Any Night Ranger fans here?

I saw them years ago when they played Six Flags Over Georgia, as a park employee. One of the best perks I ever got from my first-ever job. :) As I hazily recall, wasn't the drummer also the lead or primary singer? I remember thinking "Woah, THAT's not something you see every day...."
I saw them years ago when they played Six Flags Over Georgia, as a park employee. One of the best perks I ever got from my first-ever job. :) As I hazily recall, wasn't the drummer also the lead or primary singer? I remember thinking "Woah, THAT's not something you see every day...."
Yes Kelly (the drummer) and Jack Blades (bass player) both sang lead vocals for the band.
...if so, has anyone heard their new one? I haven't, so I'm curious to see how it measures up against their old stuff.


I loved the first three releases. However, I picked up "Seven" a while back and ended up donating it to someone having a garage sale. I almost NEVER give away CDs, so that's saying something...
I've been a fan forever. "Sister Christian" - that song is still just as awesome today as it was the first time I heard it. Have wanted to do a heavier version of it for a lonnnng time. :) Ditto on the thanks for posting!

never could stand that song. The popularity of that song I feel made the band go into a much lighter direction....:erk:
Well Keagy wrote Sister Christian about his sister

of course it HITS on the radio and the recrod company goes after them for more 'radio' friendly hit-type stuff

we've all seen it many time before

They tried going back to rougher edged stuff on Man in Motion - but that's right about when the music industry started that change towards newer acts and downplaying the hard rock/metal acts we grew up on.....
They tried going back to rougher edged stuff on Man in Motion - but that's right about when the music industry started that change towards newer acts and downplaying the hard rock/metal acts we grew up on.....

Man in Motion was 1988. Night Ranger should have had no trouble scoring hits with that CD.

The problem with Man in Motion was the same problem with all of their songs. Although there was a radio friendly feel to them, no one song except Sister Christian had that "hit single" vibe. Man in Motion was a great album, but I can't point to any one song that would have been a great single.
They tried going back to rougher edged stuff on Man in Motion - but that's right about when the music industry started that change towards newer acts and downplaying the hard rock/metal acts we grew up on.....

Man in Motion was 1988. Night Ranger should have had no trouble scoring hits with that CD.

The problem with Man in Motion was the same problem with all of their songs. Although there was a radio friendly feel to them, no one song except Sister Christian had that "hit single" vibe. Man in Motion was a great album, but I can't point to any one song that would have been a great single.

Sentimental Street got good radio play (made top ten) - same for Still Rock in America which was anything but a ballad

When you Close your Eyes made #14 on Billboard (S. Christian was #5)

I was not saying they should have had serious 'radio hits' off that CD (Man/Motion) - I am saying that things were really starting to change with what record companies were standing behind the Cocktail soundtrack was really big - stuff like that was what was being heavily supported

I actually didn't want them to have radio hits and just put out a solid record which I believe they did - only problem is, the company only cares about how many copies you sell...............
Nothing against the night ranger, but i dont particularly care for them.
Just wondering if anyone has seen the
"FOUR IN THE MORNING" video on you tube about should check it out lol
The guitars are much more prominent for the most part on this record compared to the last couple. Still not up to the first 2 records they did, but for sure a step in the right direction.