Anthrax can suck my cock...

ThraxDude said:

Nice Pic :P
ashaman7122 said:
I guess I'm just an asshole....

An ASSHOLE who must love being fucked by Anthrax!!!

Over and over again!!!

Go bitch and complain about the band over at the Godsmack message board, because this board does not give a shit.
So, Charlie's not allowed to express his opinions anymore?? I wonder what he's gonna do for his next Blast Beat?? If he's more happy, people will say he's still not cool because he's "covering up". If he's negative and open about the music business then people will say he's a whiney bitch..
What's a drummer to do...
Seeing as how Mr. Wu is directly connected to my favorite band somehow I just would like to make a comment.

First off this isnt a slam or dis or anything like that. Anthrax has always been my favorite band, in fact they started me liking heavy metal.

My only comment is that I MUCH MUCH prefer heavier Anthrax. Screw the media, Screw MTV, Screw POP-Metal, I want heavier, faster, and moshier.
My favorite thrax albums are Among, Euphoria, POT, and SOWN. The common thing with all these albums is unrelenting HEAVY FUCKING RIFFING. Seems like while the new album is very good, it lacks that certain manic quality that was Anthrax's trademark for so long.

I honestly believe if Thrax wants to sell big in the US they need to get as heavy as possible. NOT more melodic and slower (theres a million of those bands). Stay as far away from rap-metal, nu-metal, and any other new fangled genera as possible. TAKE NO PRISONERS, DO NOT COMPROMISE!

I know every band needs to get beyond their starting point, but hey, this is my opinion.

Also fyi, i liked scotts Marshall tone far better than the new Randall rig. And by Marshall tone I mean no new marshalls, the older 2203, 2204, 2210 or even the JCM-900. This is of course a personal preference, but the older marshalls GROWL much more than anything solid state.

but after all this comlaining, just rock on dudes
btw ill miss Frank
When Tom Araya's father died recently, he didn't complain fuck all. But maybe that's just how Slayer are..
Behind the music special concentrated quite a lot on Anthony's death though. Which is better to be open or to just keep dead quiet.
whether they are complaining or telling everyone how great being in anthrax is, they at least take the time to talk to us, tell us whats going through their minds. most bands wont even take the time to do that. or at best give us a professionally done clip or note that dosent really relate to the band at all. anthrax have taken the time to personally give us their thoughts and feelings and talk to us, so good or bad news, i still lvoe to hear whats going on

so keep up the good work guys
