Any Gamers here?


Oct 15, 2001
I'm talking pc games,not the gay consoles.
If so,what do you regualry play.

I've been playing lately
Mafia-Probabably the best,most addictive game ever.
Battlefield 1942- Damn awesome game
Unreal 2003- Just because it rocks so damn much
Warcraft 3- cos it's warcraft

thats why I have no life of late.
I usually play the shit out of a game for a week, and then never touch them again.
I would like Warcraft III though, cos I remeber playing the old ones heaps.
Originally posted by Koichi

I've been playing lately
Mafia-Probabably the best,most addictive game ever.
Battlefield 1942- Damn awesome game
Unreal 2003- Just because it rocks so damn much

Those are the three games im buying first when I get my new pc :headbang:
It's like the new grand Theft Auto ,but set in the 1930's, it's got a really detailed plotline and the gameply is so damn awesome.

It's like GTA,but no so much random acts of sensless violence and more strategic ways of doing shit.

it rocks.
Grand theft auto 3 (the origional version before it got banned and censored)
is actually the best ever game ever, you can beat people to death, steal any car, kill anyone, rape and kill prostitutes (this gives you health) fully interactive citys,
steal a anbulance and get paid for picking people up and taking to hospital, or pick them up then kill them! steal a taxi and drive people around !
no set plotm 100% freedom

but hang on, its on a Gay console, Its my favorite game
But since i play a console i must be gay
oh well
Oh I love video games.. although I go through phases when im into them big time.. and other times when I just dont care about them. I plan on buying Star Wars: Galatic Battlegrounds at the end of this week when I have my midterms done. Im not much of a pc gamer.. I have a ps2 and do most of my gaming on that, but I just enjoy video games, no matter on what platform.