Anthrax- Earth on Hell (first time live) @ Best Buy Theatre WHAT A POWER!!!

first time? :lol: :lol: you gotta love Scott's sense of humor sometime

Yes first time. It has never been played by Anthrax live. The band without Joey is not Anthrax, as has been proven over the last 18 years or so.

Anthrax is relevant and actually sells albums, something that wannabe band with Nelson and Bush has not done before.
Relevant...sure...they just published an album that was done a couple of years ago....:)
You know - you so called Anthrax fan - if there weren't those lineups you so much loathe...there wouldn't be Anthrax today...

...and I'm sure that the best is yet to come...

you can't count the '07-'09 line-up, it was a time when Anthrax didn't have a singer, that strange Anselmo-wannabe dump-guy was just a makeshift, thank god we didn't have to hear WM with his awful screams.
Relevant...sure...they just published an album that was done a couple of years ago....:)
You know - you so called Anthrax fan - if there weren't those lineups you so much loathe...there wouldn't be Anthrax today...

...and I'm sure that the best is yet to come...


If those line-ups had never existed, Anthrax would have been a stronger band today. The Bush line-up nearly killed Anthrax popularity wise. You know it, I know it and the band knows it.
Höpö höpö...


The number of albums WCFYA sold= Dead band.

The number of albums WM is going to sell= A band that is trying to make a comeback and succeeding after being irrelevant for almost 20 years.
...popularity went down 'cos rats like that so called fan had left the ship...

...popularity went down 'cos rats like that so called fan had left the ship...


Because the music sucked. I am not going to support a band, even my favorite bands, if they start to put out music that sucks. I will support a band as long as they put out good music, but I will not buy trash just because a certain bands name is on the sleeve. Most people won't. As Anthrax found out quite clearly.
That means they played Only for the first time in Sophia 2010...right?

I don't really consider Only an Anthrax song, though it is better than most of the other drivel they have put out over the last 18 years. And, yes, it does sound more like the Anthrax that everyone (except you spare few Bush supporters) wants to hear.
So called fan - that's what you are -loser!


Why would I spend money on an album in which I believe the songs suck?

I don't follow trends. I am a metal fan, plain and simple. I continued listening to Slayer and buying their albums after the grunge movement hit because Slayer continued making thrash albums and good thrash albums. I bought every one.

I did the same for Exodus. I did the same for Sodom. And Kreator. And King Diamond. And Forbidden. And the list goes on. If a metal band is good, I will listen to them, support them, buy their albums and go to their shows. When they cease to write good music, I will cease buying their albums until they do. That is what I did for Anthrax.

Worship Music is the first good Anthrax album in 18 years, so I bought it. Its not as good as AtL or PoT but its solid. If their next album is good, I will buy it. If not, I won't. I am not blinded by a name. I let the music do the talking.