Anthrax's future


Aug 15, 2002
So, while admittedly I've never been a fan of Joey Belladonna's voice, I've gotten used to the fact that this is how they are moving's really the only choice they have. And I can't be pissed at the band, because they clearly tried their hardest to get John back last year, and he just wasn't into it.

So, I know they did "Only" with Joey, and it just didn't sound too good, and I doubt they will do anything like that in the future. They will, at least, have a brand new album of material soon to play live along with classic stuff from 1990 and before. But does anyone else think that Scott, Charlie, Frank (and to a smaller extent, Rob) are going to eventually get sick of ignoring 13 years of material (over half of their career)?

I know Joey era nutswingers are going to say "the John Bush era sucked anyway" - but it's not about what the fans (either group of fans, Joey or John fans) think (that's a different topic altogether), I asked what the band themselves think - and they clearly loved the material they wrote during the John Bush era.

I just think eventually, even if it takes 3 or 4 years, the band will start to dislike ignoring most of their career.
I'm sure they're gonna play most of the new album live once it's released, so that pretty much fills the set along with the hits.

I thought Joey did fine on Only and would like to hear him sing more Bush-songs.
Well they don't seem to be tired of ignoring most of their catalog all the way...I posted here earlier that they have been playing the same fucking set for decades, be it with Joey or John.
Anthrax is a nostalgia act these days and I doubt it will change much after the new album, if it ever comes out. So they will do their best to pretend it's 1988 in the next few years, until they hang it up... or not. With Scott Ian in the band, you never know what happens. I think Charlie Benante wants this lineup to stay forever, while Scott is not Joey Belladonna's biggest fan in the world.
They weren't playing the same set for decades. Maybe the same set of old material but they always played a variety John Bush era stuff with John too. Sure, it always primarily focused on the album they were promoting at the time, but they always played at least a song off of each previous Bush era album. And they started playing more and more classic stuff too (Lone Justice, and then eventually did the GOTE album and played stuff off of it).

You may be right about Charlie wanting this lineup to stay, but I know during the first reunion, Charlie was the one saying he missed John the most from what I've heard.

At the end of the day, most bands always want things to appear that "this lineup is the way we want it to be forever" - until the next lineup happens, and they'll say the same thing about that one.
the future looks fantastic for anthrax,the big four has been a godsend for them,b4 that they were forgotten,who woulda thought at this stage of there career they would be playing with 1 of the biggest bands on the planet,i thought joey did a fantastic job of only,he could tackle most new anthrax imo,if they choose not to do bush songs that doesnt bother me either,hearing classic thrax songs with joey is more than a substitute,i was lucky enough to see anthrax 4 times with bush and once with joey and 1 things for sure i didnt compare the singers it was just a great anthrax show as usual..
Anthrax are lucky for playing with the Metallicats, there's no better way for promoting a new album. they should release it while touring, i bet there are more big four us-dates to come.
Good post Deege. I have wondered the same thing. I still think they'll end up installing a very select few Besh era tunes into their setlists over the next year or 2 (Room For One More, Fuelled, WDD, Safe Home are my guesses) to balance things out a bit, which I'll be happy with. Then the classics, and 3-4 from the new record.
but it's not about what the fans (either group of fans, Joey or John fans) think (that's a different topic altogether), I asked what the band themselves think

Doesnt really matter, the Bush era nutswingers are always gonna say that Bush did the Joey era songs better than Joey.
So, I know they did "Only" with Joey, and it just didn't sound too good, and I doubt they will do anything like that in the future. .

One can only hope they will never sing 'only' again, with John or without. So many great Thrax songs to chose over 'only'. Maybe they will do a Toast to Extras just for you on the next tour. John Bush will come out and you can nut yourself all over your purple john bush ribbon
One can only hope they will never sing 'only' again, with John or without. So many great Thrax songs to chose over 'only'. Maybe they will do a Toast to Extras just for you on the next tour. John Bush will come out and you can nut yourself all over your purple john bush ribbon

Maybe the fag in your signature will come out and you can fuck the gaping hole in his ear while he grunts like the cookie monster.
Anthrax and future in the same sentence.... interesting concept.

Putting to one side the Bush-era material (which is what 'thrax will probably do anyway), this is bound to be their last record. With Joey being the big 5-0, it'll probably take the band another 8 years to get a record out (assuming this one ever sees the light of day), and in those 8 years we'll probably have some sort of reunion with Dan Nelson, whereupon Scott and Charlie will profess that Dan Nelson is the best singer Anthrax have ever had.

Back on point though. Even if they do skip the entire Bush-era catalogue, they seriously need to mix up the setlist a bit. I for one am sick to death of hearingl Got the Time, Caught in a Mosh, Antisocial, I Am the Law, Indians, etc.

Who Cares Wins, One Man Stands, Discharge, Schism, Gridlock, etc, etc would all be welcome additions. I'd personally like to hear Joey give 1000 Points of Hate, Room for One More, In a Zone, Catharsis and What Doesn't Die a whirl.

But anyway, back to regular viewing now ....
So, while admittedly I've never been a fan of Joey Belladonna's voice, I've gotten used to the fact that this is how they are moving's really the only choice they have. And I can't be pissed at the band, because they clearly tried their hardest to get John back last year, and he just wasn't into it.

So, I know they did "Only" with Joey, and it just didn't sound too good, and I doubt they will do anything like that in the future. They will, at least, have a brand new album of material soon to play live along with classic stuff from 1990 and before. But does anyone else think that Scott, Charlie, Frank (and to a smaller extent, Rob) are going to eventually get sick of ignoring 13 years of material (over half of their career)?

I know Joey era nutswingers are going to say "the John Bush era sucked anyway" - but it's not about what the fans (either group of fans, Joey or John fans) think (that's a different topic altogether), I asked what the band themselves think - and they clearly loved the material they wrote during the John Bush era.

I just think eventually, even if it takes 3 or 4 years, the band will start to dislike ignoring most of their career.

They wouldn´t be the first band to ignore certain periods of their career. Judas Priest haven't played anything of Turbo and Ram it Down for decades, I am not sure if Kiss do any songs of the albums without makeup and I guess Metallica do not play that many Load/Reload/St.Anger Songs live anymore, now that they are a thrash band again...:loco: Maiden didn't do anything of X-Factor or Virtual 11 for years either.

As far as Anthrax is concerned I believe that Stomp and Volume 8 won't be featured live anymore, but there are some tracks on SOWN and WCFYA wich could - and should - be done by Joey as long as he is the voice of Anthrax. I think Room For One More, maybe Sodium Pentathol- still not sure about this one-, What Doesn't Die, Anyplace But Here, Nobody Knows Anything, Taking The Music Back could be included.

One day there will be a reunion-tour in the WCFYA-Lineup, after that a few years of another who is gonna be the next vocalist for Anthrax soap opera and then a super-reunion as a boygroup, named "The Thrax-Street-Boys" featuring Neil Turbin, Matt Fallon, Joey Belladonna, John Bush and Dan Nelson.