Any Changes On Cameras And Security?

Yeah, so I HAVE to have a purse.
So we better be able to bring them.
Most of my pants don't even have pockets.

Also, occationally us girls have to carry unmetionables that do not fit in pockets.

Every concert venue I've ever been to has let me bring my purse, so I don't think this would be different.
Harvester said:
This is one area where I am not going to make friends with everyone. Things WILL CHANGE. Between the Dimebag incident and some boots from the last show hitting EBay, I have had enough.

1. Hand held metal detectors everytime you go through the door. I'm hiring extra security and another police officer to get the line in quicker. Soundchecks are being started earlier to also keep delays from happening.

2. No more backpacks or duffel bags or anything like that. You will be allowed your camera case only. Vendors will have plenty of bags this year so get one when you go through the door to store your stuff.

3. I will announce from the stage that there will be no video-taping. Anyone that catches one for me will be given a VIP badge and welcomed backstage to party with the bands.

4. More spys will be planted in the audience.

If there continues to be a problem, I will review the in/out policy. I'm that dead damn serious.

Let the bitching commence, but its not going to change my mind.

Glenn H.
Glenn, only the douche bags guilty of these practices in the past would be the ones to bitch. You do what you feel is right.
For those of us who want to get old vinyl or something else autographed,i suppose we're shitoutta luck. unless there's a bag check. Wouldntthe metal detector pick up stuff in the bags we arent'supposed to have?
BTW Glenn my130.00 is on the way
Harvester said:
2. No more backpacks or duffel bags or anything like that. You will be allowed your camera case only. Vendors will have plenty of bags this year so get one when you go through the door to store your stuff.
Some clarification of what exactly will be considered a "camera case" would be appreciated. For SLR users with one or more lenses tend to have bigger cases that would be needed for a small point-n-shoot.
So after all these replys, I am assuming that also the number of articles for the bands to autograph will be controlled this year. if I remember correctly, Glenn mention that the plan is to have 2 items per band, wich I think is good enough, that would keep the (sometimes) long lines for autographs moving fast and also would give everybody the oportunity to make it on time for the autograph.
metalchesy said:
So after all these replys, I am assuming that also the number of articles for the bands to autograph will be controlled this year. if I remember correctly, Glenn mention that the plan is to have 2 items per band, wich I think is good enough, that would keep the (sometimes) long lines for autographs moving fast and also would give everybody the oportunity to make it on time for the autograph.

I rememeber that Glenn said 3 items per band....
Limiting the items only makes sense, because there's always a handful of nerds who bring their entire collection in boxes on one of those two-wheeled granny carts...
I completely understand the need to beef up security. Everybody pretty much stated what I would about those who would complain. Though I sincerely hope that there will never be a need to drop the in/out privileges, I can deal with it as long as the bar continues to serve food. As for you, Daybreaker, consider yourself lucky. As of ProgPower III, my possessions will never leave my grasp until I get back to the hotel. Some ass-cock (what? Ass is a donkey) snagged my Pain Of Salvation Remedy Lane tour shirt out of my bag while it was sitting on one of the seats right off of the floor. To this day, I can't find another shirt like it. I had to settle for one of their logo shirts through their website. I learned my lesson.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Yeah, thanks to someone that had more than 10 or 15 Savatage items, I couldn't get my stuff signed..... Well, actually thanks to LOTS of those people.....
Harvester said:
This is one area where I am not going to make friends with everyone. Things WILL CHANGE. Between the Dimebag incident and some boots from the last show hitting EBay, I have had enough.

1. Hand held metal detectors everytime you go through the door. I'm hiring extra security and another police officer to get the line in quicker. Soundchecks are being started earlier to also keep delays from happening.

2. No more backpacks or duffel bags or anything like that. You will be allowed your camera case only. Vendors will have plenty of bags this year so get one when you go through the door to store your stuff.

3. I will announce from the stage that there will be no video-taping. Anyone that catches one for me will be given a VIP badge and welcomed backstage to party with the bands.

4. More spys will be planted in the audience.

If there continues to be a problem, I will review the in/out policy. I'm that dead damn serious.

Let the bitching commence, but its not going to change my mind.

Glenn H.
WHAT!!?? OMG WTF DUDE!!!! NOW IM MAD!!!!!! :D :loco:

Seriously I dont see how this can draw any bitching. Thats not a big deal at all! If you have nothing to hide, than there should be no complaining. I think the VIP incentive to catch someone is fuckin badass.

Peace out! :headbang:
I actually mentioned to Glenn last year after seeing some people miss their chance to get stuff signed that there should be a limit on items since there seems to be more and more people taking advantage of doing that. It would allow everyone else to have their chance since everyone deserves to get SOMEthing signed. Actually I thought of it when I saw one ude get no less than 30-40 items signed by Kai Hansen haha. Hard core!
I would think that people would be courteous enough to regulate themselves without having to have someone else make rules and enforce them... but if that were true, there wouldn't have been the bootlegs on eBay I guess. :b

As for the rule changes, fine by me, with the one caveat--we girls do sometimes need to carry a purse. There's really no way around it, unless someone wants to hand out free feminine products. :)

As for a bag check... I think this could be more problematic than it appears at first blush. You're going to have people wanting to get into their bags between every set and it could quickly go downhill from there. If someone sets one up, more power to 'em, but I wouldn't hold my breath, folks. You can have a designated bag-holder or take your stuff to your hotel (which I had no problem doing last year) or just don't buy too much stuff. Lots of options. :)
MetalAges said:
I actually mentioned to Glenn last year after seeing some people miss their chance to get stuff signed that there should be a limit on items since there seems to be more and more people taking advantage of doing that. It would allow everyone else to have their chance since everyone deserves to get SOMEthing signed. Actually I thought of it when I saw one ude get no less than 30-40 items signed by Kai Hansen haha. Hard core!

Yeah, and I got the last autograph from Kai as he was leaving. It was worse than a scrawl! and YOU took a picture of us, so all is well
But yeah, I know him, AND I wanted to kill that "hardcore" dude....
rrhoadsfan1 said:
First. It's not a Purse. It's a european Carryalll!!! LMAO...
Oooooh it's a "man purse". LMFAO

Anyone who reads Blabbermouth regularly will know what I'm referring to.
Oh that's right, there was an episode dedicated to that subject (lol). Go check out the Blabbermouth one, the comments are absolutely hysterical.
It's nice to have the 3 item limit for signing, though as someone else said, it shouldn't even have to be there in the first place. I could've had Nightwish sign about 15 things, but out of common sense I limited myself to 2.

I'm all for any procedures necessary to stop more stupid shit from getting on the premises. I'd rather wait in line an extra hour or whatever than stand in front of the stage thinking that one of my musical idols could be shot by some psycho.
Megawozniak said:
It's nice to have the 3 item limit for signing, though as someone else said, it shouldn't even have to be there in the first place. I could've had Nightwish sign about 15 things, but out of common sense I limited myself to 2.

I'm all for any procedures necessary to stop more stupid shit from getting on the premises. I'd rather wait in line an extra hour or whatever than stand in front of the stage thinking that one of my musical idols could be shot by some psycho.
It used to be common knowledge that 2/3 things was the amount to bring to a signing, not just for ProgPower, but always. Things have change, I guess...:err: