Anthrax Anthrology


Anthrax-Anthrology: No Hit Wonders 1985-1991
Universal Records 2005
5 out of 5

What can you say about Anthrax that hasn’t been already said? These guys reunited the 1985 line-up a number of months ago and took part in the closing dates of Gigantour this summer with Megadeth. The Belladonna era has been the most popular of the line-ups among the fans, it’s the band that they could relate with and grew up with. Now they are back and are gaining new fans and exciting their existing fan base. Anthrax has had it’s fair share of best of collections, like with many bands there were always tracks that were bumped because of time constraints. Not the case with Anthrology, with two discs, there is room to please. Each disc includes 15 tracks a piece, disc one starts with Spreading the Disease to the I’m the Man E.P., disc two picks up with State of Euphoria to Killer B’s. There’s no exclusive new material to Anthrology, there is however, a French version of Antisocial, which can be found as an import single. None the less, it’s a great introduction to the kids that caught them on tour this summer and the old fans that haven’t replaced the cassettes with cd’s. Island Records have done a wonderful job with the packaging and gave the band input into this collection, it wasn’t a mad dash for your cash, they took their time. Dust off the Bermuda shorts and the Looney toones t-shirts, the boys are back in town.