An anti-pirate curious about the warez enemy!

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1. It's already been demonstrated, that for what you get, the Waves Mercury Bundle is cheap - $44 dollars a plugin. How cheap are YOU?

haha, I'm not disagreeing with you at all. $44 for a plug is DIRT cheap (when I think about it most of the plugs I have purchases, even on sale were quite a bit more than that).

I'm just saying as a general consensus if people were honest, they would want to spend less on anything they want/have to buy (including software) it's just human nature. I meant it as a general statement.

My problem is this shitty sense of entitlement that comes with piracy (...which is what I thought this thread steered toward when it was bumped):

"I can't afford it, so I will steal it instead. I fucking deserve that shit."
Oh yeah man, my post wasn't really directed at you, was directed at all the people saying that software should be cheaper, then it wouldn't be pirated and they'd sell more. It doesn't work that way.

I agree 100% with you.
I don't necessarily think that cheap/free is gonna mean people think less of it. There are people who will straight face tell you they like Lepou stuff over say amplitube or revalver for instance.

Plus a handful of free plugs that in general get a good review.

But the above is why I get so puzzled with people that steal shit, there is so much decent free and cheap shit there really isn't any reason to steal anything. And despite what that fucking idiot Leon said, no home studio hobbyist guy needs (again lets be specific in case he decides to throw a retort referring to starving people in Africa) waves mercury.
Oh yeah man, my post wasn't really directed at you, was directed at all the people saying that software should be cheaper, then it wouldn't be pirated and they'd sell more. It doesn't work that way.

I agree 100% with you.

Ah cool. I actually don't think anything is overpriced software wise. But you can't blame anyone for taking advantage of a sale when it comes along. :)
I don't necessarily think that cheap/free is gonna mean people think less of it. There are people who will straight face tell you they like Lepou stuff over say amplitube or revalver for instance.

Yeah but those are people "in the know" and are necessarily nerdish and a bit niche. The vast majority of people who rely on box shifting distributors have never even heard of LePou.

But the above is why I get so puzzled with people that steal shit, there is so much decent free and cheap shit there really isn't any reason to steal anything. And despite what that fucking idiot Leon said, no home studio hobbyist guy needs (again lets be specific in case he decides to throw a retort referring to starving people in Africa) waves mercury.

Indeed man. Indeed. Reaper is what? $50 for a non-commercial license? Shit... Logic *used* to be £650 odd !! It's now about £200. For what you get, I'd say that is a really good price.

Cubase is the only host that I'd say is overpriced these days. Even Pro Tools is fairly reasonable - comes with an Mbox, and you can get those for £280 or so.
In my country, there is a private company (with Government permission) called SGAE, that manages copyrights for the artists (me included).

They are charging a tax to every device with digital devices, like pendrives, cd, dvd, harddisk, cameras, memories... it is a small percentage, but imagine how many millions of euros are they collecting! This tax it is charged when you pay any of these things in the store. then stores declare the sales and pay SGAE all incomes on this respect. Then I don't know HOW THE FUCK the deliver the goods. In music, they just look at most selling artists and they give the money to them... TOTALLY UNJUST but that is how they work... I guess the same is for developers.

This TAX is to compensate musicians, artists, developers, creators, or whatever from the piracy losses.

No matter if you use the DVD to backup your works or your children pics... YOU ARE PAYING before committing crime.

People is so angry that have appear ProPiracy and many people defend piracy as a revolution.

Then guys, if I download in my country an album, ebook or waves diamond, am I doing something illegal?
Is now a good time to mention that I found a Waves discount card in my Pro Tools junk. I email it to Waves a few days ago and ended up buying Waves Gold Bundle for $300USD ($280 Aussie Dollars). It helps this conversation very little but damm I feel good.
Complex question regarding this piracy debate of opinions. I once did a college seminar on cloud computing and there were questions about piracy in the crowd. One individual asked this:

"If one person, such as myself, never had the intention of buying the software I pirate, legitimately... then, lucratively, the company is not losing anything."

This is true. If one person never had the intention of buying it, knowing they can't afford it and say they have rent to pay for, then by downloading it, you haven't taken anything from the company because there was never any potential for profit. Since it's not literally stealing (Stealing is taking something away from someone/something else. You aren't taking it away. You are downloading a copy, of which there is unlimited supply. It is pirating, which is different but has similarities. You steal a heart. You don't pirate it. There's nothing romantic about duplicating and sharing a heart.)

But using the situation I have described above, how does that fair with your guys' morals and logic? If there was no probability for profit on the developer's side, then how is downloading it and using it wrong on the user's side?

This is hypothetical, I understand there is no actual way to be certain someone has no intentions of buying it/never will. And I also acknowledge that the temptation of pirating might even reduce the likelihood that they'd buy it(as I'm sure it does). This is philosophy and business in a question, so don't take it TOO seriously.
there are no rules to what a home studio needs.
someone might want/need to have the waves bundle and no one can do criticism in that.
more than half of the people here have home studios and we all know that the majority downloads software illegally.
what im trying to say is that i buy and support the companys but some of them really need to understand that there are tons of people who don't buy their software due to high prices,i say fuck you too to all stealers,but i also say fuck you to the high prices.
i run a wine company and do you know how i achieved to gain money?REDUCE the price.....

Let this be a warning to EVERYONE who downloads software Illegally and admits to it on this forum.

I will be obtaining your IP address from the admins of this forum and I will be sending it to your LOCAL ISP in order for them to turn you off due to breach of contract.......

See my signature and check out that website for more info on how you HURT more then HELP....

Its fucking morons like you who think you NEED this shit to make your mixes better. My mixes sounded great using stock plugins from my DAW before I ever even considered moving to the Waves bundle. In fact the ONLY reaon I bought the Waves bundle was i thought I needed it and it was on sale. Little did I know I would barely use it other then G-SSL and SSL Channel, and the API Stuff .... Those are the only pieces I use out of this $6000 piece of software I bought.

Cant wait for you to go bye bye .... later moron.
You guys crack me up, 7 pages of this discussion that we've already had quite a few times? And some people complain about the forum going downhill?

I've got a solution : let's discuss audio, not piracy.
You guys crack me up, 7 pages of this discussion that we've already had quite a few times? And some people complain about the forum going downhill?

I've got a solution : let's discuss audio, not piracy.

Unfortunately it's a huge part of the audio industry. Engineers who blatantly use cracked software and undercut the pricing because everything's free for them are a plague of this industry that affects each and every one of us who do this for a living.
Complex question regarding this piracy debate of opinions. I once did a college seminar on cloud computing and there were questions about piracy in the crowd. One individual asked this:

"If one person, such as myself, never had the intention of buying the software I pirate, legitimately... then, lucratively, the company is not losing anything."

It's against the law, Period. It's up to the individual to follow the law or break it and deal with the consequences if/when caught.

I have more respect for a thief who admits he/she/it is a thief than I do for a thief who tries rationalize that he/she/it isn't one.
Its fucking morons like you...
I will be obtaining your IP address from the admins of this forum and I will be sending it to your LOCAL ISP in order for them to turn you off due to breach of contract.......
Cant wait for you to go bye bye .... later moron.

Were terms like that really necessary? That seemed really immature and foolish to me. If you want what you say to be taken seriously(As it certainly appears you do), maybe you should stop name-calling like a child. That kind of disturbs me. I love these forums and as was said, before, most people are very reasonable and mature on here. But this probably just made the kid hop on his neighbors wireless and begin doing it even more.

Also, congrats. Now everyone on here who pirates is going to begin using proxies and netroute spammers so that you can't 'obtain their IP addresses'. Next time, just do what you're going to do. Don't make threats or use harsh language because it doesn't solve anything.
Complex question regarding this piracy debate of opinions. I once did a college seminar on cloud computing and there were questions about piracy in the crowd. One individual asked this:

"If one person, such as myself, never had the intention of buying the software I pirate, legitimately... then, lucratively, the company is not losing anything."

This is true. If one person never had the intention of buying it, knowing they can't afford it and say they have rent to pay for, then by downloading it, you haven't taken anything from the company because there was never any potential for profit. Since it's not literally stealing (Stealing is taking something away from someone/something else. You aren't taking it away. You are downloading a copy, of which there is unlimited supply. It is pirating, which is different but has similarities. You steal a heart. You don't pirate it. There's nothing romantic about duplicating and sharing a heart.)

But using the situation I have described above, how does that fair with your guys' morals and logic? If there was no probability for profit on the developer's side, then how is downloading it and using it wrong on the user's side?

This is hypothetical, I understand there is no actual way to be certain someone has no intentions of buying it/never will. And I also acknowledge that the temptation of pirating might even reduce the likelihood that they'd buy it(as I'm sure it does). This is philosophy and business in a question, so don't take it TOO seriously.

It's a false premise. People are giving things away for free, and it isn't their right to do that. It doesn't matter who downloads it, it is about who is giving it away. Those are the people who should be held accountable first and foremost.

But lets take your argument. Person X was never going to buy it in the first place.

How do you know that? How do they even know know that?!?! The answer is, they don't, and nor do you. Their could be a promotion at some point, the price could change, the persons circumstances could change, they could come into some money and end up being able to afford anything they desired. At which point they might buy the software.

You're making an assumption to base a predefined conclusion in your head. Once again someone comes here and tries to wrap up in words, the fact that they don't see something wrong with taking someone's intellectual property, and giving it away for free without permission.

In this day and age, there is just no excuse for stealing copies of software off the internet. There just isn't.

I don't want to hear that whole "rent to pay" argument. We've all got rent to pay. Some of these guys have thousands of square foot of studio space, electricity bills, and tax to pay.

You steal software, companies lose out. Companies lose out, musicians lose out. Musicians lose out, studios lose out. Get the picture? It's ironic to me that the very same people who download all this stuff are the people who would instantly rally against mainstream music and mainstream culture. The irony is, if they keep doing what they're doing, eventually our culture will be a prepackaged mainstream pussy-whipped version of itself.
It's a false premise. People are giving things away for free, and it isn't their right to do that. It doesn't matter who downloads it, it is about who is giving it away. Those are the people who should be held accountable first and foremost.

But lets take your argument. Person X was never going to buy it in the first place.

How do you know that? How do they even know know that?!?! The answer is, they don't, and nor do you. Their could be a promotion at some point, the price could change, the persons circumstances could change, they could come into some money and end up being able to afford anything they desired. At which point they might buy the software.

You're making an assumption to base a predefined conclusion in your head. Once again someone comes here and tries to wrap up in words, the fact that they don't see something wrong with taking someone's intellectual property, and giving it away for free without permission.

In this day and age, there is just no excuse for stealing copies of software off the internet. There just isn't.

I don't want to hear that whole "rent to pay" argument. We've all got rent to pay. Some of these guys have thousands of square foot of studio space, electricity bills, and tax to pay.

You steal software, companies lose out. Companies lose out, musicians lose out. Musicians lose out, studios lose out. Get the picture? It's ironic to me that the very same people who download all this stuff are the people who would instantly rally against mainstream music and mainstream culture. The irony is, if they keep doing what they're doing, eventually our culture will be a prepackaged mainstream pussy-whipped version of itself.

Why was this so defensive and aimed at me, personally? I'm on neither side of the debate. I was merely asking a question.
You didn't even pay attention to my post. You basically said a lot of what I said in the end of mine and stuck it in yours with more italics and exclamation points/question marks. The rent thing was just to paint a picture, it wasn't an argument. So as tired as you are of it, I wasn't contributing to your weariness regarding it. People are so sensitive about this subject. You'd think we were talking about nudity and rape during the 1950's. Everyone calm down, it's just a discussion. Stop getting so personal and bitchy about it. Lol. People have been stealing things for years. Since the dawn of time. Where there is a will, there is a way, they say. There's no point in being some kind of overly-aggressive/judgmental advocate. But that's just my opinion.

In this case, it was all too evident that's what a lot of you were, though. Overly-aggressive and judgmental advocates. Making a lot of assumptions about anyone who posts a reply.
He might be a bit more defensive because he actually works for one of those companies that gets ripped off

He works, someone else takes, he gets less = someone just took from him
He might be a bit more defensive because he actually works for one of those companies that gets ripped off

He works, someone else takes, he gets less = someone just took from him

That's understandable. However, aiming that at me was hardly worth his time.
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