Any Baseball fans?

I've been loving this post season, but I am a dodger fan so I don't really have a team. I have been rooting for the Giants and the Rangers just because they were the obvious underdogs going in. Would be a great world series if they both made it. I feel your pain though my mom is from the Bronx and is a diehard yankee fan, she is pissed :devil:
I really hope it's not the Giants/Texas. As an A's fan (albeit disgruntled) I'd be torn between having to root for the baby girls of baseball -- the Giants -- and of course, a team from Texas, the state which should be involuntarily forced to secede from the nation.

Both series have been exciting. Never count out the Yankees. And never count in the Giants.
I tend to look at the actual players and managers on the team, not what state and city they are from. And on that note I really like the Giants and Rangers this year:popcorn:
FUCK YOU JOE GIRARDI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Obvious Yankee fan here ...

No fucking kidding man... I have serious doubts about him at this point, and this series just confirms it. I heard Chicago made him an offer - he should go!
While I agree that Girardi could be better, atleast you guys didn't have to deal with Torre this year. He literally gave up 3/4's of the way through the season along with his team. Fucking pathetic.
Maybe this will bring the other Yankee fans out of hiding?

Yeah - he did really well, though I kinda felt bad for him at times. When the camera panned to him in the duggout between innings you could see the stress on his face, and he was fidgeting like crazy. Much respect for someone who can be so calm and collected on the mound with that kind of pressure!

2 more in Texas!!

I would nail the whore too, though I would make her eat about 2,000 donuts before hand to get some weight on that skinny ass of hers! :lol:
I'm hoping to see the Giants and Rangers in the World Series. I'm a huge Cliff Lee fan, partially because he played for the Mariners for half the season and completely dominated (I know, I know, the Mariners suck, but I love following them every year :lol:), and partially just because he's a badass athlete. And come one, who doesn't want to see Tim Lincecum and Cliff Lee face off against each other? :)