anthrax are cunts

old school headbanger#3 this web site is advertisment said:
I agree with your points #1, and #2. How about Billy go out and tour, tour, and tour, to increase album sales. Having a web site is ok advertisement, but if you dont even know who MOD is how are you going to know about the website. Sure the record label could do more, but in the end its up to Billy to create exposure for his band.
muffytheVampirelayer said:
I agree with your points #1, and #2. How about Billy go out and tour, tour, and tour, to increase album sales. Having a web site is ok advertisement, but if you dont even know who MOD is how are you going to know about the website. Sure the record label could do more, but in the end its up to Billy to create exposure for his band.

but the point is i went to 6 different stores in richmond looking for the album and they didnt have it, I have to buy it online as soon as the credit card has room on it. and yes he should tour more but thats a management thing. Theres alot of stuff involved with a national touring band............ something i will never want to do again :erk:
old school headbanger said:
you know something dude , all I have been hearing for months about what pole smokin ass bandits both scott and charlie are so im writing what ever the fuck i want,about whoever the fuck i want. as for supporting the rest of the band you can support them ( whoever they are this week) . Might thrax what a fuckin joke, they should have changed the name when they (lost/fired/whatever)people in the band that made anthrax, anthrax. Dont like what i have to say? too fucking bad

As for Billys band , i think it has a lot to do with record companys and there bullshit,they dont advertise, they dont push the album, it dont sell, his music is just as good as ever
Im changing what you say? i quoted you and its the same as your fucking post so i didnt change shit ,these are my words asshole
and as far as charlie goes read the link in my signature Fuck him

Guess thenotman has nothing to say against my weak argument against the "mighty thrax"
:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
old school headbanger said:
but the point is i went to 6 different stores in richmond looking for the album and they didnt have it, :erk:

His album isnt in any stores, because it does not sell. What are the soundscan stats on The Rebel You Love to Hate, like 6000+, what are the soundscan stats on every MOD album combined 75000+. Those numbers do not get you a spot on the shelve at a major chain. Bands like MOD need the internet to sell. MOD is another band that came out the the 90s heavily wounded. There are bands that have sold 1000 times more albums than MOD that are in the same boat.
old school headbanger said:
muffy, i saw that link to, i dont know whether to laugh or get pissed off!! do you know these guys?

No I do not know the Beatallica guys, someone at work forwarded me the link. I laughed my ass off. The guy sounds exactly like James. Blackened In The USSR, and I wanna Choke your band, instant classics.
muffytheVampirelayer said:
No I do not know the Beatallica guys, someone at work forwarded me the link. I laughed my ass off. The guy sounds exactly like James. Blackened In The USSR, and I wanna Choke your band, instant classics.

I listened to blackened in the USSR your right that dude sound just like james, I thought it was Metallica . after a few hours of thinking about it ,it is pretty funny :rock:
Old school headbanger, there you go off again like a little child: Guess thenotman has nothing to say against my weak argument against the "mighty thrax".
Can't take a piss??
"As for Billys band , i think it has a lot to do with record companys and there bullshit,they dont advertise, they dont push the album, it dont sell, his music is just as good as ever" - you said.

I say: Stop squirting shit everywhere!! Anthrax have had way worser troubles with record labels than Billy ever has and they're still selling more records, more tickets, more merchandise, and are getting interviewed more. Anthrax work hard and are dedicated and keep pulling through no matter what and make better records than Billy does according to what so many people say. Your point is fucked there.....

Isn't it weird that you don't care about Anthrax yet you are writing about them all the time.

I am able to acknowledge you're points and be honest about Anthrax's faults but you go off on a loop about anything even if it's a lie. I mean fuck, if Scott blew his nose tomorrow you'd come to this board like a little bitch whining and making it out to be a bad thing. Like I said, get a fucking clue.

"Scott Ian seems to mistreat his fans quite often according to the Thrax board." - what I said.
"So how can you be a fan of anthrax if the band members treat the fans like shit?" - what you said.
You changed my words: I was talking about Scott not anyone else. minus 1 for you again little boy. "these are my words asshole" - what you later said.
My answer: exactly, that's what I'm talking about, they are your words not mine.

"and as far as charlie goes read the link in my signature Fuck him" - you said.
Well, judging what people are saying below the article they are agreeing with Charlie! HAHA All Charlie was saying was that America is so corporate when it comes to music these that's it's just has hardly any substance, honesty, passion, message, artistic creativity, breaking down of boundaries.
Charlie is so right about Linkin Park's new album, it's just like the last one just so they can make more money. No one is interested in pushing themselves artistically and embracing some kind of freedom in this art form we all love so much. I look back at the sixties and seventies and bands were praised for being themselves and being so creative, now it seems that a group is praised for being exactly like "so and so" or "so and so's copy".
I am angry about the state of music these days as well so why can't Charlie??

"but the point is i went to 6 different stores in richmond looking for the album and they didnt have it, I have to buy it online as soon as the credit card has room on it: - you referring to the distribution of MOD records.
Muffy was right by saying that there are a tons of bands selling a thousand more copies than MOD and are still in the same boat. Damn fucking straight Muffy!! Let's name one of those bands that has had that prob for years....ANTHRAX! I cannot find Anthrax copies in my country anywhere but that's because Anthrax actually have had label probs. Why should the label for MOD spend the bucks distributing his stuff when he doesn't even care and nobody listens!

You are blindly devoted to ripping off Anthrax yet you have nothing to say. Jy is 'n domkop!
thenotman said:
Jy is 'n domkop!

Dat klinkt Nederlands. (Meaning: That sounds Dutch).
Are you originally from the Netherlands? Or from Belgium? Or...?
Here in the Netherlands I have no problem finding CD's of any band and if I can't find one taht I want, I just order it. Just wanted to say this..., don't wanna argue about this topic. So, that's all for now.
I dont blame you SODMOD im tired of arguing about this shit to.

ok you win dude, your right, whatever, anthrax still sucks though. and im still gonna talk all the shit i want, so whatever. if you ever get to america and are in richmond look me up we can play a nice game of rashambull, home team goes first though ;)
CHARLIE AND SCOTT FROM ANTHRAX ARE HOLLYWOOD/CELEBRITY WANNABEES WHO TREAT FANS LIKE SHIT. that has been known for several years notman, the bands career has been over for a long time, only 2 members remain in the band, they are only doing it because they are too stupid to do anything else with their lives.
ivankoloff said:
CHARLIE AND SCOTT FROM ANTHRAX ARE HOLLYWOOD/CELEBRITY WANNABEES WHO TREAT FANS LIKE SHIT. that has been known for several years notman, the bands career has been over for a long time, only 2 members remain in the band, they are only doing it because they are too stupid to do anything else with their lives.

thats all i have been trying to say.............. fuck them :rock:
The only person who has a legit bitch against the "Mighty THRAX" is Billy Milano. Everyone else is just using points of argument that they picked up on the internet. It's almost embarassing to post on this board considering the mentality of people who post here. Only Billy has the argument against THRAX people...remember that. :Smokin:
Get your tongue out of "the mighty thrax's asshole" you fucking dousche. I was a fan for years and they just get more rediculous as the years go on. Wannabee Metallica motherfuckers.Give it up and get day jobs "mighty thrax"
This shit is too funny...

The people here that bitch and moan about Anthrax suck this, Anthrax suck that, do it only to line their mouth with Billy's ass in hopes of kissing it, metaphorically speaking.

The only original member for quite some fucking time now is Scott Ian. At least get your history fucking straight. And personally, I find John Bush lays waste vocally to Joey Primadonna... oops, I meant Belladonna.

And I don't know what Billy's done since S.O.D.'s "Bigger Than The Devil" that was worth two squirts from my ass, but interestingly enough, his best moments have been with those two "cunts." :Smug:
All these Anthrax fans know I'm right and it kills them. I ain't kissing nobody's ass. They are the biggest sell out punks in metal. Live with this.