Fun with ANTHRAX!!!!

MyHatred said:
...won't dodge answers to questions like Scott does with his fans who want to know what is going on with John Bush.

If anyone wonders, they can ask me. Scott and Charlie fucked Bush over.
i'm a fan of Anthrax, but i dont have a problem with Billy saying anything he wants to say about them. it is, afterall, HIS board!!

anybody that has a problem with anything Billy says here can find a very simple, quick solution to that problem: DONT VISIT THE BOARD, ANYMORE!!

coming to Billy's board to slam him for his beliefs or things that bother him is as idiotic as it gets.
MyHatred said:
Granted I like both Bush era Thrax and Milano but.....
:err: Scott cries about never getting on Ozzfest, he also cries about Metallica not taking them out, he also cries about how "un-metal" America is. Seems to be the same thing to me. So what...Billy can rant on his board all he wants. I happen to think he has more credibilty than Anthrax because he is at least honest with people and won't dodge answers to questions like Scott does with his fans who want to know what is going on with John Bush. I also happen to think those are very impressive record sales for Billy or any band for that matter. I know I haven't sold that many records
You, my friend, are wise.

all hail milano!
Crabmeat said:
For some reason, I can't imagine the guys from Anthrax wasting their time, starting threads, ranting about ex- band colleagues and their dwindling record sales.

No they are too busy screwing everyone over in their band to make a buck.
Look at the list, DAnny Lilker- ME- Joey BElladonna- DAN spitz- Paul Crook-
FRank BEllo- Rob CAggiano and Jon Bush. All of the people mentioned are all agree Charlie is an Evil woman and Scott is only as loyal as his next check.
Crabmeat said:
For some reason, I can't imagine the guys from Anthrax wasting their time, starting threads, ranting about ex- band colleagues and their dwindling record sales.

No they are too busy screwing everyone over in their band to make a buck.
Look at the list, DAnny Lilker- ME- Joey BElladonna- DAN spitz- Paul Crook-
FRank BEllo- Rob CAggiano and Jon Bush. All of the people mentioned all agree Charlie is an Evil woman and Scott is only as loyal as his next check.
Anybody who is honest with themselves has to admit that Anthrax really isn't worth a shit anymore...and hasn't been for quite awhile. It sucks to see what they're doing to a fellow bandmate...I didn't really care for John Bush's vocals, but it's not cool to jerk the guy around like they have.

I guess the thing is that all the Anthrax spermlickers have to hang out here because the 'thrax boards are so boring...