Anthrax could be alittle more socialble with it's fans


crazed tattooed metalhead
Jan 19, 2002
I know I spelled socialable incorrectly but it is the truth. I know band members have bad days, feel sick like the rest of us, aren't obligated to talk to all the fans by the bus after shows but to just go into the bus and never coming out. It isn't like they are metallica with so many fans outside that they just can't please all of them. There were 25 of us at most outside after the show and only Scott came out and that was because he was in route to a car that took him to what I think was the hotel for the night.
Meanwhile, Death angel were so very awesome talking to everyone.

I guess I am just tired and grumpy from my 1.5 hour drive in total darkness back to Phoenix but it just seems that a few minutes with the die hards wouldn't hurt when you are trying to build up the fan base again.
Anthrax can't afford to treat their fans like shit! they should bow down in front of their fans and scream "please listen to us! please buy another Anthrax-record and please come to our shows more often! we need your support because no one remembers that there was a band called Anthrax on MTV and that there was a band called Anthrax in the UK Top 10 and that a band called Anthrax had several Top 20-records in the UK and a Top Ten-record in the US!"

they fuckin' can't afford to act like arrogant rock-stars because they are no stars!
I met Anthrax in McAllen Texas and they were very cool. Scott and Charlie seemed tired, but they still were polite. Rob, Frank and John were awesome. They were very cool. Can't say enough about how Rob, Frank and John were.
You have to remember that they traveled forever to get to Tucson from McAllen, TX and the AC in the bus fucked up on the way there.

I met and took pictures with all 5 guys in McAllen. They were really cool with the fans that were there. I got autographs of 4 of the 5 guys. I have a feeling that they were just tired.

I didn't get John Bush's autograph. It wasn't that he didn't want to give it to me. It's just that there was a bunch of people around him. After I took the picture with him, another guy wanted to take a picture with him, too. When I moved out of the way, the other people got closer. It's ok though, I'm just glad I took a picture with all the guys. :headbang:
I met Scott before the Milwaukee show (see my epic post somewhere else here).

Although he was quiet, I thought he was pretty cool. After all we charged him like drunken, stoned wailing banshees (which we were!)

Everybody has there day(s). Can you imagine how tiring it would be to try & please everyone. No Anthrax is not Nsync, but still they do have there followers.....
lupe_m said:
I didn't get John Bush's autograph. It wasn't that he didn't want to give it to me. It's just that there was a bunch of people around him. After I took the picture with him, another guy wanted to take a picture with him, too. When I moved out of the way, the other people got closer. It's ok though, I'm just glad I took a picture with all the guys. :headbang:
Yeah, that is the best thing, right? I hopefully can get the other pictures developed...stupid one hour photo couldn't....argh...
I was alittle tired and grumpy from my 1.5 hour drive home in the dark and I understand they had the bus problems/long day. It is just that of all the bands I am a fan of as I have hundreds and hundreds of metal cds, they have a habit of being one of the bands that spend very little time outside the bus. Oh well, it was more time hanging with death angel. Both bands tore it up in Arizona!!!
Bush is pure class and has always been the coolest to me... the first time i met him he was talking to like, three hot girls and totally stopped talking to them to thank me for comin out and ask me what i thought of the show and signed my shit...
Maybe they were warn out. When I first met Charlie, the thing that struck me was how down to Earth he was. When I saw the band hang with the fans after a show, I was very impressed. I can assure you they were having an off night. I've never seen a band as "in the trenches" with the fans as Anthrax.

John is top shelf class, so is Frank. When I brought two of my bandmates to meet them at rehearsals for the European tour, John and Frankie came right up to say hello and introduce themselves. That left a lasting impression on my friends... metal stars making the move to introduce themselves.
At the Killeen show, they were all pretty much ready to go back on the bus real quick. Scott Ian never even stuck around to sign autographs or take pix. According to what I heard, he was going to do an interview. Rob came out for a few seconds it seems so I didn't get to talk to him this time around. John, Frank, and Charlie were the ones who took the time to talk to fans and all. All 3 of those guys have always been wonderful to me and my friend. I say as long as they mingle with their fans a bit, then that's cool enough for me.:)
Anthrax isn't any better or worse than any other bands about meeting fans. They have good nights / bad nights too. Where on the ticket does it say "The band will meet with fans 15 minutes after the show?" I don't go see other bands thinking "Oh those assholes didn't come out to the bar or wait by the bus for my ass". The only reason people have that expectation of Anthrax is because THEY ARE so good to their fans. What other band is giving away free tickets TO FANS for putting up Street Team flyers? What other band emails back in forth with fans as much as the Anthrax guys do? Has all the free shit on the Web site that's updated almost daily? Has a Webmaster as pretty as me? OK, I'm sure there's some, but 9 times out of 10 all the Anthrax guys are there for their fans. Bush never met a stranger, Frankie's the coolest, Rob will meet anyone and everyone on his way to find groupies, Scott gets mobbed but is nice as Judiasm will allow him to be and Charlie rules and probably signs more fan shit than any member of Anthrax. Never any "ROCK STAR" attitude out of any of them. To project some sort of personality on bands or have an expectation that you're entitled to an autograph or guitar pick or whatever is lunacy and just setting yourself up for a let down. Go to the show, drink beer, mosh out and have fun. Save the whining for some real problems.
Brentney Spears said:
Anthrax isn't any better or worse than any other bands about meeting fans. They have good nights / bad nights too. Where on the ticket does it say "The band will meet with fans 15 minutes after the show?" I don't go see other bands thinking "Oh those assholes didn't come out to the bar or wait by the bus for my ass". The only reason people have that expectation of Anthrax is because THEY ARE so good to their fans. What other band is giving away free tickets TO FANS for putting up Street Team flyers? What other band emails back in forth with fans as much as the Anthrax guys do? Has all the free shit on the Web site that's updated almost daily? Has a Webmaster as pretty as me? OK, I'm sure there's some, but 9 times out of 10 all the Anthrax guys are there for their fans. Bush never met a stranger, Frankie's the coolest, Rob will meet anyone and everyone on his way to find groupies, Scott gets mobbed but is nice as Judiasm will allow him to be and Charlie rules and probably signs more fan shit than any member of Anthrax. Never any "ROCK STAR" attitude out of any of them. To project some sort of personality on bands or have an expectation that you're entitled to an autograph or guitar pick or whatever is lunacy and just setting yourself up for a let down. Go to the show, drink beer, mosh out and have fun. Save the whining for some real problems.

word. It's like going to a bar and striking out with every lady your approach. But, you're going to two shows. You might get lucky tonight.
Excuse me MR.spears but I know how the deal goes. I have seen thousands of shows since the 70's and I know how some bands have on and off nights where they are alittle less aproachable. I also understand they had bus issues that probably worn them out. In fact, they were all really cool tonight after the Tempe gig.
I also know that part of one's ticket doesn't guarantee a meet and greet but it would help the band towards leaving a good impression on top of a killer show performance. Especially if it is kids or new fans waiting out there. Me, myself, these were my 94th and 95th Anthrax gigs. I just know that they are alittle more bus happy than alot of bands that I am fans of and I have many hundreds of bands in my huge cd collection.
I am only saying this as Anthrax has a long way in gaining back a large following due to the record label problems, fools not giving them a chance after Joey was dropped,and other bad unfortunate issues. So yes, I agree. There is no guarantee but when you have a small little crowd of 20 or so, it wouldn't hurt. We, the fans, are their customers or ,as in my field of work, I would could use the term shareholders.

They made up for it today and were nice enough to sign my ltd. edition. :hotjump:
I will stick with my guns. I have seen and hung out with enough bands in close to 20 years to know of the routine. I know it is a gamble waiting out there but in my now 95 times having seen Anthrax live, there have been a nice percentage of them of not giving anyone the time of day.

I did wish I could have chatted with charlie alittle longer after tempe's gig as he was telling me some interesting stuff on why they haven't got on any of the late night tv shows.