far as profit goes. The other thousand companies work their asses off for an acceptable run of the mill wage, if their lucky enough not to go down. I'm guessing people assume that because companies charge so much for plugins that they must be rich, it has nothing to do with the fact that they have a tiny market and have to jack up the price because of the small amount of units sold?


nobody has raised the point that piracy is actually somewhat beneficial. Not only is it free marketing, it also land sales that developers would have never previously had before. All because jimmy in his bedroom studio who had never heard of vst'r'us or considered buying their software pirated their plugins for a year and eventually bought them all when he had the money. Piracy introduces new potential clients into the market.

But all in all, there is nothing to be learned from piracy. So therefore it sucks.
People, just stop debating, do what you're gonna do, and keep it to yourself


Once more... your personal profits from a piece of equipment are irrelevant. Completely fucking irrelevant. You're taking advantage of others' work without permission. The moral issue isn't whether or not you can take stuff *and make money from it*, it's whether or not you can *take stuff*.

On those who cannot afford expensive plugins... two responses. First, the practical - you have to be fucking godlike for free plugins to be holding you back... so godlike, in fact, that you should have plugin makers begging to be able to give you a check. Utter bullshit. The free stuff is more than a good enough start. Second, the 'quit begging for this to not be a theft issue' response... I've taken the liberty of paraphrasing slightly to show just how absurd this is.

I didn't bother to quote your whole post Jeff, but don't get me wrong, I agree on a lot of what you're saying.

When it comes to software and plugins, we really are lucky today with the open-source community becoming larger and larger, and even if not open-source, there still are lots of freeware developers. This wasn't so common back in the early days of computer recordings, so yea, there certainly are a lot of options for someone poor but eager to learn.

And I think you've made your point come across now, that you think it's wrong to simply "take" stuff, regardless if you're making money from it or not. I agree, but I also would like to say that you are splitting it up in black and white, while I see it in several zones. I do believe it's better to not make money from shit you didn't buy, and I know it's still wrong, but it's still better than making money. Killing one person is better than killing two... even if it's a grim analogy but, still. Pure black and white doesn't work, unless you're in a digital world or something.

A friend's grandfather who is now like 80 or something, started his whole violinist career by stealing a violin when he was like 9. He didn't know how to play it before he stole it and he didn't even know it was going to become his life, but it did. Since then, he has done everything every musician dreams of ever doing... touring, playing, recording, etc. I just find stories like these really awesome, even if it's totally wrong. It's so wrong but in the end, I don't know.

Last time I stole something was probably when I was 13-14... it was a little candybar type of thing. And last time I illegally downloaded a software was... not sure, can't really remember, it's been a few months. These days, I have no interest in "expensive illegal" software, because they are worth nothing once you try them and get to know how they work. I don't know about the rest of you here, but I do feel a little bit of guilt if I use a cracked software for a production, even if it's for something that nobody will ever hear.

I have however tried most of the expensive stuff in audio plugins and I don't regret I ever did. It just made me realize I don't need them, I still have a long way to go by just using basic stock or freeware plugins.
This argument (or replacing rims with any other physical property) simply does not cut it.

When you purchase a car (yes, I'm using cars, since fancy rims are fucking stupid), you're not just paying for the physical device itself. You're paying for years of R&D, testing, support and service... all things that you get out of software makers as well. Yeah, downloading that CD isn't taking someone's physical CD - but it's taking advantage of someone's hard work (and quite a bit of money) in a way that isn't authorized by the rightful owner of the content. The cost of the physical CD or flash drive itself is insignificant compared to the amount of work that went into making it useful. *That* is what's being stolen - you'll notice that even when software makers leave out physical media entirely they must recoup costs somehow. Software engineering isn't an easy profession - it's competitive as hell, it's hard work, and if you think you have problems dealing with idiotic musicians you haven't been called up in the morning by a total moron who can't use your software because there are too many buttons.

Theft isn't wrong because it's illegal, it's wrong because it's unauthorized use of others' property. Arguments like that may work on pseudointellectual wanker havens like Slashdot, but they simply don't hold up to a moment's inspection. If you disagree, feel free to sit back and watch as I break into your house, relieve myself on your john with your computer, make myself a drink, and sleep under your roof for as long as I take to write my response.


Well worded

I concede.
All I was waiting for was someone to back up their argument with more than the words "it's wrong"
I needed a "because" I suppose, and fair play to you for it.
"Should people who REALLY can't become an astronaut not be allowed to hijack space shuttles? "


Here's my question, moral compasses.

There was an outstanding bit of software that came out several years ago. A real time vst loader that you use for live sound. Totally unique and as far as I know the only program of it's type. The product did not sell, or was pirated to death, or I don't know what, something killed the company and the product is no longer available and the company no longer exists. As I was not in S.R. when this product was alive I never had the need or desire to buy it. I did , however, find a copy of it on the net somewhere. Years after it's demise.
Can I use it? Should I use it?
What if you CAN'T buy it? Not because you are poor, but because they don't make it anymore?

Fun question - it would be necessary to see if their products were just released or the rights were transferred somehow. If those rightsholders can be contacted, there's your shot - if no such contacts can be made after a good search, you're in easily defended territory if you choose to download it.

I didn't bother to quote your whole post Jeff, but don't get me wrong, I agree on a lot of what you're saying.

When it comes to software and plugins, we really are lucky today with the open-source community becoming larger and larger, and even if not open-source, there still are lots of freeware developers. This wasn't so common back in the early days of computer recordings, so yea, there certainly are a lot of options for someone poor but eager to learn.

And I think you've made your point come across now, that you think it's wrong to simply "take" stuff, regardless if you're making money from it or not. I agree, but I also would like to say that you are splitting it up in black and white, while I see it in several zones. I do believe it's better to not make money from shit you didn't buy, and I know it's still wrong, but it's still better than making money. Killing one person is better than killing two... even if it's a grim analogy but, still. Pure black and white doesn't work, unless you're in a digital world or something.

A friend's grandfather who is now like 80 or something, started his whole violinist career by stealing a violin when he was like 9. He didn't know how to play it before he stole it and he didn't even know it was going to become his life, but it did. Since then, he has done everything every musician dreams of ever doing... touring, playing, recording, etc. I just find stories like these really awesome, even if it's totally wrong. It's so wrong but in the end, I don't know.

Last time I stole something was probably when I was 13-14... it was a little candybar type of thing. And last time I illegally downloaded a software was... not sure, can't really remember, it's been a few months. These days, I have no interest in "expensive illegal" software, because they are worth nothing once you try them and get to know how they work. I don't know about the rest of you here, but I do feel a little bit of guilt if I use a cracked software for a production, even if it's for something that nobody will ever hear.

I have however tried most of the expensive stuff in audio plugins and I don't regret I ever did. It just made me realize I don't need them, I still have a long way to go by just using basic stock or freeware plugins.

You're only seeing things in shades of grey because you're not looking closely enough. If you don't jump in and attack details, then of course everything will seem like a murky grey stew - if, however, you look closely enough it's no trouble at all. (And as for murders... the victims suffer the same when part of a killing spree as they would if they were the sole target. Two murders are worse than one, but each of those murders is a separate infraction - the problem is with others' rights, and you've infringed on two people's rights.)

I still don't see how so many people can jerk off to how morally superior they think they are for not making money off pirated software. Again, the violation was in using others' property without authorization - these people don't sell their plugins for a percentage of your profit, and even if you become the greatest AE the world will ever see they still won't have a claim to another dime of your money. Okay, great... some textfile with your copy of Tides Super-Wanker Limiter OF DOOM said that it was better to not make money off of pirated software... congratulations, you've made an arbitrary distinction unrelated to the actual infringement!

Pure black and white *does* work - you just have to pay more attention, clear all of the details, and look really fucking closely. I know it's hip and trendy to be too cool to pass judgment, but if you can't turn a good question into a series of yes-or-no questions then you have bigger problems than software.

I don't understand where this general
nobody has raised the point that piracy is actually somewhat beneficial. Not only is it free marketing, it also land sales that developers would have never previously had before. All because jimmy in his bedroom studio who had never heard of vst'r'us or considered buying their software pirated their plugins for a year and eventually bought them all when he had the money. Piracy introduces new potential clients into the market.
But potential clients haven't spent any money. And there's no indication that the wider pool of potential clients are producing more paying customers than are lost through piracy. Since sales of pretty much everything copyable are dropping (cds and computer games especially) you'd have to find a pretty big extra factor to account for the decline if you want to claim that the piracy has a net positive effect.
SpewChunks, I can have a couple of friends give you a free 'housecleaning'... fortunately, though, I didn't have to ask your permission since it's free *and* a good thing.

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