Quote:Originally Posted by TylerTheNuke
Obviously bigdave cares more about the music then the philosophy, so this post was wasted on him. Let me add my 2c here though. A genre of metal isn't confined by a philosophy.
Any musical form is in part defined by and created from an underlying philosophy. Change the philosophical emphasis and you end up changing the music. Why? Because music is symbolic expression - a way of representing ideas, beliefs, emotions etc. (in other words, 'philosophy') in sound.
quoteYou accuse him of reverting, but I disagree. Does "to forgive is to suffer" seem like a hippy sentiment?
Suffering and martyrdom are the highest form of 'heroism' in the liberal/hippie ethos...
Quote:Lots of the post-human lyrics are less focused on philosophy and more on effect, so they don't seem as deep, but they are just as good. Death still finds the fundamental valuse of society twisted, but their later albums have more hope and faith in our ability to persevere and move forward.
Except that they embrace the values of the dominant society and defend those values against any who attack them ("The Philosopher"/Mis), undermine them through hypocrisy ("Crystal Mountain") or propose other values ("Spirit Crusher"/"Story to Tell")...
Quote:Call me a fool for saying so, but statistics show that each generation is getting smarter according to IQ,
Evidence? The sources I've encountered indicate that median IQ in the Western world has remained virtually unchanged over the last century.
Quote:we are getting taller
Incrementally... On the other hand, we're growing fatter at an exponential rate.
Quote:we are developing greater technologies
And rapidly diminishing the envrionment in the process.
Quote:I do not find chuck's hope to be misplaced of foolish or dumb or insulting to my intellegence.
Congratulations! You're a fucking moron!
Quote:As for the music itself, it has clearly progressed. Jam band pretensions layered hopelessly over predictable rock'nroll structures? Wow, this is retarded. Jam band? How is death anything like a jam band?
It couldn't be the profusion of pointless wanking solos where actual music should go, could it?
Quote:As for the predictible structures, that is simply a non-issue. Who seriously cares about the structure of songs like these? SUre, Hvis Lyset Tar Oss, for example, employs unconventional structures to great success, but is there anything that says something with regular structures is bad?
In music, structure is the framework of meaning. When you don't have much to say, you just string it together in verse/chorus format, slap on a few solos and shit it out. There's not necessarily anything wrong with it - but it's not a good sign, and it's never going to have the kind of depth that more structurally complex music has.

btw, your type are so predictable. the last name you mention in regards to romanticism, hmmm, nietzsche, go figure.)
It's pretty difficult to talk about late Romanticism without talking about the influence of Nietzshe, genius.