and mike spoke


still blue
May 9, 2001
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i just wanted to record the fact that i really appreciate mike
when he speaks to the crowd in between songs.
this fact may be overlooked by many: maybe
even you did. anyways, i saw Tool
perform about 1.5 months ago,
and i had the worst time at
that show. whatever
his name is got up on
stage, did his thing from
beginning to end and then they
just fucking took off. (ok they group
hugged), which the crowd liked, but they
just left after one thank you. that is fucking lame
IMHO. when i compare and contrast the experience,
leaving out the part that new Tool fucking blows, i just think
it's great that mike takes the time to talk to us and introduce
the songs etx. needless to say opeth music kills tools...course.
well. once again it boils down to a matter of
taste. if you like lateralus then good,
don't get all bothered coz i think
it suxx. but that wasnt the
point of the thread,
i just think its
nice that mike speaks
to the crowd and doesn't
treat the next show like another
number and then just rolls the fuck out.
if its just me then, oh well, thought i'd share the thought.
well i see what you are saying and i like it when there is a little talk to the crowd but they are don't ever see an actor pause in between lines to tell you about the next scene:p
There are more things you can say with music than with words. The couple of times we played our vocalist limits himself to say good evening thanks, the name of the song and some other thing that is minor...i do not know but if i were the singer or speaked alot i would only say what the next song means to me and that is all, is not because i am a rockstar is just because im shy and crowds still make me nervous, i manage to completly forget about it while playing ( after about 6 or 7 years of live gigs and parties ) but i am always uneasy and nervous i can still feel my hands tremble in between songs and sweat like a maniac even if its cold because im nervous, but as soon as i play the first couple of notes my hands stop shaking and my fingers start to dance around the guitar...i can even play my solos and all with minor or no mistakes at all. It would not be a surprise to me that some of the less chatty singers where like that out of crowd fears...
... what I think sucks is when someone goes to a concert and wants something more than music. 'Oh, they just played their music, that's so BORING.' Well your CD didn't dance or shoot fireworks and you liked that well enough... heh

If you really want someone to care about talking to you, don't look to musicians, call your mother.

What is most lame is when seeing a band, say a local opener or at a locals only show, and they neglect to even tell anyone who they are. "Wow, I really liked whoever that was!"
I hear ya, Jim. These guys may be close to our hearts, but they really don't know most of us, except a few like Lee_B, who are actually friends with the bands. If I ever see either Tool or Opeth, I wouldn't expect and entire monologue and an interactive gameshow, I would expect music. I agree with Kushantaiidan that reading a script is silly, but it just may be out of shyness. I really can't imagine what I would do in front of 500-5000 people. (I play and write, but have never managed to get a gig or a band). You go see them for the music. I think when concerts become something other than live music is when the band and the fans both lose perspective, then you get bad sound, lots of screaming, strip-teases, overkill dancing, and the Backstreet Boys.
Oh and another thing....i hate those political/straightedge harcore bands that preach for 10 minutes in between every time i saw this band preaching all this anti-technology shit while playing there electric guitars though their amps singing through a mic...they probably had cell phones to:lol: :lol: ...
thats how tool are, when i saw the adam never looked up and so his hair covered his face and Maynard had his back to the crowd most the time. its the way they are.

As for Mikael, at the London Underworld gig this week he was talking a lot, which was great and one person shouted from the crowd something along the lines of ''shut up and sing'' or stop talking and sing, anyway it was brilliant and so were Kataonia. :grin: