answer to mr/mrs rahvin (the king)


Kayo Dot Fetishist
May 25, 2002
here in Turkey
about my poster.....
you rahvin....who closed my there any freedom in this thread or there is rahvin's kingdom.....
for this poster.....
it isnt promotional..but you ,sir rahvin,you cant understand this..may be you arent a d.t fan...but I AM A D.T FAN!!!!!and will continue to design/combine d.t images....
dark tranquillity is the art,what is you :the fallen god: rahvin

thanks for another comment givers....
and undrestand this,all men,, that is not a promotion....

god blase you.....

(you can see me at opeth forum.....not on d.t forum...)
:lol: i hope at least the typos were intended. :)

now, if you're looking for a more or less serious reply, genizah, here it is:

there are rules in this place and i'm one of the ppl in charge of having users respect them. if you don't like this, it's your problem.
i've been polite, i suggested actions you could take, i did not delete your thread although reason strongly suggested so, and i ultimately merely closed it - guess what - to spare you from being unnecessarily flamed by those who would call your thread spam. if you don't like or understand this, it's again your problem.

being a dt fan does not mean coming here starting a new thread every time you design a new pajama with a dt logo on it: i appreciate your works but you must understand there are tons of ways to promote them better than a thread with a broken link on it. if you feel i'm in error we can discuss it and maybe i'll see the error of my ways and re-open your thread if you convince me you're right.
but as long as you keep on with this attitude you're at best going to be tolerated, and your efforts of doing something with an aesthetic value for a band you like will likely go totally unnoticed, and i don't think that is your goal at all.

I agree with our fallen god Rahvin.
This forum is to exchange thought and ideas and not a marketplace. I actually have Genizah's website bookmarked (along with plethora amount of other URLs) as well as his other website. And from time to time I visit it.
Like many others had said, it's a bit offending by dumping a link (which also doesn't work). It'll be better if Genizah was active part of our D.T. community by participating in our discourse, then sharing his artwork. His signature also help get some exposure to his stuff without getting into much predicament. He could update his sig telling people about his new work. And there are many other ways than what I've said.
I still think you should all lighten up a bit on genizah, he doesn't post new threads every week. I think it should be allowed to share something like genizah made (provided the link works :)), after all it is DT related.

Threads like this pop up everywhere, are very common and no one ever bitches about it, eveyone just posts their opinion and leaves it alone if they don't care. If you're annoyed by it or consider it spam, then that's (again) your problem :) :p.

There are many and I repeat many much more useless threads on this board, I mean what about this "Thanatos is bored, therefore Thanatos makes thread" thread and the "1000 reasons to buy damage done today" thread, and you're calling genizah's thread spam...
@madtinus: i didn't call genizah's thread spam, nor did i delete it or move it in any way. everything was pretty much done in kindness and without much reproach from my part. closing and moving threads and commenting "what kind of crap is this?!" left and right also happens every day on a lot of communities and nobody takes it so hard. so i really don't think it's me who should lighten up: he posted a broken link and his thread was - *shivers* - closed. brrr. scary. ;)

@MadTinus: Yep, and you should bear it in mind: the one who has a special touch making new friends is me. Rahvin uses the tactful way, I use to choose the violent one. :cool:

On the other hand, and always considering that Rahvin was a good child this time, I guess that genizah was mistreated in other boards (boards with doubtable quality), and he/she has misunderstood a comment with an ironic attack. Attacks are, unfortunately, too common lately. Otherwise, I find no explanation or reason to see a dwarf as a king. :p

|ng (The specialist treating newcomers)
Originally posted by |ngenius
Otherwise, I find no explanation or reason to see a dwarf as a king. :p

well, "under the mountain", it's pretty clear. :p

however i don't recall being ironic this time, i've just been outright polite. if someone thinks i'm being authoritative because i lock a thread here and there, just wait 'till i decorate the board with polar bears. ;)

I remark the word misunderstood, my good friend. If your reply to genizah was ironic, it was too subtle (or too italian) for my robotic skills. But I love the idea about polar bears, it could be a distinctive tinge to the board. A very noticeable tinge, I assume.

Originally posted by rahvin
@madtinus: i didn't call genizah's thread spam...
Someone else did and I wasn't just talking to/about you :). You were indeed very cute and nice to genizah :p, but I still don't agree to the degree of flaming (or whatever you wanna call it...) his thread received, it was unjustified. There are many other threads on this board (like the ones I mentioned) which are much more eligible for stern measures.

BTW, you should all buy the album I'm listening to right now.
Originally posted by MadTinus

There are many and I repeat many much more useless threads on this board, I mean what about this "Thanatos is bored, therefore Thanatos makes thread" thread and the "1000 reasons to buy damage done today" thread, and you're calling genizah's thread spam...

Hey ! Come on now! Those threads are important for those of us who aren't smart enough to understand what's going on in most of the other non-spamming threads!
Originally posted by MadTinus
There are many other threads on this board (like the ones I mentioned) which are much more eligible for stern measures.

you see, stern measures are not dealt out arbitrarily. your basic pointless/idiotic off-topic thread is tolerated, sometimes even encouraged (i start one myself once in a while). there is no "thought police" censoring new irrelevant threads. the only judgement this dwarf sees fit to pass is whether something might fall under the categories of redundancy, flood or intentional disruption. my only objection to genizah's thread was that we can't have the board flooded with "i-did-this-what-do-you-think" type threads because it would kill variety and the forum will turn out to be unreadable. the fact that the link he posted was broken was merely - as it were - a happy bonus. ;)
that's why i suggested - and still do - different solutions, like posting your links on another thread or using them in your own signature.

for rahvin
für rahvin

i am a nihilist.....and you still nothing for me..
this area is your are the king....i am just a nothing in your area.....

obeying my master!!! haha!!!!
my mouth has locked now....
