answer to mr/mrs rahvin (the king)

Originally posted by MadTinus
Why not create a "I have created DT art <--- you?? POST IT HERE!" thread?? :)

rei toei had half a mind to post a thread about graphic projects, yesterday, i guess she'll do so when she's got a bit more time to spare.
but of course i wouldn't criticize such a thread only because it's my gf posting it. :grin: :p

rahvin. (still linking)
Fallen from heights maybe? :Lol: Couldn't resist THAT one ;)
Hmm...I'm still tryin to work out whether my good friend genizah
is trying to be funny or not...if so, it has a very grim and tr00 and necro (Blade knows what I'm talkin about) feel to it, to which I must respond, your comrade in arms Colonel Draghsghsbhagshasxxxxaxa hails you most infernally in the name of the great dark sandwhich god, and we shall pierce the non-believers with our cold, hard, grim and tr00 black metal glares of doom.
Oh, and if he wasn't kidding...uh...ignore the previous rant :grin:
ehmmmmm....... :rolleyes:
i don't mean to bring up old trouble and for sure i don't imply anything about genizah or sth....
i've just come across the following smiley and it reminded me of the title of this thread

~mel~ ( :grin: & :Spam: )
actually, talking about smileys....that Spam smiley is probably the worst smiley (except for this one
) ever...what the hell is it??? it seems like meat on the cover, isn't it???

fathervic (spasm)
wooooow,i've just discovered that the Spam smilie shows exactly what the word "spam" means -------> some kind of tinned meat..... hmmm do you have this Zwan ham there???
@mel: :D i find that smilie quite appropriate and a likely candidate if i ever were to change my avatar. if anybody finds more similar stuff we could at least put this thread to some entertaining use. ;)

i suggest the words on the sign held by the king are changed to "bubububu".

God bless you guys for actually understanding what the hell Genizah says in his posts, because the english is so atrocious I can't make heads or tails of it. My hat goes off to Rahvin, you must have some sort of Engrish dictionary to know what the fuck Genizah is saying.
I've spent a lot of time reading threads on this board today (Apparently I missed quite a bit yesterday). I have a few thoughts:

I THINK genizah was joking in his initial posts (especially since he has continued to post here after stating that he wouldn't). Nonetheless I would have to agree that rhavin is a pretty damn fair and easy going moderator. I once offered my moderating services to UM when they were looking for them...I never heard back, I guess I am not worthy:lol: . This didn't hurt my feelings though, it's a TOUGH job and the more I have been hanging around UM the past few months the more I really WOULD NOT want that job! Battle of the wits seems to be a mainstay here and quite honestly, it gives me a headache. I am a HUGE hater of flaming posts and things of that nature. I have been flamed recently and though I retort...I try not to stoop down to a flamer's level (i.e. that damn thread about European metal:rolleyes: ). I say my peace and then let it go minus the name calling.

This is a great place for free speech and ideas and I agree that threads should be organized in such a way that it doesn't annoy or deteriorate the main purpose of the forum: to discuss (insert band name here) and all things related:) .

Let's keep the peace shall we? :D

Sorry for my long-winded post here...and to stay with the board...I can't wait to see Dark Tranquillity on the 31st:rock: .