Anthrax can suck my cock...

Everyone takes shit so personally from the Alphamails and Blasts Beats.

I'm gonna sound like a fan boy here but fuck it, but am I the only one that gets excited to see when there's a new Blast Beat or Alpha Mail?? I've always thought it was so cool of them to do things like that for the fans and all they get is backlash and bad publicity from dickwads on Blabbermouth.

I give props to Charlie and Scott for having the balls to keep posting new Alpha Mails and Blast Beats regardless of the criticism they get.

That's about as elaborate as I can get without having to say "fuck you assole" or "suck my cock".
well i get excited when i see a new blast beat, or alpha mail, or know that a new album is out ( and yeah i even get a sick little pleasure in not knowing if it'll be easy to find)
i think that out of EVERY band that i listen to, and follow up on the internet, anthrax are the only ones doing it right. i remember the old AOL boards when charlie would post and let us know about stomp 442 coming out, which was almost 10 years ago, and here they are still doing it. and then on top of that, on the last tour they gave anyone and everyone who wanted it the chance to meet and greet after the show. as a fan, that means more to me than just about everything.!!

some people have written this band off....fine let em. we know that each release gets better and better and i for one will always be a fan of this band. they are just too damn good. in the last year i have turned 2 people onto anthrax. might not sound like a lot, but i live in a college town, where 'metal' is nickleback, or some new band on mtv that likes to wear chains and spikes and scream. i agree with many people when they say metal is dead in america. new danzig album out in a couple of months....anyone hearing ANY press for it. anyone remember any real press other than the terrorist shit for anthrax in the last 5 years. unfortunately no. anthrax is a band that deserves more than they get, and im sure after 20 years, they get a little tired of it

so i'll wrap up. anthrax continues to not only make fucking kick ass albums that......mean so much to us all, but they keep us informed every step of the way, straight from their mouths. and i respect that so much, and am gratefull to be a fan of this amazing band

thanks anthrax
DoctorAcula said:
well i get excited when i see a new blast beat, or alpha mail, or know that a new album is out ( and yeah i even get a sick little pleasure in not knowing if it'll be easy to find)
i think that out of EVERY band that i listen to, and follow up on the internet, anthrax are the only ones doing it right. i remember the old AOL boards when charlie would post and let us know about stomp 442 coming out, which was almost 10 years ago, and here they are still doing it. and then on top of that, on the last tour they gave anyone and everyone who wanted it the chance to meet and greet after the show. as a fan, that means more to me than just about everything.!!

some people have written this band off....fine let em. we know that each release gets better and better and i for one will always be a fan of this band. they are just too damn good. in the last year i have turned 2 people onto anthrax. might not sound like a lot, but i live in a college town, where 'metal' is nickleback, or some new band on mtv that likes to wear chains and spikes and scream. i agree with many people when they say metal is dead in america. new danzig album out in a couple of months....anyone hearing ANY press for it. anyone remember any real press other than the terrorist shit for anthrax in the last 5 years. unfortunately no. anthrax is a band that deserves more than they get, and im sure after 20 years, they get a little tired of it

so i'll wrap up. anthrax continues to not only make fucking kick ass albums that......mean so much to us all, but they keep us informed every step of the way, straight from their mouths. and i respect that so much, and am gratefull to be a fan of this amazing band

thanks anthrax
Preach on Brother!!
1. To the collective bandmembers and or "insiders" who post under the name of Mr. Wu -
Thank you for posting w/ patience and giving us here at the board an insider understanding of all pionts brought up.

2. What the fuck is up w/ this Calendar Girls movie shit I keep seeing? Were 'Thrax in that? Geez...get divorced and start living for pussy and alcohol and u start slipping on knowledge of what all ur fave band is appearing in. Dayum!

3. ASH. At one point, several years ago I was the guy on here tellin' ppl to suck cock and to fuck off b/c I thought I was opinionated and had a god given right to be an asshole to everyone here......then I woke up. U need to wake up. All opinions are accepted here....all rants too...even ur sophmoric rant, but as fans of this band we need to stick together as a community. Lord knows we may never hang out together or be friends even if we were to meet on the street tomorrow - but on this page we're all everybodies wingman. Learn that shit and come back when u've calmed down there buddy.

4. It IS whining. Justified? Yes. Do we want to read it every post or even be told it at shows? No. But guess what? We DON'T know what it's like to be in there shoes. Take whatever they say w/ a grain of salt like I do and chalk it up to a bad day on thier behalf.

I'm out like bee Gees on 8 trax.
:loco: :loco:
Hmmm. Buddy seems to have some sort of weird obsession with Gregadeth's testicles suddenly. There something you want to tell us, Buddy? :grin:


NP: Anthrax - East Rutherford, NJ. 12-8-1988
It's been a week since I've been on here and still my sack is the talk of the town. Their legend is, Buddy I got a "risque" pic of my woman if u want it..I mean if ur into looking at a nekkid 18 y/o (yeah I traded in the 19 y/o for an newer model...nyuk nyuk!)

She's an exhibitionist like that, so no replies about how it's wrong to give out nudies of my chick. However you will be jealous of this newly mowhawk sportin' fat fuck.