Another Iced Earth dessertion?

JonnyD said:
hahaha I dont think it was Really Rippers Fault that those Albums werent so good it was just Bad Song Writing in general ....
Agreed, they wouldn't have turned into jewels even with Halford singing.

As for Iced Earth singers, I loved the way Barlow put emotions in his vocals, but now I prefer Ripper over him because of his much diverse delivery, while Barlow ended being repetitive after a while.
I do believe that Ripper fits better in IE than in Priest, the Gettysburg Trilogy being the best proof, IMO. Tipton didn't really know what to do with Tim's talent (even if Jugulator has some cool moments), now it's up to Schaffer to make the best out of it.
Thanks Fang for pointing out how "Epic" The Gettysburg Trilogy is.
I'm fucking biased, being that I live in the USA & I have this sense of Patriotism in me.
It's great to hear from othet people, from other countries view on the trilogy!!!!!
SIXXSWINE-I Slaute You \m/
Getting a bit apart the main topic. I believe the media and some people had turned "the Glorious Burden" into an accursed icon of US patriotism. My meaning is that I do believe that Schaeffer had very strong feelings towards the mother country when he wrote the album, especially after September 11. There's nothing wrong with it, I'm sure that if the tragedy of NYC would have hit instead Paris, London, Berlin, Buenos Aires, Tokyo, Melbourne or any other major city across the globe, bands from that country would have come with something similar. I wonder if then people would have jump the same way.

People are trying to see Bush propaganda where is not. Moreover writing about the Civil War (the conflict with the highest amount of US casualties in history) is not political propaganda, is as valid as Iron Maiden writing "The Trooper" or Thin Lizzy "Black Rose". Writing about the history with pride is not cheap patriotism is about being a decent citizen of a country.

We cannot know where to go if we don't know when we came from, and those who forget history are condemned to repeat it.

I have Jimi Hendrix playing 'Star Spangled Banner', and I don't see anyone making a fuzz against it, then why now with Iced Earth? (unless they played very badly, hadn't hear it).

I don't have the album simply because I'm not too fond of IE (I do have "The Horror Show" and "Tribute To The Gods"), but I don't see any problem with TGB politically, socially or otherwise.
Walter_Langkowski said:
Much like how Black Sabbath vocally got better with the addition of Ronnie James Dio, Iced Earth has done a reversal and gotten worse with the addition of Ripper Owens (vocally speaking).

I agree. Of course it isn't only Owens' fault that the album turned out to be so weak in general. I could bash TGB, but nah I'd rather just not listen to it
Fangface said:
Agreed, they wouldn't have turned into jewels even with Halford singing.

As for Iced Earth singers, I loved the way Barlow put emotions in his vocals, but now I prefer Ripper over him because of his much diverse delivery, while Barlow ended being repetitive after a while.

Exzactly Neither album was all that good tho they Both had moments I could count all the songs I liked on one hand, Thou for me personally I got into priest from listing to '98 Meltdown ...I Love that one! .... Thats Exzactly Why I didnt like Barlow He could be Very boring at times! I think Ripper Fits like a glove :grin:
sixxswine said:
Well put JD.
It's like Ronnie Dio & Sabbath, uuuuuuuuuuuhhhh, I mean
Tony Martin & Sabbath, uuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhh...
I put my foot in my mouth....uuuuuuuuuuuuhhhh...
You get the idea right?! UUuuuuuuuuhhhhh... Or do I speak in a
a way that I only direct my posts to myself??!!!!:loco:
Wait, I got it!!!! It's Like Sammy Hagar & Van Halen, after Roth left!!!!!
Yeah, that's right, I finally got it right!!!!!
Go Cubs!!!!!! Go Bears!!!!!! Go Bulls!!!!!
More so the Bulls!!!! Cos' I'm The King of BULL shit!!!!!!
Right Wally?!

Your a funny Bastard Sixx! :grin:
Well put Wyv.
Except from "When the Eagles Cries", I fail to see what's political or even patriotic about TGB. It's all about History... and History lyrics work fine with Metal to me.
sixxswine said:
Well put JD.
It's like Ronnie Dio & Sabbath, uuuuuuuuuuuhhhh, I mean
Tony Martin & Sabbath, uuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhh...
I put my foot in my mouth....uuuuuuuuuuuuhhhh...
You get the idea right?! UUuuuuuuuuhhhhh... Or do I speak in a
a way that I only direct my posts to myself??!!!!:loco:
Wait, I got it!!!! It's Like Sammy Hagar & Van Halen, after Roth left!!!!!
Yeah, that's right, I finally got it right!!!!!
Go Cubs!!!!!! Go Bears!!!!!! Go Bulls!!!!!
More so the Bulls!!!! Cos' I'm The King of BULL shit!!!!!!
Right Wally?!

Dude, have you got some sort of problem with my posts? I really don't think that I've said anything to personally offend you, I've only put my own opinions out on issues, but whatever, I guess that's YOUR opinion, right?

Oh, and I guess I'll have to post more relevant topics on issues, you know, kind of like you do?? :rolleyes: I guess I made the mistake of posting *gasp*...opinions on music on this forum. WHAT HAVE I DONE?!?!!

Perhaps I should move to the "left coast", maybe?
Abryl said:
I agree. Of course it isn't only Owens' fault that the album turned out to be so weak in general. I could bash TGB, but nah I'd rather just not listen to it


I've never directed a post towards you before (pleased to meet you! :Spin: ), but I just wanted to warn you that since you are making a post that obviously is in contrast to what SIXXSWINE thinks, you might want to be careful as he will probably be trashing you personally or at least where you come from.

Just some advanced warnings.

Take care!
Wally, I have no problem with you, I just have a problem with the comparisons that you chose to use. They were lame & weak. I could have come up with better in my sleep, but that's just what I think. Hold on a minute, junior! I will not do any such thing to Abryl. He/She is a proven member of this forum, you on the other hand?!
Well, I won't trample on your pride, but let's just say, I haven't seen anything that you have posted that has moved me... Take it for what it is.
Try Harder!!!!
SIXXSWINE-Um Old School Forum Whack Post Police
I thought Tim's vocals on TGB were FAR better than anything he did with Priest. He just sounds so much stronger and my opinion was only solidified more when I saw him do the old IE stuff live. I would like to see Jon allow someone to give him ideas but I believe the next album that should be released is the sequel to Something Wicked so it could be a while. I'm not a fan of the ballads, either. I skip them almost every time with every album.
In my opinion, John Schaffer riffs are still great. I dont care who he gets in the band, because he writes all the music and it will always sound great. Go the only band members I was sad to see leave was Matt Barlow(but Ripper made up for that) and Richard Christy.
Walter_Langkowski said:
Dude, have you got some sort of problem with my posts? I really don't think that I've said anything to personally offend you, I've only put my own opinions out on issues, but whatever, I guess that's YOUR opinion, right?

Walter I don't think Sixx was particularly trying to jump on your ass. He, much like you is simply excitable and opinionated. I am as well, but I am more of a hippie type and get excitable in the positive way.
I have some friends that are big fans of Barlow and when he left IE I was worried for their sanity (well not really but you know what I mean.) Some people prefer Barlow, some Owens. Let's just keep the peace, say how you feel but everyone should do it with respect for other people's opinions. I am not pointing you out, simply stating this in general terms. I'm not trying to be moderator, just want to keep the peace.

sixxswine said:
I think Bryant's post is accurate...

Well Sixx I have had to put a rope around your neck once or twice and people have had to do that to me as well. We all lose our cool and it is human nature. I was simply playing referee. I won't take sides.
If some newbie comes in here and acts cool and Ted has a bad day (just as an example) and jumps his ass, I will not take sides, but I will direct the post to I think who was most at fault.

"Personal foul number 46.... defense".......... God it it is time for some football !!!

In any circumstance, I am the one that invited Walt here. He is a sarcastic fucker but he is a good guy. I will eventually train him and you in the hippie Bryant way of life like I have many people. It lowers your blood pressure and makes you feel great, but it works the hell out of your liver. :err:
