Andy Sneap


Troll #2
May 25, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
What do you think of Andy Sneaps works (as a producer)?

I think he is one of the best producers around!
You can really hear when he's been on the mixing table!
The sound is always very clear, very heavy and right in your face.
In my opinion, he often creates the same sound for the bands he
produce for, yet it always sound interesting. Don't ask me why,
but it's something magic with it! :)

I mean, for example, just listen to these albums and you understand
what i mean:

Kreator - "Violent Revolution"
Arch Enemy - "Wages of Sin"
Nevermore - "Dead Heart In A Dead World"
Testament - "The Gathering"

Maybe he should produce the next Opeth album? ;)

Originally posted by svenske kocken
Yeah, Andy is great, but I think Neil Kernon is the überproducer.
Some examples:

Nevermore - The Politics Of Ecstasy (one of the best productions ever)
Nevermore - Dreaming Neon Black
Macabre - Dahmer
Cannibal Corpse - Gore Obsessed

gotta agree!
Well form the two producer's mentioned here i'm gonna have to go with sneap... i mean Nevermore's Dead Heart In A Dead World has GOT to be one of the best produced metal albums i've everheard!!! WOW!! MUCH better thant Dreming Neon Black i think (i still don't have politics...)
Originally posted by Brutalizer
Maybe he should produce the next Opeth album?

Absolutely not; this is as bad an idea as suggesting Tägtgren to produce. At the moment, Sneap is apparently working (where he belongs) with Fozzy…
I agree on the Tagtgren point, I don't think his production sound is bad at all, per se, but the fact that he produced certain band's albums tends to be given more weight than is necessary. I agree that it would not be the right move for Opeth, but Tagtgren is closing the Abyss, so it doesn't really matter anyways...

Do you really think Opeth would be better to leave Gothenburg now? I think the quality and versatility in the sounds of MAYH, SL, and BWP suggest that it's a perfectly suitable location to do the next one. Besides, it seems to me that Sneaps specializes in metal and Opeth are planning that semi-experimental softer CD... this is not to suggest that Nordstrom would be any better, but Opeth tend to self-produce for the most part anyways. I betcha if somebody did come in to produce, it'd be a prog guy again instead of a metal guy.