Anthrax- Earth on Hell (first time live) @ Best Buy Theatre WHAT A POWER!!!

Hey So called fan what trends have to do with following and supporting Anthrax?
Btw. Exodus wasn't too activate during the time John Bush was with Anthrax...they release only one live album. Same goes for Forbidden. Their Green had strong amount of SOWN elements in its music.....and if I remember correctly also Slayer were trying to be a bit "trendy" with Diabolus ja God Hates Us All albums - first they had those nu-riffs and then punk feel to their songs...90's wasn't the strongers time for Kreator either...don't know about King Diamond 'cos Eye was the last album I bought from him.

...and I wouldn't call myself a metal fan...:)

Hey So called fan what trends have to do with following and supporting Anthrax?
Btw. Exodus wasn't too activate during the time John Bush was with Anthrax...they release only one live album. Same goes for Forbidden. Their Green had strong amount of SOWN elements in its music.....and if I remember correctly also Slayer were trying to be a bit "trendy" with Diabolus ja God Hates Us All albums - first they had those nu-riffs and then punk feel to their songs...90's wasn't the strongers time for Kreator either...don't know about King Diamond 'cos Eye was the last album I bought from him.

...and I wouldn't call myself a metal fan...:)


Sorry guys but I can't help saying that Joey's stage presence, in comparison to Bush or Nelson, has no balls. I'm not talking about this video, I'm talking in general. I don't mind listening to Earth On Hell with Joey behind the mic (on the CD) but when I watch him on the stage, it's just a big dissappointment.
Sorry guys but I can't help saying that Joey's stage presence, in comparison to Bush or Nelson, has no balls. I'm not talking about this video, I'm talking in general. I don't mind listening to Earth On Hell with Joey behind the mic (on the CD) but when I watch him on the stage, it's just a big dissappointment.

Huge disappointment that will be more successful than anything your Burger King spokesman will have ever done with the band besides SOWN.

You and Jonnie should meet up and hold each other. Sounds like you must have also been traumatized by that sonisphere festival a few years back. Maybe you two could get a group rate for counseling :lol:
I believe that the ONLY one here who needs help is the one that likes Neanderthal Maiden...

You and Jonnie should meet up and hold each other. Sounds like you must have also been traumatized by that sonisphere festival a few years back. Maybe you two could get a group rate for counseling :lol:

Be sure we've known each other for many each (maybe 16?) and we go for a beer, from ;) Beside drinking beers, bashing reunions and doing other amusing things, we also enjoy doing a fucking voodoo on Joye Belladonna doll.
Hey So called fan what trends have to do with following and supporting Anthrax?
Btw. Exodus wasn't too activate during the time John Bush was with Anthrax...they release only one live album. Same goes for Forbidden. Their Green had strong amount of SOWN elements in its music.....and if I remember correctly also Slayer were trying to be a bit "trendy" with Diabolus ja God Hates Us All albums - first they had those nu-riffs and then punk feel to their songs...90's wasn't the strongers time for Kreator either...don't know about King Diamond 'cos Eye was the last album I bought from him.

...and I wouldn't call myself a metal fan...:)


As I said, I don't blindly follow bands or trends or people. If a band is good, I support them, if they are not I don't. Period.

Anthrax wasn't good in those years and I, like a lot of other people, stopped supporting them. WM is good, so I bought it.

And its not just because Joey is in the band, had they released a bad album, I would not have bought it. With or without Joey.

I did the same thing with Morbid Angel. I loved Morbid Angel. I much preferred them with David Vincent and was sad to see him go but the albums without him are still pretty good. When it was announced he was coming back, I was really excited. Then they released the album with him......

Guess what album I don't have on my CD shelf? Illud Divinus Insanus. I don't care if my favorite Morbid Angel vocalist is back in the band or not, the album is bad and I won't be buying it.

Let me ask you something, since you seem to think people should support bands even when they stop making music you enjoy; if your favorite band (let's say Slayer for sake of argument) announced that they were getting Lady Gaga as their new vocalist and then released an album of Polka-songs with pop vocals, would you still support them? I would hope to God not.

I will continue to support Anthrax as long as I find the music good. It was not for 18 years.
don't know about King Diamond 'cos Eye was the last album I bought from him.


King actually put out one of his best efforts in the nineties, and that is Voodoo (1998). Some people also love The Graveyard (1996), I think it's good but not his best.
Let me ask you something, since you seem to think people should support bands even when they stop making music you enjoy; if your favorite band (let's say Slayer for sake of argument) announced that they were getting Lady Gaga as their new vocalist and then released an album of Polka-songs with pop vocals, would you still support them? I would hope to God not.

If I were a Slayer fan i would give it a I gave to WM.

The best is yet to come!
