Any love for Old Man's Child?

Dark One said:
Really? Can you please steer me to those million other bands?

The bands I'm aware of would include the likes of Old Man's Child, Naglfar, Dissection, The Crown (and of course the sell out black metal styles of Dimmu, Satyricon, etc.).

There you go, you started to answer your own question.

Then take those and all the other bands mentioned in this thread since your post and multiply EACH by, say, 15. That number alone is how many promos we got over the last 24 months that pretty much replicate the sound.

You're talking about one of THE most derivative styles of metal today, especially if you include this style as a subset of "basement black metal".

Here are three bands to set you on your way from the get-go:


And Mark took my ASGUARD promo, but he mentioned that one already. Otherwise, search google, there are a million out there (not including self releases and demos).
JayKeeley said:
There you go, you started to answer your own question.

Then take those and all the other bands mentioned in this thread since your post and multiply EACH by, say, 15. That number alone is how many promos we got over the last 24 months that pretty much replicate the sound.

You're talking about one of THE most derivative styles of metal today, especially if you include this style as a subset of "basement black metal".

Here are three bands to set you on your way from the get-go:


And Mark took my ASGUARD promo, but he mentioned that one already. Otherwise, search google, there are a million out there (not including self releases and demos).

[cough] Minus the Dissection & Naglfar thing [/cough]

Actually, and minus The Crown, since they're not even remotely symphonic, or black metal.
Yeah, true, but it's all a variation of a theme after a while. I mean, you need to get REALLY nitpicky to start "dissecting" the sub-sub-genres.

What was it Travis Bickle said?

Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets
I would entirely agree with that, except that mixing up symphonic black metal and black/death is way off. JayK, you can't tell me that Dissection and say, Dimmu Borgir share many similarities.

I mean, if that's the case, we might as well just go with "clean vocals" and "extreme vocals." Hmmm, maybe that's not a bad idea... ;)
MadeInNewJersey said:
I would entirely agree with that, except that mixing up symphonic black metal and black/death is way off. JayK, you can't tell me that Dissection and say, Dimmu Borgir share many similarities.

Sure sure, but you're talking about the originators. If you took all the clones/branches/offshoots that came about from those types of melodic "extreme" metal bands, they start to blur on only the 2nd or 3rd generation.

Chronologically speaking, we're probably on about the 10th generation of clones today. Just imagine how many must exist.
JayKeeley said:
You're talking about one of THE most derivative styles of metal today...
This can also be said of the following Metal sub-genres:

Death, Melodic Death, Brutal Death, Black, Power, Prog, Math, Viking, Doom, Avant Garde, etc. etc. etc.

I'm not aware of any genre/style that doesn't have a 1,000 bands performing it. In the end, it comes down to three factors:

1. Do you like the style/genre?
2. Does the band bring the goods in terms of consistently high song quality?
3. Does the band have an overall sound that resonates with you; singer, guitar tone, production, etc.?

There are very few bands who you can name, that if you started a thread entitled "If I like Band X, who else should I listen to?", that wouldn't generate plenty of responses.

What Zod said, is unfortunately true.

Hell, I'm not so blind as to not realize that *most* of the viking-styled metal I listen to (and love) comes from only a handful of bands. There really isn't all that much truly original music that comes out anymore. It's all about what you DO with the style to create the end result IMO.

That being said, symphonic overpolished, super-produced "black" metal is still poop. :D
General Zod said:
This can also be said of the following Metal sub-genres:

Death, Melodic Death, Brutal Death, Black, Power, Prog, Math, Viking, Doom, Avant Garde, etc. etc. etc.

Actually I was specifically speaking about "BLACK" metal (if not in ideology then sound). While the others all have derivative offshoots, there is nowhere near that amount in the world of BM.

Remember that a "basement BM" self release would be considered just as worthy as a label release because the production quality will hardly differ.

And then there are thousands upon thousands of demos (either 7" or tape).
Well again, unless OMC took a drastic directional change with this new album, they and Naglfar are nothing alike, so I don't get the comparisons.

And when you say "older stuff," are you meaning the past couple albums, or their very early stuff? Because their earliest stuff is pretty decent, at least "Pagan Prosperity" is.
and by my naglfar comparison... something in OMC reminds me of the older naglfar albums. But like... the poor man's version.

Nothing like pariah though.
*shrug* dunno. And I don't have access to my music collection while I'm home for the holidays so, i can't listen and tell you what it is. But i'm going to go eat some breakfast now