Anthrax's worst song?


Mar 9, 2002
Over the last few months we have established everyones favorite Thrax songs are but there must be songs thats that will always make u reach for the skip button. My personal least favorite would have to be Indians, i love the rest of the album but that song really gets on my tits....
"Indians" was Joeys song anyway. Even though he wasn't talented enough to write any lyrics to it, w/out "Injun Joe" Scott wouldn't have written those words, and Charlie probably wouldn't have written that bad ass tribal sounding melody. But, they should just leave it alone. Even though John sings it 10x better, just leave it. It's kinda like when KISS had Eric Carr sing "Beth," yeah, Eric is/was a better drummer, and probably had a better voice, but why fuck with Pete's song. That's my opinion on the matter.
Toast to the Extras kinda gets on my tits - I do like it but always seem to skip it.........maybe its just that I wanna hear the next track Born Again Idiot............?
Hy Pro Glo. I know most of you guys love it, but I dunno... if there's a song I'd skip on the album, it's this one. And I really don't know why, so don't ask me.
Armed and Dangerous is my choice. The rest I LOVE, but this just isn't brutal enough for me. Sorry to any I offend ahead of time!
I totally agree with the Indians being one of the worst songs. I have never liked this song and I always wondered why so many people liked it. I never thought it was that popular but maybe that was just here.
well i will do 1 for belladonna days and 1 for bush

belladonna - lone justice,i am gonna cop some flak for that lol,just never got into that song

bush-hog tied,i wouldnt say i hate it but song does absolutely nothing for me

ps johnnie hy pro glo live and hy pro glo on record are two diff things,on cd it does the song no justice at all but live its probably one of there heaviest songs period,another good example is in a zone,i spose some songs just end up that way!
Originally posted by Jockthrax
Over the last few months we have established everyones favorite Thrax songs are but there must be songs thats that will always make u reach for the skip button. My personal least favorite would have to be Indians, i love the rest of the album but that song really gets on my tits....

I have five-
1.) Indians-No matter who sings this this song will always sound dated, this just didn't age well...
2.) Cowboy Song-Thin Lizzy Cover/ Why this song?!
3.) I'm the Man-Any version of this....
this song was a damn novelity & it has worn out already! * Also refer to #1.
4.) 50% of what is included on Attack of the Killer B's-
5.) Ball of Confusion-It was a good idea at the time...
package rebellion i skip over alot on SOWN but i dont like one part of among the living when joey says"im the walking dude".i dont know why but i hate the way he sings that.