Any love for Old Man's Child?

MadeInNewJersey said:
Well again, unless OMC took a drastic directional change with this new album, they and Naglfar are nothing alike, so I don't get the comparisons.
Actually, I thought the latest Naglfar release was much more accesible/polished. In their most current incarnations, they're not that stylistically different. What seperates them most, is Naglfar doesn't do much in the way of mid-paced material.

JayKeeley said:
Actually I was specifically speaking about "BLACK" metal (if not in ideology then sound). While the others all have derivative offshoots, there is nowhere near that amount in the world of BM.
I'm out of my depth when the conversation turns to Black Metal. If there are, as you suggest, a large number of bands who are similar to OMC, than I too would like to know who they are. So far, none that have been listed would I say are similar in both style and quality.

Naglfar definitely employs serious production; of that there is no doubt. But stylistically, the 2 bands WERE world's apart. For starters, Naglfar employs a 2-guitar attack that enables them to create that classic Dissection sound. OMC only has 1 guitar.

But more importantly, Naglfar doesn't use keys at all, whereas OMC are largely identified by their keys, i.e. the "symphonic" part. I guess because Galder doesn't know any different from his Dimmu days. *shrugs*
General Zod said:
I'm out of my depth when the conversation turns to Black Metal. If there are, as you suggest, a large number of bands who are similar to OMC, than I too would like to know who they are. So far, none that have been listed would I say are similar in both style and quality.


Dimmu Borgir is the obvious; they are extremely similar
Graveworm (from this conversation, I'm willing to bet they're RIGHT up your alley)
Asguard (at least the newest album)

If you go to and search by genre, just click "orchestral/symphonic" and then see how many of the bands are listed as "symphonic black metal." Of course I don't know what they all sound like, but there's a shitton of them.
MadeInNewJersey said:
But more importantly, Naglfar doesn't use keys at all, whereas OMC are largely identified by their keys, i.e. the "symphonic" part.
There aren't a great deal of keys on the new disc.

MadeInNewJersey said:
I guess because Galder doesn't know any different from his Dimmu days.
He joined Dimmu after having been in Dimmu for a number of years. As a matter of fact, both bands debuts came out in '94.

As for the comparison, it's definitely a valid one. I just think "Vermin" is the coolest disc in either of the two band's catalogs. That said, I'm in the process of revisiting OMC's previous two CDs.

Yeah, if I didn't state it very clearly before, everything I say about OMC is based on albums UP TO NOT INCLUDING the new one; that's why I said "unless they've changed their sound dramatically."

I'm definitely going to check it out, but I just wanted to make it clear that they weren't anything at all like Naglfar. Hell, if it were JUST great production we were basing this on, you'd be able to say Dream Theater and Old Man's Child were of the same ilk.
MadeInNewJersey said:
I'm definitely going to check it out...
Don't you listen to 3,000 CDs a day? What are you waiting for?

MadeInNewJersey said:
Hell, if it were JUST great production we were basing this on, you'd be able to say Dream Theater and Old Man's Child were of the same ilk.
Maybe, but Galder is a vastly superior vocalist.

Geez Louise!!!! 50 posts about sub-genre definitions and true band comparisons was not something I wanted to spark. Just looking for band recommendations that can be considered melodic black, melodic thrash, melodic death/thrash, etc. If all those bands I listed are so far apart, no problem, you could just say - "Well, I don't think Dimmu should be mixed with Dissection, but anyway, bands like OMC/Dimmu would be ....., bands like Naglfar/Dissection or whatever would be..... and bands like Satyricon or whatever would be ......."

All I was looking for was a few freaking cool bands. But after much filtering, what I got out this tonage of posts was the following bands to simply check out that contain elements of each of those differing bands' sounds:

Anorexia Nervosa
The Amenta

Boom. Done. I'll check 'em out. Thank you Mark and Ali.
I'm telling you, go to metal archives and search by genre. Each band has its own page, often with links to official homepages, etc., where you can find samples to download. You'll be busy for weeks checking out similar-sounding bands, and be the coolest kid on the block when you find some shit that no one around here knows about.
General Zod said:
I'm out of my depth when the conversation turns to Black Metal.

Well, if that's the case....

So far, none that have been listed would I say are similar in both style and quality.

...then how do you make that claim? :tickled:

I'm obviously missing something in the discussion here..."none that have been listed thus far are similar in style and quality?"

*plays OMC track just to double check, "The Plague of Sorrow".*

So are you suggesting OMC are unique? Based on the Vermin album, OMC sounds just like any other band with its roots firmly planted in Black Metal, some obvious thrash influences -- I mean, just listen to "War of Fidelity" or "In Torment's Orbit", that could be latter day KREATOR -- and lots of 'epic' melodic passages (whether synthesized or not).

This can otherwise be referred to as "Melodic Black Thrash" metal. I cannot tell you how many promos turned into frisbees over the last couple of years. Candlelight Records practically produce this stuff on factory belt output.

MadeInNewJersey said:
I'm telling you, go to metal archives and search by genre. Each band has its own page, often with links to official homepages, etc., where you can find samples to download. You'll be busy for weeks checking out similar-sounding bands, and be the coolest kid on the block when you find some shit that no one around here knows about.

Bleh, too lazy. Just give me some band names plz thx k?
JayKeeley said:
Well, if that's the case....
When you start to talk about the Black Metal underground, you know, shit that's tr00 and kvlt, I'm lost.
JayKeeley said:
..then how do you make that claim? :tickled:
I've heard most of the bands being discussed in this thread, at least songs by them.
JayKeeley said:
So are you suggesting OMC are unique? Based on the Vermin album, OMC sounds just like any other band with its roots firmly planted in Black Metal...
Not unique. Just no less unique than 99% of what's discussed here. Though I am suggesting that I like their sound better than most of what is lumped into Black Metal.
JayKeeley said:
I have the MP3s. I'll queue them up tonight if I get a chance.

General Zod said:
Though I am suggesting that I like their sound better than most of what is lumped into Black Metal.

Don't get me wrong, I think Vermin sounds pretty cool. Like I said, I was nicely surprised because I went in thinking they were straight up Dimmu clones. They are not at all, and the production is warm -- as opposed to bright and gleaming.

I have the MP3s. I'll queue them up tonight if I get a chance.


OK here's the thing: imagine someone going out and buying a COMMUNIC album before having heard NEVERMORE. I'm sure you would blow their head off with a sawn-off.
JayKeeley said:
They are not at all, and the production is warm -- as opposed to bright and gleaming.
An excellent description.

JayKeeley said:
OK here's the thing: imagine someone going out and buying a COMMUNIC album before having heard NEVERMORE. I'm sure you would blow their head off with a sawn-off.
Now that's a great anaolgy. So much better than my Reece's Peanutbutter Cup one earlier in this thread.:loco:

I will listen to "Storm of the Light's Bane" tonight.

Funny thing is, I like peanut butter and chocolate. Just not mixed. :tickled:

Same with those Terry's Orange pieces shitz....don't get me wrong, I like chocolate and I like oranges, but I don't want the two to mix. [/fascist]
MadeInNewJersey said:
I love PB & chocolate. Not so much for orange & choc. WTF?
