Another half-assed Reaper tutorial

I'd love a beat detective tutorial. Currently I use Cubendo and since i almost never record metal, 100% quantize is too robotic for me. I've been trying iterative quantize lately but the thing is a PITA to get right (unless someone has drumagog exporting every hit to midi..then it's piece of cake) and since my boss gave me a M-Audio Fastrack and Pro Tools M-Powered, i've been thinking of trying that for quantizing my drum tracks. I even prefer a text tutorial (with pics :) ) than a video. This way I can print the thing and have it at the studio while I work.
Might have to be a text tutorial *shudder*


great. you should make a tutorial explainning "how to go to the point in tutorials" ;)

Hahaha, watch and learn would be my response! :cool:

Not required, but the matrix is freaking awesome. Tick everything wherever you want it and you can easily see what is routed where.

I don't think I knew about that whole mono deal fro reamping, I'll have to go check it out now!

Thanks for the entertaining tutorial. Viola.

Haha, my pleasure!

Your voice makes me have goosebumps. I like to sit on my sub while watching it.

Lololololololol high praise indeed :lol: :rock:

Haha, those track names and the piss off made me laugh aloud :lol:

Great tutorial, although personally I've always done it in the IO instead of the routing matrix, I guess I don't know why even myself.

Thanks dude! And yeah, I did to - before I found out about the routing matrix :D But as I mentioned, I still use the IO to be sure I'm dedicating a track to a mono hardware output for re-amping!