Any Changes On Cameras And Security?


Jul 26, 2003
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Glenn mentioned right after tha last prog power that there may be some changes in regard to cameras. It is unfortunate that we have this great gift. of beign able to take pictures at the show, but a few people can screw that up for everybody!!!
I just want to know if you have made any decisions yet Glenn?

Thank you! :yell:
This is one area where I am not going to make friends with everyone. Things WILL CHANGE. Between the Dimebag incident and some boots from the last show hitting EBay, I have had enough.

1. Hand held metal detectors everytime you go through the door. I'm hiring extra security and another police officer to get the line in quicker. Soundchecks are being started earlier to also keep delays from happening.

2. No more backpacks or duffel bags or anything like that. You will be allowed your camera case only. Vendors will have plenty of bags this year so get one when you go through the door to store your stuff.

3. I will announce from the stage that there will be no video-taping. Anyone that catches one for me will be given a VIP badge and welcomed backstage to party with the bands.

4. More spys will be planted in the audience.

If there continues to be a problem, I will review the in/out policy. I'm that dead damn serious.

Let the bitching commence, but its not going to change my mind.

Glenn H.
That is great!! i dont think anybody minds the extra security. The good thing is that we will be able to take pictures inside,of the show, and the bands outside in the lobby!! So this is actually good news.
Thanks! :headbang:
Metalmilita2000 said:
The only thing i don't like is the no bookbag policy, but if it stops crazy asses like (No named bastard who killed Dimebag) and bootleggers, then i am all for it.


Let me first say that I understand 100% why Glenn, as a concert promoter, has decided to increase security measures since the Dimebag incident. I don't care too much...Glenn knows what he's doing and as long as the security guards don't turn into assholes it won't bother me one bit.

What does bother me is this kind of attitude that we need to fear people gunning down band members on stage now. Its not like metal musicians were like deer in a hunting forest before what happened to Dimebag. It was a freak incident commited by a mentally unstable and clinically psychotic individual. Just because a freak incident occurs doesn't mean we should be afraid of going to concerts now, security or no security. If you burn your hand on the stove, are you afraid every time you try to cook something after that, or stop cooking all together?

So go to progpower and continue to rock on...
Well, I for one, am relieved. I think Glenn has instituted some excellent safety/security policies without completely taking away camera privileges and the in/out policy. Hopefully, this is all it will take to keep ProgPower safe and profitable. It truly is a shame a few crazy/greedy people can spoil things for everyone.
I have a question for Glenn:

I recently purchased a digital camera. It does have video recording capabilities on it, although my camera has no sound mic (it would just be movement). Even if I bought the biggest memory card, I doubt I'd be able to record more than a minute or three.

I'm just wondering if it would be a problem if I brought it down for use of flash photography only. I have no problem signing a waiver or what not if needs be. I respect Glenn and PP too much to ruin it for others. I just don't want to be accused of shooting live footage and risk losing that right (for myself and others) and having my camera taken away.

I still have my 35MM camera, so if it's a no-go, I'll just bring that one instead. Thought I'd check and see what you said. I'd even be open to inspection of images on the camera to verify that I had only taken stills during the show. :) Thanks!

I know this is kind of a sticky issue, so whatever Glenn prefers is fine with me. :)

MetalRose said:
I have a question for Glenn:

I recently purchased a digital camera. It does have video recording capabilities on it, although my camera has no sound mic (it would just be movement). Even if I bought the biggest memory card, I doubt I'd be able to record more than a minute or three.

I'm just wondering if it would be a problem if I brought it down for use of flash photography only. I have no problem signing a waiver or what not if needs be. I respect Glenn and PP too much to ruin it for others. I just don't want to be accused of shooting live footage and risk losing that right (for myself and others) and having my camera taken away.

I still have my 35MM camera, so if it's a no-go, I'll just bring that one instead. Thought I'd check and see what you said. I'd even be open to inspection of images on the camera to verify that I had only taken stills during the show. :) Thanks!

I know this is kind of a sticky issue, so whatever Glenn prefers is fine with me. :)


Hey MR- does this mean the coffin purse/backpack stays home???
Digital cameras are getting kinda iffy these days in trying to distinguish them from video recorders - it would be very easy to rat someone out who really isn't recording. We were closely eyeing a guy who was sitting in front of us at Edguy, wondering if he was recording or not, but after we watched for a few minutes, we realized it was a still camera with an unusually good-quality LCD screen that he was using to pan the stage.

I got questioned at the TSO show last year for much the same thing - a security guard asked me to show him my camera because I'd been using the LCD viewer to get a good angle. Sure, no problem.
wondering if the cheapie throwaway camera are ok

and if atleast it be possible to CHECK your bags somewhere. I don't like the idea of leaving my bag in the hotel, a girl i know from the Mike Portnoy forum once had her whole cd collection stolen by some people in Chicago the weekend she saw Dream Theater there.

I would think it would not be too difficult to just have a place to keep your bag, like near the Vendor room or something. Like a coat check works, you're given a ticket with a number and when you want to access your bag you have to do it in the vendor area or outside the venue.

Either that or some kind of large locker be put up near the venue or just outside the venue. Or maybe atleast I'll be able to find a locker somewhere in or near my hotel.

Granted, no gurantee I go this year anyway..esp with Fates Warning not happening.

am_ash2 said:
Hey MR- does this mean the coffin purse/backpack stays home???

LOL Wow, I never really carry a purse unless I'm in a skirt... and that's all everyone remembers me by is my coffin purse! LOL.

I'll still bring it most likely. It's not a huge bag, but rather a small to mid sized purse. (Have you seen some of the 10 gallon bags women carry now days? WTF? ) I have no problems to sec. wanting to check it, but if I'm not having any pockets in my wardrobe (freaking designers!) then I'll need something to put my ID and smokes in. Ya know?

Worst case senario they ask me not to bring it in, then I'll store my ID in my bra. But that just sucks sometimes...

I can't help ya with the smokes MetalRose, but for ID and badge I usually wear one of those lanyards that have a small place to keep my cards and some cash. I've found that the lanyard works best for concerts because it can quickly be tucked inside your shirt so you don't ruin the look of what you are wearing. Or I'll thread it around a loop on my jeans and tuck it into a side pocket.

Maybe you need a James Bond sort of bra where it opens up into an ATM, Cigarette Machine and Bar (lol).
BABS said:
Maybe you need a James Bond sort of bra where it opens up into an ATM, Cigarette Machine and Bar (lol).

As if guys need any further reason to check out boobs!
When you were talkign abotu a bag check area, I think that this could work especially with the type of crowd Prog Power has. I really dont see anyone stealing shit from anyone, example, at the Pre Party, I threw my jacket on a chair, then noticed that about two dozen people started doing the same thing, it became the unofficial coat check chair. I walked off and was thinking, Oh shit I left 60 bucks in the breast pocket, went back and dug through and saw my jacket was completely untouched. Prog Power has the best attendees of anywhere Ive been to and if someone tries to ruin the experience by theivery, booting, or whatever, Ill slap em and make them my bitch.

LOL I had one of those lanyard things last year. It drove me nuts! Now if I could get a pair of knee high boots with a small compartment in them... I'd be all over those.

BABS said:
Maybe you need a James Bond sort of bra where it opens up into an ATM, Cigarette Machine and Bar (lol).

You know... that's an idea! On the left breast would be the ID, right, the smokes and if you swipe your card down the middle of the cleavage- you'll get green from the space unseen! :loco: :headbang:
