Any particular reason Labyrinth....

Labyrinth did get a little lighter in their sound but it is by no means a detriment. I think Freeman was an album that showed them stepping out of the chodish Italian Power Metal mold (the mold they helped create too). Instead of purple frilly shirts and bare chested promo pics we got some introspective lyrics and great melodies. Don't get me wrong though, I like Labyrinth alot, going even back into the No Limits days. I still think they are a relevant band to be considered for Prog Power.
Whoah! Whoah whoah WHOOOOAAAHHH... I'll disagree with that portion, because they are still fantastically talented musicians. I just don't like the musical direction and songwriting they're taking. Those boys can still whail if they chose to. They're just not choosing to. Don't wanna get THAT part of my opinion misconstrued.

The songs from the post-Thorsen Labyrinth aren't as good as the songs on their first three cds. Sure, the members of Labytinth have got oodles of talent, but what good is talent if it is used to create less-than-inspired music? Their recent songs are lacking something...I think that Labyrinth's better days are gone and as such the material they play would be easily topped by similar Italian bands with more dynamic and meaningful songs *cough cough* VISION DIVINE *cough cough* VISION DIVINE. Excuse me.
I for one have enjoyed the direction Labyrinth has gone. But, I'm more prog oriented than power. The new stuff is still well thought out, multi layered, polyrhythmic, etc. Just going at a different angle than earlier material. Freeman was refreshing to hear from these guys instead of a rehashing of speedy rhythms w/obligatory double kick drums. This change up shows their versatility if nothing else...which should make for an interesting live show.
Freeman was an incredible album... lots of people hate it when a band changes direction dramatically, and that's the ONLY reason why Freeman gets so much flack.