Any love for Old Man's Child?

markgugs said:
i.e. symphonic, overproduced, too-polished "black" metal
I completely get where you're coming from on this. Given the quality of most Black Metal, you wouldn't want a "polished" sound. It would totally suck if you could discern what the musicians were actually doing.:loco:

General Zod said:
I completely get where you're coming from on this. Given the quality of most Black Metal, you wouldn't want a "polished" sound. It would totally suck if you could discern what the musicians were actually doing.:loco:


lol, bite me

I'm not talking about "recorded in the middle of a forest on a 2-track" type shitz, but 14 trips through ProTools isn't what I want either!

I've been listening to plenty of black metal lately, and a lot of the production is a nice blend between "not enough" and "too much." Those bands above = too much. IMO, of course.

I know you're a production-NAZI. ;)
But that's what I'm saying. I'm not listening to stuff that's poorly produced, because let's face it, even bands that strive for a minimalist approach these days still have decent production due to technology. A lot of the earliest bands just didn't have access to better-sounding stuff even if they wanted to.

Enter Erik to correct me. :tickled:
markgugs said:
I know you're a production-NAZI. ;)
I am.

There are some CDs and bands that are actually too polished for my liking. And I do get what people appreciate about a more natural sound. But the more brutal the music, the more refinement I find is needed, or everything just bleeds together. Sometimes that works, often it doesn't.

That said, I don't get why someone like you wouldn't splooge over bands like OMC and Dimmu. You love Power Metal and you love Black Metal. Why would you not like a band that combine the two, and does it so well? Let me guess, you love peanut butter and choclate, but hate Reeces Peanut Butter cups?

General Zod said:
I am.

There are some CDs and bands that are actually too polished for my liking. And I do get what people appreciate about a more natural sound. But the more brutal the music, the more refinement I find is needed, or everything just bleeds together. Sometimes that works, often it doesn't.

That said, I don't get why someone like you wouldn't splooge over bands like OMC and Dimmu. You love Power Metal and you love Black Metal. Why would you not like a band that combine the two, and does it so well? Let me guess, you love peanut butter and choclate, but hate Reeces Peanut Butter cups?


If only it were as simple as your candy bar analogy.

In the case of overly-produced symphonic crap, it's very, very, very rare that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. You get what I'm sayin'? Besides, I don't really like symphonic, overly-produced power metal, either. Rhapsody isn't a band I consider myself much of a fan of, as an example.

P.S. I love Peanut Butter Cups, though. :D
lizard said:

I'll also have to point out that I've listened to hundreds of hours of Grateful Dead bootlegs, some of which were pretty bad cassette copies...

I don't know how long it's been, but there are pretty much NO poor-sounding recordings of shows left...thanks to the digital age and newly-circulating sources, etc.

maybe its just black metal I don't like!

Nail. Hammer. ;)
markgugs said:
If only it were as simple as your candy bar analogy.
You mean everything in life can't be summed up with candy analogies? Oh well, there goes my whole M & Ms soliloquy.:loco:

markgugs said:
In the case of overly-produced symphonic crap, it's very, very, very rare that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. You get what I'm sayin'?

markgugs said:
Besides, I don't really like symphonic, overly-produced power metal, either. Rhapsody isn't a band I consider myself much of a fan of, as an example.
Nor do I. And that would explain why you wouldn't care for Dimmu's "Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia". However, "Vermin" doesn't have 1/10th the amount of keys as PEM. To my ear, "Vermin" sounds more like very dark, very edgy, Power Metal. I would have thought you'd find that appealing.

Just out of curiosity, have you given "Vermin" a spin?

No, not yet, we got semi-off-topic (of course). But I was just talking to Ali yesterday about "Vermin," and I was relating to him that I'd read several reviews about it which had positive things to say, that Garm had gone a much more thrashy route and majorly toned down the crappy synthesized elements of say, their past 3 releases.
lizard said:
yeah I know...I've slowly been getting back into them after years away.

I was lucky (and smart) enough to have downloaded (from the Archives) every single SBD recording available between the years 1972-1977. I say lucky and smart enough, because the unthinkable actually happened: the Dead estate decided to REMOVE those shows from free download places like the Archives, presumably because they realized they were sitting on a virtual goldmine and were tired of just giving it away. Jerry would be rolling over in his grave.

Anyway, the point is, if you want some great stuff from (IMO) their best ever years (specifically 1973 & 1974), give a shout. I'll hook it up, yo.
lizard said:
I thought they backed off that stance tho.

yeah Jerry would be hurling. thanks for the offer tho let me think on it ~ I'm prolly going to start focusing on stuff like the legendary Fillmore shows from 70

I happen to have those as well; you will NOT be able to get the SBDs if that's what you're looking for.

As for them backing off, they did to a degree. They allow the streaming of the shows, but not the downloads. And they've slowly but surely been putting the live AUDIENCE-sourced recordings back into the Archives for D/L.

But the SBDs are gone for good.
markgugs said:
But that's what I'm saying. I'm not listening to stuff that's poorly produced, because let's face it, even bands that strive for a minimalist approach these days still have decent production due to technology. A lot of the earliest bands just didn't have access to better-sounding stuff even if they wanted to.

Enter Erik to correct me. :tickled:

That's true in most cases, except for at least Darkthrone; they spent hours trying to get that raw sound they're now famous for.