Another one folks....


I'm, really
Sep 10, 2004
Houston, Texas
Just had to present this: Whats your favorite song from every Vintersorg album?? I'll just name songs cause I know you all know which album they are from anyway.

Norrskensdr Mmar

Till Fjalls


Astral and Arcane

Vem Styr Symmetrin?

A Sphere In A Sphere? (To Infinity)

Good luck!:kickass:
My favourites are constantly changing, but I think the most frequent ones are:


Urberget, Äldst Av Troner

Under Norrskenets Fallande Ljusspel

Astral And Arcane

Universums Dunkla Alfabet

The Essence

Fångad Utav Nordens Själ


Om Regnbågen Materialiserades

Universums Dunkla Alfabet

Curtains/The Thesis's Seasons
Stilla / Hednaorden

Till Fjälls / Vildmarkens Förtrollande Stämmor

Ödemarkens Son / I Den Trolska Dalens Hjärta

Om Regnbagen Materialiserades / Algol

A Metaphisical Drama / Vem Styr Symmetrin?

A Sphere In A Sphere (To Infinity?) / Dark Matter Mystery (Blackbody Spectrum)

/: my #2
Hedniskhjärtad - Norrskensdrömmar
Till Fjälls - Asatider (Hednahären leds av Vintersorg!)
Ödemarkens Son - Svältvinter
Cosmic Genesis - Algol/A Dialogue With The Stars
Visions From The Spiral Generator - The Explorer
The Focusing Blur - Dark Matter Mystery (Blackbody Spectrum)/Curtains
Hedniskhjärtad - don't own it
Till Fjälls - För Kung Och Fosterland
Ödemarkens Son - Ödemarkens Son
Cosmic Genesis - Astral and Arcane
Visions From The Spiral Generator - Translocator
The Focusing Blur - Dark Matter Mystery - Blackbody Spectrum