Angel Of Retribution.

WILKS said:
Unleashed in the studio what an album.Lets hope the dvd is a bit more er well live would be a start.:lol:

:lol: well yeah it is always a good start to have a live album/dvd that IS actually live! Mind you, the Saxon video recorded in Madrid is obviously more studio than 'live'. Well maybe not MORE studio than live, but certainly a lot of studio.

But every band does it, why? Why don't they just have the balls to put out the recording as it is. I have been listening to Holocaust's 'Hot Curry And Wine' cd all week. It is as rough as f**k, and Sammi's son actually thought I was listening to karaoke! But the cd is brilliant for it's rawness. Surely that is what 'live' is all about?
Hey Pax,I bought,the New Priest DVD actually last tuesday right off the rack at the local Cocconuts on sale for 15 bucks.I was exchanging my Saxon Allentown tickets for some NJ MSG tickets when it caught my eye.The DVD is excellant,great sound and picture quality.Enjoy,Steve
Paxoman said:
:lol: well yeah it is always a good start to have a live album/dvd that IS actually live! Mind you, the Saxon video recorded in Madrid is obviously more studio than 'live'. Well maybe not MORE studio than live, but certainly a lot of studio.

Bloody brilliant dvd though mate!!!

Its strange to me that whole 'unleashed in the studio' stigma that seems to have haunted priest, because i have about 100 Priest bootlegs and many of them easily blow away the officially released live stuff "Unleashed" and "Priest Live" etc.

The best thing about that being when you listen to them you know no studio trickery is involved and yet Priest do sound that damn good for real

For example Priest...Live appears to have too perfect a sound and for the most part its quite obvious there are overdubs and that it is not one concert but the best parts of a few. Yet i have a soundboard recording of a german concert from the Turbo tour that totally destroys Priest..Live, Rob is absolutely on fire and they even play 'Victim of Changes' and it sounds mind blowing!!

I also have the bootlegs from the Japanese tour in 1978 that the Unleashed album came from and i have to say there is not much difference at all really, not worth all that "unleashed in the studio" crap that kerrang and shit used to write anyway.

Thanks for the review of the dvd btw Spaster! I have a rip of the dvd audio and it sounds great and is pretty damn close to the bootleg i have of the same show, obviously its pro-recorded so it does sound awesome!
spaster said:
Hey Pax,I bought,the New Priest DVD actually last tuesday right off the rack at the local Cocconuts on sale for 15 bucks.I was exchanging my Saxon Allentown tickets for some NJ MSG tickets when it caught my eye.The DVD is excellant,great sound and picture quality.Enjoy,Steve

Cheers spaster. I don't know what Cocconuts is, I'm assuming a chain of record shops?

Valanx - So the JP dvd hasn't been delayed now then? And yeah, the live Innocence video/dvd is pretty good! :rock:
Paxoman said:
Valanx - So the JP dvd hasn't been delayed now then?

I suspect the UK retail date is still delayed, but the dvd has been released in the usa
bert said:
Looks like an ebay job again then! When will they learn? :erk:

Yeah, my thoughts exactly!! Im either gonna use the US amazon site or myself!
valanx said:
Might just wait for the R2 release, im not sure if my new dvd recorder supports R1 and i gave my region free dvd player to my sister...clever eh!

Anyway its here and ready to be bought though..

got this to tide me over until i buy the dvd

Hey mate, I recently bought a new dvd player which wasn't multi-region, so I went on ebay and bought the code to make it multi-reg. I still have all the codes, so if you PM me your make and model number I'll see if I have a code for you.

Angel :)
Paxoman said:
Hmmm that is quite interesting. The JP dvd is pretty cheap on Amazon US. I bet it isn't quite so cheap on UK Amazon!

Now im pissed off !!!

On the Judas Priest official webshite it says '30th of January', but on its says 'february the 15th'

At least the 'Quincy' dvd boxset got released in time for christmas eh!!!

Properly gutted with Priest over this!!! I could just see myself christmas night getting drunk watching this, now i will only have my Testament, Alice Cooper and Within Temptation dvds to look forward too!!! Actually Priest would have been the headlining dvd so i would probably be to wasted to watch it anyway!!

valanx said:
Now im pissed off !!!

On the Judas Priest official webshite it says '30th of January', but on its says 'february the 15th'

At least the 'Quincy' dvd boxset got released in time for christmas eh!!!

Properly gutted with Priest over this!!! I could just see myself christmas night getting drunk watching this, now i will only have my Testament, Alice Cooper and Within Temptation dvds to look forward too!!! Actually Priest would have been the headlining dvd so i would probably be to wasted to watch it anyway!!


At least it isn't just Saxon who f**k things like this up!
valanx said:
...And is now saying 23rd of January!

can't argue with the price they have though;

Yeah £13.99 inc P+P ain't bad at all! Whats going on with the track listing though? A lot of the songs are in the wrong order. 'Living After Midnight' is in the middle when it was one of the encores. I hate it when they mess around with the songs!