Old Fart
Big deal. George buys yet another star. All the Yanks fucking do is buy free agents and Japanese players.
Excuse me, Mr. Clueless Baseball Guy. Please explain for your fans how the Yankees "bought" anyone with this TRADE. And then please explain what in heck you're talking about with the Japanese players comment. Considering that Japanese stars have been "bought" by about 1/3 of the teams in the majors now...Dreamlord said:Big deal. George buys yet another star. All the Yanks fucking do is buy free agents and Japanese players.
markgugs said:bloodfiredeath >>> You, like many Yankee haters, rest your entire case on a wagonful of assumptions. Good luck. Then again, you root for the Tigers, so I'll just leave you alone.
Other teams do not have the means. While George may be the 16th or 17th wealthiest owner (I'll take your word on that), the Yankees generate far more money than any other MLB team. Their television contract alone is ridiculous. Now they turn around and spend that money, which I can admire, and is certainly better than the owners who collect revenue sharing and do nothing. The fact remains though, that they have an unfair advantage over most every other team, teams who literally can't spend that much. The revenue should go into a pool, and divided equally amongst every team. I'm not as much of a fan of a salary cap (the NBA method is more acceptable I will agree), but there absolutely should be a salary minimum. Even without a cap, dividing all of the Yankees revenue amongst all the teams would make it much more difficult to spend that much. I mean, c'mon... the luxury tax is a joke. Now that opens a new can of worms about the collective bargaining agreement and what a joke that is, I'm sure as both baseball fans, we could agree there...George Steinbrenner is the 16th or 17th wealthiest owner. Fact. How can people so ludicrously blame him and the Yankees for doing what they are allowed by law to do!? There are plenty of other teams who have every right AND HAVE THE MEANS to do the same thing. Yet they choose not to. So fuck 'em all.
Those weren't really assumptions. That would mean that I really believe that's all gonna happen. It was more wishful thinking...markgugs said:Well, the assumptions are of people getting hurt, the pitching staff breaking down, Torre/Cashman being fired, Sheffield not having another monster year (which btw, you were wrong on, he's put up numbers like that for the majority of the past 8 years), etc. Those are assumptions and just as unlikely to happen as they are likely to happen.
I would say that your Yankee blindness is stunning, but it's very typical. It's not that simple at all and somewhere I'm sure you know it. They can turn a profit despite spending ridiculous amounts of money because they have unfair advantages. The playing field in MLB is not level. No matter who's fault that is, it's plainly obvious. Hey... I commend them for taking advantage of the system, but being proud and gloating of the fact that the super soldier Steve Rogers can kick everyone's dads' asses is laughable.markgugs said:This bump is just to remind everyone that the Yankees are going to be scary on offense this year.
Also, FYI, even with spending $190 million on the team, and another $35 or so in luxury tax (which corrupt pussies like the Pirates owner just pocket), the Yankees on still on target to turn a profit this year. How is this possible? Because they put a MARKETABLE TEAM ON THE FIELD THAT PEOPLE WANT TO SEE. It's simple.