I realize that this is an Anthrax forum. I am new to the ultimate metal boards so I hope this is not the wrong place to post this. I know they toured with Anthrax on the USA Headbangers Ball Tour in 1989. Just curious if there were any fans here.
Loved all their stuff with Kieste / Kai Hansen era.
Keeper 1 & 2 are just magnificent albums.
yeah i remember looking on music choice and seeing helloween about a year ago so i put it on and i swear to god its the worst song ever. i cant remember the title of it though.I hadn't thought of them in years until yesterday.I really liked keeper of the seven key's part ?( the one with I want out) so I looked them up on Youtube for new stuff.
I heard something from 07 but I didn't like it.
Loved all their stuff with Kieste / Kai Hansen era.
Keeper 1 & 2 are just magnificent albums.
Pink Bubbles goes ape was ok - had a few good songs. Haven't really listened to any of their more recent stuff to be honest.
my art teacher put on the song halloween today in class. it was badass
The Original Version (over 8 minutes) or the radio cut?
The Original is so beatifully its nearly opera