Another movie to look forward to...

A preview is a fair way to judge a movie before it's released, wouldn't you say? It looks so terrible, I saw this preview for AVP Reqiuem i think, or I am Legend
A preview is a fair way to judge a movie before it's released, wouldn't you say? It looks so terrible, I saw this preview for AVP Reqiuem i think, or I am Legend

So.. you saw AVP Requiem and want to trash this movie based on a preview and talk about good movie tastes?
So.. you saw AVP Requiem and want to trash this movie based on a preview and talk about good movie tastes?

I didn't say it was good, did I?

That's the same bullshit excuse I'm sick of hearing for people who are being boorish, snobbish, or obnoxious. Having an opinion differs from being over-bearing and complaining about EVERYTHING.

Im sorry im not a 19 year old comic book nerd, so sue me.
Previews are not always a great barometer for a movie.

I thought the previews for Beowulf looked really stupid, but everyone I know who saw said it was great....or at least, MUCH better than the previews looked.
I do want to see Cloverfield.. but ya know, the 18th is just around the corner.. I watched the full trailer of it and really didn't see anything new that got me like the first snippette did (trailer at Transformers)

I mean I'd think by now, something would be on the tube promoting the hell outta this with all the buzz and hidden sites and stuff they tried to do with this thing...

I have a feeling it's going to not be as good as I hope...

But I do want to see Iron Man - Robert Downey looks like he's got a tude thru the movie - about time !!!