And another.....The Blackening leaked!!

Sad but true. Press & Distro, folks... that's the way to go these days.

So does that mean the band pays for the cost of everything themselves but is signed to a label just for press and distribution? Sorry for the newb question.
So does that mean the band pays for the cost of everything themselves but is signed to a label just for press and distribution? Sorry for the newb question.
here read this

almost every band out there makes more money on merch and shows than selling CD's probably ALL of them really.
Labels are legitimized organized crime for the most part. It wouldn't surprise me at all if MH leaked it themselves, especially given the runaround they've gotten from their label.

there goes my development deal!
In most cases yes, the band pays for it....either that or you get a rich sugar daddy to blow on a weekly basis who will fit the recording bill for you. Hello, Matt Heafy! (j.k.)

You basically deliver the recorded album to the record company who handle the promotion and distribution aspects of the process. They still take their cut for providing the promotion and distribution services and hopefully you can negotiate a higher royalty rate than the normal scenario where the label pays for the recordings, as you're not in debt to them and they have limited their risk exposure of not making anything out of it if it doesn't sell. Simply a case of low risk economics for them, hopefully making them more inclined to pay you more so you can eat that month.

That Albini article is priceless. I wish I'd read that before a couple of my very young and naive experiences.

...are you going to announce all metal p2p releases here or what ?

Stop this shit let ultimatemetal be ultimatemetal not metalmadness or (wht is that other one called ?) eslemetal.
Yea, that's some really eye opening stuff. fwiw, I don't think any "extreme" metal band is making any kind of serious money. They do it cause they love it. That's the only reason to be in the music biz. :rock:
Sure, if you can affort it...

You know, back in 2003 I met Jack Owen who was on the No Mercy Tour with Cannibal Corpse then. I seemed kinda worn out. He told us that the others were hung over while he was having a walk to pick up some milk...

He signed our tickets to this night's show and he wrote a webpage on the back of it and told us to check it out:

It was his new band back then and soon after we met him he quit Cannibal Corpse to focus on Adrift making some modern Rock music. Well obviously that didn't turn out to well cause he was just here again last week on tour with Deicide...

What I'm trying to say: When you're in an extreme Metal band I guess it's not possible to make a living from selling albums. You gotta check out some alternatives and be really sure what you want to achive and how much you're willing to give for it.
Last I heard, Opeth were offered a few deals with advances in the $1,000,000+ range. That's the only instance within recent memory where the band have been offered a generous amount. They've been around for a looong time, and are very popular for an extreme metal band right now.

Seems PnD deals are all the rage these days though for smaller acts.

PS. I'm gonna need to get you bastards to teach me one day how to tune bass drums to get a sound similar to this album (and most modern metal releases too, it seems). No drummers down here seem to be able to do it, so it would be nice if I were able to at least start!
i hear the general band % on a major label cd sale is 8-10%. doing the maths on say a £12 cd (sorry to the americans) and a 5 member band who sold 100,000 copies of an album, and also presuming the band is given 10% for each cd, they are only making £24k each (which is about the same as a bus driver here), never mind all the costs that the band usually has to pay for prior to a deal, namely recording the album, which can cost £££'s, the label however would have made £1080000 (gross profit). DIY is definitely the best way to go unless you want the easy fame of being on a major.

but then again i also hear that Converge sold over 3000 t-shirts one year of touring. £9000 to have the t-shirts printed, then sold for £12 each at shows, making each member £5k a year, just on t-shirts. but then again, i dont think Converge sell 100,000 cds...

added>>>> just read that steve albini text, pretty much sums everything up i guess.
Roadrunner knows the CD is going to leak the second they start sending out promos, so by controlling when and what is leaked, they can try to use it to their advantage by getting people behind the album even before it's released to retail. Rather than just whining about the horrors of file sharing, they're accepting it as a product of the internet and trying to make the best of it.