Anathema and Toole


Jan 19, 2002
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Hi all :)

How r u all doing? Good I hope!

I recently listened to a few Toole songs... Hm.. I kinda reminds me of Alt 4 and Jugdement albums.... What do you all think? I like it.

take care

tool - anathema ??????
were these guys did smgt I had missed..?
May be you listened "LATERALUS" and again maybe
yu thought there some similarities about mood or slowness.
but I do insist you on trying again...

it could be worst
Didi I hear the word T00L???
T00L ruleeeeeee. They are the most original band I have ever heard... These guys are playing the kind of music that everybody will listen to in 10 years time... Way ahead of their time... And their lives.... Unbelievable! This was the only concert were I could not headbang because I could not miss a second of the show... They are absolutely amazing! And the most fascinating thing is that they have made huge success without using the media... They do not give interviews, they do not do ordinary videoclips (artistically perfect and not the kind of videos that we are used to), their music is very weird... Yet they are the best band in the world... From an artistic point of view they ae excellent! One must have read like a million books about philosophy in order to understand what they are trying to say... I am not sure even if T00L themselves understand what they want to say hehehe :)

Sorry about the extent of my post, but I just couldn't help myself... I love this band...

And Danny Carey RULEZZZZZZZZZZ :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:

Take care :)
Originally posted by Forlorn Hope
Actually your post was quite okay! There are some good points in it. Well, except that I think Anathema's a bit better :D
hehe... Well, I don't know which group is best... And I cannot classify any group... T00L are by far more artistic and complicated than Anathema. They can play very diificult parts. And for me Danny Carey is one of the best drummers in the world... Anathema on the other had are by far more emotional. Simple melodies that strike you straight to your heart. Tunes that send shivers down your spine... Songs that take you to another world... And the lyrics are the best I have ever seen...

I do not compare these two bands, or any band as a matter of fact... I just enjoy some wondeful music made by some wonderful minds... Different, but wonderful...

Take care...
Its a pity MFN didn't go all out to get Anathema the support on the Tool tour-I feel something like that could be the next step for the band.