Another fucking story thread!

...I open the toilet door, I can see the CLANSMAN talking to the Barman, I can't hear wot they're talking about so I try and get a little bit closer.

They seemed to be talking about Ray and how Ray chopped off RANDYS EAR...........Ray your :yell:F*CKED....There's a lot of noise :Shedevil: outside the Tavern, the CLANSMAN and the Barman go outside to see wot all the kerfuffles all about, and that gives me the chance to get Rays bag and I shall Finnish both our drinks.

I drink the drinks, grab Rays bag, start to walk back to the toilet and I hear this voice....:yell:OYA....:ill:who me....:yell:YES YOU, INLIGHTEN ME :yell:WHO THE BLOODY ELL ARE YA?...:ill:I'm just a passer buyer, but I need to use your shitter I don't feel to good.....Barman, the CLANSMAN said give.........:yell:wot did you say your name was.....:ill:Its Rodders sir....:yell:Barman give Rodders a shot of a 100 pipers that should sort you out....:ill:I will be but a minute sir.

:ill: Barman could I change that shot for a shot of WILD TURKEY...Barman said OK......:ill:So I close the door and jump through the window and now I'm on my way to the BANK.......
I climb out the window and fall to the ground with a thud. I wanted to run, but I remembered the Tome! I can't let something that powerful fall into the wrong hands, but this burden wasn't the only reason I went in to confront the CLANSMAN. I can't run from my problems, I have to face them like a man. I run into the bar, grab my bag amd yell "CLANSMAN! lets settle this"
As Ray runs into the bar and grabs his bag NOT realising that's its not his bag, Ray sees me with his bag, Ray throws the bag at the CLANSMAN and tells him to F*CK OFF and runs out and hopefully to the bank.

..PEOPLES..I've just climbed through the toilet window, I'm just about to run away from the back of the tavern when I run into Tom your the one making all that kerfuffle....:Shedevil:Tom said..look Rodders call me by my real name...OK Tom....:Shedevil:NO Rodders its Charley, I never did like the name why accept the name Tom...:Shedevil:if I didn't Rodders I would of been a nobody and they all would of picked on me, But now I am the leader of the pack, I don't give respect Rodders I get respect even though they are THE CHILDREN OF THE DAMNED I am number1 around here....OK Charley, so can you help me get to the bank I have to meet Ray there...:Shedevil: Sure Rodders follow me.

We are now across from the Bank, Ray doesn't look to good. Wat's wrong Ray I ask?.....Ray said, how the :yell:F*CK CAN RANDY BE ALIVE, F*CK, F*CK, SHIT, SHIT, F*CK Rodders HOW CAN THIS BE :cry:I KILLED RANDY AND HER BROTHER THE CLANSMAN and I've just seen him Back at the Tavern......I slap Ray across the face, snap out of it Ray, did you know there were two CLANSMAN and at that time we didn't even know about the GOBLINS NUTS I did leave one or maybe two GOBLIN NUTS with MIMA at the Morgue.
When I realized i grabbed the wrong bag.I ran through the bar franticly searching for it. The CLANSMAN had it! I grabbed a bottle from behind the counter smash it over his head and in a fit of rage, stab him with the broken half a couple times. At this point people are running and screaming and the bar owner pulls a small .22 hunting rifle form under the counter and starts firing at me! I grab my bag and run to the exit. It must have been my lucky day because a bullet wizzed past my head and grazed the side of my neck! "F*CK F*CK F*CK BLOODY F*CKING SH*T!" I shouted, as I clenched my bag in one hand and my bleeding neck with the other. I ran as quickly as I could deep into the forest. I ran and ran and ran until i was completely out of breath. I ended up in a murky swamp area, in and old run down forgotten cemetery. It was kind of eerie but at the same time it was quite beautiful the way the light filtered in through the dense canopy above. The cemetery seemed to have been quite large when it was in use and most of the headstones were illegible do to a combination of withering and decay. Many were covered in moss many others were snapped in half or knocked over. I decided to take a rest against the base of a large weeping willow tree. I bandaged my neck as best as I could. I took the two sub machine guns I had in my pack out and loaded them up and slipped them into the holsters on my belt underneath my overcoat. I knew they would be looking for me soon. If I didn't kill the CLANSMAN im sure him and his pals would be looking for me for some revenge. If he died I'm sure the townsfolk would be looking for justice. I pulled out a flask from my pack and took a gulp of the cheap scotch I filled it with. I sat back and took a deep breath and let out a sigh. "The town needs to be dealt with" I thought to myself. Apparently RANDY had been revived somehow
and ontop of killing the CLANSMAN she would accuse me of trying to kill her. I took the Ancient tome out of my pack and examined it. It seemed to be almost pulsating. Was it reacting to the presence of death within the cemetery? Perhaps the blood dripping from the side of my neck had something to do with it? Whatever was going on I got this eerie feeling as if the book was alive. When a murder (flock) of ravens flew through the forest and landed in the cemetery I really began to get freaked out. I began to worry about what would happen if word got out about the attrocities I had commited in the village, I would become a wanted man. Realizing I still had RANDY'S ear on me i fed threw it at one of the ravens. They all swarmed upon the piece of rotting flesh, fighting eachother and tearing it to shreds. It's not normal for ravens to feast on carrion, these bird must have been starving for days. I pulled a few pieces of beef jerky from my pack, stuffed a few pieces in my mouth and threw some to the birds. I began to think more and more about what would become of me. They would hang me for sure. I can't allow that to happen. Even if I need to wipe out the entire village, which would be very difficult to do. It couldn't stop worrying it began to drive me slightly mad. They all needed to be silenced. but I could not do it alone, I would need a small army. one that would submit to my every command. I didn't have nearly enough money to hire mercenaries and besides that would only further incriminate me, there would still be others who knew of my ghastly deeds and bore witness to the sluaghtter. I would need any army too stupid to know of anything other than to kill and obey orders. If only there was a way...
....PEOPLES...Ray has just finished telling me wot happened to him on the way to the Bank.


Ray spits it out the beef jerky...:yell:STOOOOOP RAY....Ray said, but you just told me to get rid....:yell: YES RAY, BUT F*CKING THE DOG RAY :yell:ITS EATING THE F*CKING BEEF JERKY IT WILL TAKE IT TO THE VILLAGERS.

Before Charley could say....:Shedevil:raaaaaaaaaaaya noooooo....Ray grabbed one of his sub machine guns and started to shoot the dog...Ray grabbed the Beef Jerky out of the dogs mouth and said, now wot do i do with it Rodders?...I told Ray, you must bury it or you eat it, but it must be berried deep in the ground....Ray said F*CK IT and started to eat the beef jerky....:lol:RAY, RAY I WAS ONLY JOKING YOU MUST BURY IT YA DAFT TIT.

Charley said....:Shedevil:RAY, YOU F*CK THAT WAS MY DOG SASHA....SHE WAS SO, SO, SO HUNGRY:cry:

Ray, we must go to the Bank, we are going to rob the F*CKERS so give me a gun and lets do this, Ray said are you sure...I tell Ray its just YOU, ME, and CHAR.....:yell:NOW WHERE THE F*CK HAS CHARLEY GONE RAY? AND THE DOG?...:yell:FARKINELL RAY, LETS JUST DO THIS AND TRY AND GET THE F*CK OUT OF THIS VILLAGE OF THE DAMNED.

We get to the Bank, there is a sign on the door it says BACK IN 5 MIN.....YEAH RIGHT, another F*CKING SIGN, come on Ray lets go around the back, we go in the back door, I can see KERRY at the counter and she's wearing her shinny black boots, I call out to her in a soft voice,, she can't hear me from the back, so RAY stands up and shouts out :yell:KERRY ARE YOU F*CKING DEAF...KERRY turns around....KERRY doesn't recognize RAY....I shout out, RAY she's got a FUCKIN UZI get the F*CK DOWN.

I stepped on the childrens heads.:zombie:
Squashed their brains out."Goddammit I screamed their fucking brains on my boots.Drinking much whiskey made me clumsy.
Or was I smoking Goblin weed.Anyway tinkerbell put fairy-dust on my nuts and I began giggling.More children were attacking now,and I'm far too drunk to fight.Damn their hides!

:yell:I SHOUT OUT..KERRY..ITS ME RODDERS DON'T SHOOT...nothing, not a sound...As Rays moving the body's he goes to the front counter and shouts out....:yell: HAY RODDERS, I THINK KERRYS F*CKED OFF AND THE :yell:FUCKING MONEYS GONE, THAT CAN'T BE A GOOD SIGN.....Good one hahaha:lol: no time for sign jokes RAY.....Rodders, the front door is wide open, it wasn't like that before we came through the back remember.

OK Ray lets pack-up our shit and head back to the Morgue....why the Morgue Rodders....well Ray I know of a lovely lonely lady who works at the Morgue and she works mostly by herself her name is MIMA....we will have to think of a different name for you as RAY is starting to get around THE VILLAGE now that's not a good SIGN RAY hahaha:lol:....sorry RAY tizz not funny.

Wot can we call you Ray?.....THINK.....
I walk out the front door of the bank. A couple of people are walking by and see me leaving the bank. " he's got a gun! the bank is being robbed! send for a policeman!" I was way passed the point of caring about innocent bystanders. With the hate boiling inside of me, I fire a couple shots at the people creating a scene. A couple fall to the ground and the others begin to run. I run back into the bank "Roders! you gotta get out of here mate! some crazy bitch just went and got the coppers comming after us!!!" We could hear a small crowd growing outside the Bank. Im sure at this point the cops had arrived, I run over to Roders. "here, youre going to need these man." I hand him both of my Ingram MAC 10's "sneak out the back door, I will create a diversion. Take anyone you think is worth living in this shit hole of a village and take them to the hills on the outskirts of the village." I take the tome out of my bag as well as a small pistol. "Everyone in this god forsakend village is going to meet a grizzly fate. We are both wanted men now, we need to leave this place anyway. Take Kerry and MIMA or anyone else. and run as fast as you can." I take a peek out of the door to the bank at the small crowd. I pick up the Uzi that Kerry had left behind. "Run to the hills. Roders I will meet you and the others there and we'll find a new village to stay in afterward."
I begin to fire blindly into the crowd with the sub machine gun. I hear shots fired in retaliation but the villagers break out into a panic and start running. Amidst the chaos I manage to run away, down the road and into the forest. I can hear the cops looking for me, but I knew my way through the woods far better than them at this point. I stumbled over a root and fell down a small slope. " F*CKIN SHIT" I had twisted my ankle in the process. I limped hastily through the woods until I came upon the ancient cemetery from earlier. I knew what had to be done. The villagers now knew me as a murderer and now a bank robber. I open the Tome and begin to read some of the incantations aloud, hoping it will do what I think it will do. Suddenly, the ground began to tremble and shake violently. I fell to my knees in horror when I realized what I had done. The soil began to churn, and in horror I began to watch as the zombified corpses began to arise from the blackend earth. It had not occurred to me wether or not these flesh eating creatures would be under my control. The texts explained that once awakened these creatures would feast upon the flesh of the living until there was no life left in sight. I continued to read franticly, as they drew nearer and nearer to me. My entire body was trembling in absolute terror, I found an incantation that would keep them from feasting upon me. I shouted the ancient arabic texts at the top of my lungs, my voice was cracking in fear. They were closing in on me, I was completely surrounded. I finished the incantation and they instantly stopped. My heart was pounding, sweat poured down my face. I stared up at the dank rotting zombies, and they stared back at me with a blank souless stare. I slowly arose onto my feet. I pushed my way through the massive crowd of the undead. i turned around to look back at them and they turned around to look at me. I began walking back to the village not knowing what to do. I looked back and realized they were following me. I stopped and so did they. I don't think they would understand verbal commands, so i didn't even try. They moved pretty quickly for a pile of decayed flesh and bone.i began to walk to the village. I come to the edge of the forest and spot all the policemen in the village waiting for me. "there he is men shoot him dead!" I duck behind a large rock ans bulletsm wizz past me. I return fire with the small handgun Hitting one cop in the throat, and another in the arm. Before I could get back to cover I took one in the arm. " SHIT SHIT SHIT" I was bleeding steadily from my upper arm. I don't know if it was the smell of blood or just their nature but the creatures emerged from the woods and were swept up into a feeding frenzy! They ran swiftly toward the cops. The cops fired at the wildly, But the bullets didn't do much in the way of stopping them. The creatures caught up with them aand began devouring them, They didn't stick around to finish them off though, once the cops stopped moving they moved onto another victim, almost as if their intent was not to feed but more to destroy. I stood up and watched in amazement as these ghastly creatures pinned every villager in sight to the ground and bit their necks and limbs. As much remorse as I started to feel for causing this mess, I told myself there was no turning back. No villager was able to escape as their numbers began to grow as the corpses of the cops and villagers began to zombify and join the sluaghter. I ran to the shop, knowing what had to be done. The old deaf broad didn't even know what was goin on outside. I figured I would spare he rthe horror and i planted one right in the back of her head with my pistol. I took a messenger bag that was behind the counter and filled it with all the cash in the register. I also grabbed a shotgun off of the shelf and stuffed some shells into the pack as well. I grabbed some food and a bottle of rum and then took a large container filled with kerosene off of the shelf. I rigged up a simple tourch from a broken chair leg and part of a table cloth. I then poured a bit of kerosene on the floor and lit it with my lighter. I lit the torch as well and began running around th village torching every house as I went along. I watched as the villagers tried to flee only to be devoured by the growing crowd of the undead. When I had finished the entire village was up in flames and i could hear the screams of the few survivors as they laid bleeding in the street. When I was certain no one was left. I opened the tome to the section that loosely translated to "to end the madness" I began to read the incantation that was written there. When I finished, The army of creatures fell to the ground and turned into dust. The only noise I could here was the crackling of burning wood. The air was heavy with the smell of death and burning flesh. I had to get to a hospital as the makeshift bandage I made for my arm wasn't nearly enough to take care fo the wound. I then began to walk the path to The hills, telling myself not to look back at the atrocity I had committed. I finally reached the hill. "RODERS!!" I began to call out...
....Ray came back into the Bank handed me his prize possessions his two INGRAM MAC 10's.....YEAH BUT, NO BUT, RAY BUT.....Ray said....:cry:YEAH BUT, NO BUTS RODDERS TAKE THEM AND I SHALL MEAT YA AT THE HILLS....Ray runs out the Bank Screaming, :yell:DIE YOU BASTARDS DIE.

I sneak out the back, who is standing at the back door...YES PEOPLES...its Charley...:Shedevil:Rodders let me come with you, if I stay I'm sure to die.....But Charley wot about the children?...:Shedevil:F*CK THE DAMNED CHILDREN :Shedevil:I AM SO OVER THE BABY SITTING CRAP, RODDERS....But this is your home Charley.....:Shedevil:RODDERS WAKE UP AND SMELL THE SMOKE, YOUR MATE RAY IS BURNING:hotjump:EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING MY HOME IS NO MORE I AM BUT A HOMELESS ORFIN THANX TO RAY.

OK, but you must do wot I say when I say I can't have you lagging behind. :Shedevil:Rodders I am but the fastest runner in THE VILLAGE OF THE DAMNED its more like can you keep up with me Rodders as I know my way around what's left of THE VILLAGE....You have a point Charley....Charley do you know the quickest way to the Morgue?...:Shedevil:YES, why do you ask Rodders?...Well I was going to pick up MIMA on the way to the hills.....:Shedevil: O.....K Rodders we can do that.....I sense Charley didn't care to much for MIMA, I didn't ask why, I just went along with Charley and her mood swings, BUT just in case Charley is a plant, I gave her a type of necklace I told Charley it would explode if we get separated.....:Shedevil:so how does that help me Rodders if we get separated?....It doesn't Charley It helps me as your head will explode and then I will stop worrying about you, so the best thing to do Charley is stay close.

We get to the Morgue I start shouting out MIMA'S name no answer I told Charley MIMA might be down the stairs so we should at least go and have a look, we get to the bottom...tizz a sad day MIMA was dead, her body but no head.....:Shedevil: RODDERS YOUR MATE RAY IS A REAL BASTARD HOW COULD HE DO SUCH A THING?

:cry:I DON'T KNOW CHARLEY...I look around for some clues I look in the visitors book that MIMA writes names in. The last name in the book had no name, it just said "Black Lace Boxer Shorts" dated yesterday....."Black Lace Boxer Shorts" mmmm I rip out the last page of the book I say to Charley ok wot about DEADYS house next?...I get the same moody response.....:Shedevil: O...K FOLLOW ME.

As we leave the Morgue I realise the Morgue is NOT on fire yet, which means RAY hasn't made it this far as yet so how could Ray of killed MIMA not possible PEOPLES.

So we make are way to DEADLYS house.............
....As we walk up the road I turn around I see smoke and flickers of light, I get out a pair of binoculars:yow: I look down on the Black Forrest I see the smoke above the trees, I look down on the flickering lights and I notice the lights moving in and out of the trees, so I zoom on in.....I can't believe wot I'm looking at, Charley asks me what's wrong, It's the THE VILLAGE PEOPLE I reply, there all on fire and running around trying to put themselves out, I look towards the Church I can see one of the CLANSMAN he has his hands around the priests mouth and dragging him away, but why? wot can the priest do for the CLANSMAN?

I tell Charley to hurry, we must move I can see people coming our way and they don't look happy...Charley replies with....:Shedevil:WELL LOOK WOT YOU AND RAY HAVE DONE TO "THE VILLAGE OF THE DAMNED" TIZZ NO MORE, YOUR LUCKY I LIKE YOU RODDERS......I'm lucky you've got that necklace on:err:....:Shedevil:wot do you mean Rodders.....Oh nothing, don't worry about me Charley I'm just talking to myself.....:Shedevil:NO REALLY RODDERS, WOT DID YOU SAY?.....I was just making a comment about your cloths, its strange how you wear your Black Lace Shorts on the outside of your jeans...:Shedevil:what's wrong don't you like the way I dress, this is wot we do......No I like it Charley its very sexy a real turn on, you are very pretty....:Shedevil:Rodders that is the nicest comment anybody ever given me, I bet you say that to all the girls.....No just you Charley now we must go we must get to DEADLYS house.

PEOPLES....The reason I say wot I say is because the people coming up the road are the rest of the GOD DAMNED CHILDREN:zombie::Smokin::dopey::loco: if they catch up with us F*CK KNOWS WOT COULD HAPPEN. I just hope Ray is on his way up behind them so he can sort the little f*ckers out. We are coming up to DEADLYS house the door is wide open we go inside I go down into the cellar DEADLYS coffin is open I look inside, all I see is a pile of dust and a wooden stake, I look on the floor I see some foot prints but not of human prints but of a large wolf/dog.

Wot the f*ck is going on? we leave the cellar I put the piece of paper with the clue about the Black Lace Shorts in DEADLYS coffin as RAY would be the only one smart enough to have a look. So now we must leave DEADLY house and......
I made my way to the top of the hill. I hadn't seen Roders or the others yet. I sat down against the side of an old rotted tree on the top of the hill. I pulled out my knife and unbandaged my shoulder. Luckily the bullet wasn't lodged in very far. I then proceeded to dig the bullet out of the wound. I nearly fainted from the pain as i dug around with the blade and prying it out. I poured some liqour on the wound and bandaged it up. All of the people in the village were dead.... I caouldn't believe what I had done. I laid down on my back gazing at the stars, waiting for Rodders and whoever he saved to meet me on the hill like i told him to.
PEOPLES....As the CLANSMAN drags the Priest away....PEOPLES....we shall call him, mmm....JUDAS.....As the CLANSMAN drags JUDAS away he whispers in his ear before biting it off.....:guh: JUDAS its been..6 LONG MONTHS, 6 LONG WEEKS, and 6:yell: F*CKING LONG DAYS since the GOBLINS took my f*cking wife....:guh:tizz now the right time JUDAS, the right time to release the BEAST and return my wife to me....:guh:Tizz but the fullest of moons JUDAS my wife shall be reborn upon this day and once again we shall be a CLAN.

JUDAS told the CLANSMAN....:saint:you must wait until 7am my son, take your wife to dhe top of Rooty Hill....:saint:lay your wife next to dhe ol rotten tree....:guh:JUDAS why an old rotten tree?.....:yell:DATS DHE ONLY FOOKING TREE ON ROOTY HILL MY SON....:yell:STOP WID De FOOKIN QUESTIONS MY SON YOU MUST FETCH YOUR WIFE BEFORE De MORGUE BURNS DOWN...:yell:NOW FOOK OFF.....:mad:YA fookin cont....:guh: wot was that you said JUDAS...:saint: are noting my son, you go now, god speed.

So the CLANSMAN heads towards the Morgue and JUDAS the PRIEST heads back to the church, saying to-himself tank fook for dat if de CLANSMAN had his wife on top of ol Rooty Hill at 6am he would of got his wife back, then weed be in big trouble oh mighty CORE...As JUDAS walks towards the church he sees the Black Wolf at the front steps of the church.

I continued to wait for Rodders and the others to come to the hill. I wouldn't be able to wait much longer as I had to find a new village, to get my wounds taken care of. I could see the village from the hill, the fires had finally burned everything to the ground. I could see no survivors everything had bee burned to the ground, everyone had been either burned to death or devoured. Once it was morning, I would need to get going to the new village.
....As we walk up the road I turn around I see smoke and flickers of light, I get out a pair of binoculars:yow: I look down on the Black Forrest I see the smoke above the trees, I look down on the flickering lights and I notice the lights moving in and out of the trees, so I zoom on in.....I can't believe wot I'm looking at, Charley asks me what's wrong, It's the THE VILLAGE PEOPLE I reply, there all on fire and running around trying to put themselves out, I look towards the Church I can see one of the CLANSMAN he has his hands around the priests mouth and dragging him away, but why? wot can the priest do for the CLANSMAN?

I tell Charley to hurry, we must move I can see people coming our way and they don't look happy...Charley replies with....:Shedevil:WELL LOOK WOT YOU AND RAY HAVE DONE TO "THE VILLAGE OF THE DAMNED" TIZZ NO MORE, YOUR LUCKY I LIKE YOU RODDERS......I'm lucky you've got that necklace on:err:....:Shedevil:wot do you mean Rodders.....Oh nothing, don't worry about me Charley I'm just talking to myself.....:Shedevil:NO REALLY RODDERS, WOT DID YOU SAY?.....I was just making a comment about your cloths, its strange how you wear your Black Lace Shorts on the outside of your jeans...:Shedevil:what's wrong don't you like the way I dress, this is wot we do......No I like it Charley its very sexy a real turn on, you are very pretty....:Shedevil:Rodders that is the nicest comment anybody ever given me, I bet you say that to all the girls.....No just you Charley now we must go we must get to DEADLYS house.

PEOPLES....The reason I say wot I say is because the people coming up the road are the rest of the GOD DAMNED CHILDREN:zombie::Smokin::dopey::loco: if they catch up with us F*CK KNOWS WOT COULD HAPPEN. I just hope Ray is on his way up behind them so he can sort the little f*ckers out. We are coming up to DEADLYS house the door is wide open we go inside I go down into the cellar DEADLYS coffin is open I look inside, all I see is a pile of dust and a wooden stake, I look on the floor I see some foot prints but not of human prints but of a large wolf/dog.

Wot the f*ck is going on? we leave the cellar I put the piece of paper with the clue about the Black Lace Shorts in DEADLYS coffin as RAY would be the only one smart enough to have a look. So now we must leave DEADLY house and......

Make are way to the top of the hill, we see Ray at the base of an old rooted tree, we walk over...Its about time Ray said, so where are all the others Ray asks....Charley butts in :Shedevil:I NEED TO GO TO THE LOO RODDERS, LIKE NOW....Just go behind that old rooted tree....Charley's not happy, goes around the back of the old rooted tree....the next thing Ray and I hear this big ol mighty scream :yell:HEEEEEEEEEELP MEEEEEee ee ee e....We run around the old rooted tree and nothing Charley was gone....I told Ray I recognized the tree it looked the as the old oak tree on the side of the road on the way to the shop that was the house of the GOBLINS....Again Ray asks, about the others Rodders?...I told Ray, you killed them all they are all dead....Ray said that can't be true I only killed the People in the VILLAGE.....So who killed MIMA AND DEADLY? ME THINKS BLACK LACE BOXER SHORTS mmmmmmmmmmm.

"Roders I heard theres a village up this path to the north." We started down the otehr side of the hill. We continued down the path toward a dark looming forest."here's you cut of the spoiles man." I handed Rodders a huge wad of bills with sevral elastics barely holding it together. "FARKINELL how much money is here???" Said Rodders. "Theres probably a couple thou there, it's all large bills. The other village is through this large forest, lets go." We both continued the path into the forest.
Ray, is it me or does it look like the Forrest is closing in on us or could it just be the shadows of the Forrest moving with the light of the full moon?....:err:
...As each tree we pass I would like to say, Ray, wot the f*ck was that? but yet again Rays getting into the grog he took/stole from the CLANSMANS Tavern. I did tell Ray I saw something moving from the corner of my eye, Ray I see something moving between the trees, its to tall to be A GOBLIN and to short to be a human looks more like a wolf, a Black dog/Wolf that's why it looks like a shadow.......Hmmmmmm:kickass:right, lets just keep on walking Ray:puke: sprayed, but don't, wot ever you do Rodders don't walk off the path, don't walk across the moors..:zombie:.

So as we walk down the dark skinny path ray is stumbling in front whilst I walk behind trying to work out if we are being followed by a dog or a wolf.

Keep talking Ray I will follow your voice.......
....Rays talking away how he single handily destroyed THE VILLAGE OF THE DAMNED and how everyone is dead, even the dead :kickass:are dead...Keep talking ray...Hay Ray tell me how he burnt the Village to the ground and how you had to fight off the living dead:zombie::zombie: and all you had in the end was a box of matches.

I haven't seen the shadow for a while now, Ray we must rest now, Ray stops, he collapses, but instead of collapsing on the path Ray collapses in a bush and screams out :yell: WOT THE F*CK IS A BUSH DOING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE :yell:F*CKING PATH?

But we're not on the path anymore Ray, I don't no where the F*CK we are I was following you and your voice...Ray said I haven't said a word this hole trip I've been to busy drinking:kickass:.....So who's been doing all the talking and why did you take us off the path? :yell:FOR F*CK SAKE RAY WE ARE ON THE F*CKING MOORS...which way is back? I can't see the fire from THE VILLAGE OF THE DAMNED I think we're in the shit Ray if we don't get off the Moors and fined that path.

Ray said............