Any good RPG's?

Do you mean MMORPG's? If so, tons have nowadays changed to the so called Free2Play format where you only pay to have better stuff or whatever (micro payments). For example Age of Conan. If I were to still play those games (which I don't), that's the one I'd give a go.
F2P model games... yeah there are a few decent ones I suppose. Age of Conan was garbage when it launched but maybe it's better now. GW2 looks like it could be fun.

But there aren't any good free (no purchase fee, no monthly fee) MMORPGs. They are all shit. :p
Skyrim's not online. And I really liked Oblivion more, after the bug fixes and mods... Skyrim is kind of dull, dunno why...
I really liked Oblivion more, after the bug fixes and mods... Skyrim is kind of dull, dunno why...

Gotta disagree with you there.

Skyrim may not have the environmental diversity that Oblivion had, but I find it to be a far more entertaining game. I love the snowy climates, and fighting dragons is far more fun to me than going through all those damned Oblivion gates...
Yeah, well the Oblivion gates were really annoying! But playing with a mage is not as cool as it was in Oblivion! And maybe the caves and dungeons are a bit more versitile in Skyrim, but as a whole I like Oblivion more. Maybe it's just the fact that I played Oblivion A LOT, and now I'm bored with the general wondering and "adventuring". And I also liked the main quest more in Oblivion minus the Oblivion Gates...
Yeah, well the Oblivion gates were really annoying! But playing with a mage is not as cool as it was in Oblivion! And maybe the caves and dungeons are a bit more versitile in Skyrim, but as a whole I like Oblivion more. Maybe it's just the fact that I played Oblivion A LOT, and now I'm bored with the general wondering and "adventuring". And I also liked the main quest more in Oblivion minus the Oblivion Gates...

Since you're playing as a mage I can understand why you don't like Skyrim as much. The game definitely seems to focus on more on melee combat than the other styles, but I've been having a blast playing a stealthy sniper character (as I did in Oblivion). To be honest I've never been a fan of magic; it just seems so... cheesy to me.

Although I suppose that whether you're slaying dragons with a sword, a bow, or magic, you're still slaying dragons. It can't get any cheesier.

Also, what's the point of even having ice spells in Skyrim? Wouldn't most of the enemies be well acclimated to the colder temperatures so much that it would barely even phase them? I'm having tons of fun with the fire spells, however.
That's strange, because I'm having a significantly easier time being a mage in Skyrim than in Oblivion. I also like archery a lot better in Skyrim. In Oblivion, it was almost pointless to even try. It's also funny to take all your clothes off and listen to people tell you to put clothes on.

Although I suppose that whether you're slaying dragons with a sword, a bow, or magic, you're still slaying dragons.

As a knight of Arthur's Court?