Another random train of thought...

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
Okay, so why is it that there's this whole big thing guilt thing for white people about slavery, but Christians get off totally scot-free for the thousands of years-worth of damage they've been doing. not to try to minimize the horror that was slavery and how wrong it was, but i mean c'mon...

the crusades?
the inquisitions?
the persecution of Jews during the Dark Ages
baptism by the sword?
the blaming of the Jews for starting the plague?
the salem witch trials? (something that happened in our own country, no less)
the complete rape of Pagan religions
all the racism, zenophobia, misogyny, and homophobia it spawned that it still effecting people today?

yet they make such a big thing about the Da Vinci Code or taking "under God" out of the pledge and saying that they're being persecuted so badly by our god-less society because they can't teach Creationism anymore.

if white have to answer for slavery, Christians - black and white - should have to answer for all that shit.
another thing that really bothers me:
the fact that phrases like that (sorry russel, i'm not picking on you!) are part of our vernacular just like many other phrases about god. it's like our culture is assuming that everyone believes in God. if people just assume that everyone believes in God, people should also just assume that white people are the master race. both of those are equally antiquated arguments that are setting our society back.

and only one of them is being dealt with.
no one has to answer to anything. none of us were alive for the slavery era, so i dont give a shit, and no one else should care. if theres people that are still pissed about slavery, then they should shut the fuck up, we live in a free and "equal" society. you werent a slave, your parents werent slaves, your grand parents werent slaves, get the fuck over it.
another thing that really bothers me:
the fact that phrases like that (sorry russel, i'm not picking on you!) are part of our vernacular just like many other phrases about god. it's like our culture is assuming that everyone believes in God. if people just assume that everyone believes in God, people should also just assume that white people are the master race. both of those are equally antiquated arguments that are setting our society back.

and only one of them is being dealt with.

Haha, I know you're not picking on me, I'm no Christian! Phrases like that are just how they would explain the atrocities commited in the name of their faith, because they have no real answer.
yeah, i love how this country was founded on freedom from a government that was controlling and the founders of this country sat down and on of the first things they decided that this country should be about is a "freedom of religion" and now here we are today and it seems like the US is a primarily christian country and what do christians think? everyone should beleive in our god, if you dont your going to hell.
yeah, i've trying to find substitutions for "god" while upping my "my pals" use.
hey now...!

and honestly ds, just suck it up. everyone on the earth needs to get on their knees and just fucking go to town. it'll humble the earth and fix everything.
They should make it mandatory to read 'The God Delusion' in high-school.